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Posts posted by TigerTedd

  1. 6 hours ago, Carl Sagan said:

    @David Fair enough and I understand that. I could never leave the beauty and utter simplicity of my touchscreen Windows laptop for the bizarre and terrible touchstrip at the back of the keyboard of the MacBook Pro. But each to their own.

    I have a friend who thinks my MacBook Pro is crap cos it doesn't have a touch screen, and can't understand why it doesn't. 

    At my work the two girls their both have touch screen lenovos, and both have asked me to turn the touch screen off, cos it's nothing but trouble.

    i asked in the Apple shop why Apple would never do a touch screen  they are, after all, the innovators of the modern touch experience, seems like it would be something they're all over. But it's just not natural. You don't poke and prod your tv screen (unless you're a two year old with sticky fingers). And any lap top doesn't have the support behind the screen, so it ends up flapping and wobbling about when you're prodding away at it.

    A very good touch pad is so much better. Means your hands never have to leave the keyboard area.

    ill admit though, I'm still getting used to the touch bar, and there's been occasions where I've pressed send on an email before I'm ready. But I'm getting there, there's quite a few things I use it for now.

    i find that most people who dislike Apple have never actually used it. They are too set in the windows / android mindset, and think the transition would be too difficult. That was me about 7 years ago. I refused to buy my wife an iPod because wouldn't touch Apple with a barge pole. As soon as I took the plunge and made the change, though, I would absolutely never go back.

    we have done Windows pcs in my office. Downloading update 34 of 5906 is still very much a thing. Delayed the opening time of my clinic by about half an hour the other day. There's two or three bits of third party software that open automatically that I don't understand what they are, or what they do, but they give me error messages. Just have to cancel them. No idea what they add to the experience. And that was fresh out of the box.

    and paying s subscriptions for for office 365. What's that all about? People say Apple is expensive, but you get their office suite for free, and annual updates of all the software for free, and the kit lasts longer, with far higher build quality. So actually, after you've owned it for 5 years, and it's still going strong, it's starts to become pretty good value.

    The girls in the office are looking to replace their lenovos after 1.5 years, because the 3rd party software has just clogged them up so much. There emails never work, their internet never works. Everything just works on mine  open the lid, and off I go.



  2. 5 hours ago, David said:

    Slightly off topic. Really liking the new control centre, wasn't a huge fan of iOS 10 swipe up then across.

    Even customisable which is blatant Android copying 


    With the one on the right though, doesn't that just eventually become another home screen? I do get it, but it seems like one step away to 'access to all your favourite apps'. We'll all my favourite apps are on the home screen, so what's the point. 

    Apple have been really bad widgets like android. But they're getting there with this, as well as the widgets you can have in the notification bit (swipe down and right). 

    Im not too sure about that. Trying to copy android a bit too much, and loosing a bit of its appleness. There's almost too much going on now. Swipe right from the home screen and I get a bunch of stuff, swipe down and I get a bunch more, swipe right again, and there's yet more, swipe up and there's all these thins, and that's before I've swiped left to reveal another two pages of apps. 

  3. 3 hours ago, LesterRam said:

    you taking the piss?

    No, technology is moving forward at an exponential rate. The amount of money that companies like google and Apple are making are allowing them to invest in r&d projects that would otherwise seem frivolous. 

    Do you think google would've invested in photographing every street in the world, and then giving it away for free, if they weren't making silly money elsewhere. If not for that sort of investment, we'd all still be deciding between multiway, street map, or the rac route finder. 

    Its like the tv licence. We moan about it, but people pay for it and it funds all sorts of useful things that the BBC do. We might not benefit from all of them, but when someone in Uzbekistan checks the march report on the BBC website, our licence pounds have paid for that.

    The fact you have a Samsung edge 8 or whatever, stems from some geek buying an Apple Lisa back in the day, Apple getting a shitload of money, and then being able to invest in projects like iPod, and eventually iPhone, which every other company could then take that idea and run with it. Maybe the Samsung phone is better now, but the modern smartphone owes everything to those original Mac users.

  4. On the ethical side of things, and the massive mark up. 

    This is what gives Apple more money than god. But it is also what has been able to fuel the massive technological advancements we've seen in recent times. 

    I run a business. If I said Timmy business partner, let's invest in a new set of curtains, he's like 'how does that make us more money.' It's only a small business, every penny counts. I keep dreaming of the day when we're making so much profit I can just go, 'yeah, why not, I'll get those curtains, and I'll get the best Ines too.'

    Apple are in that sort of position. Let's invest a billion on developing Siri. Will it make us a billion? Not straight away. In fact, if they didn't do it, people would still buy iPhones, so arguably it doesn't make them any extra money. But it gets the competition to sit up and think, we ought to be doing that too, and the whole industry moved on. 

    The more money they make, the more the can invest in new things. They don't have to, they would still make boat loads of money. 

    Lets invest a billion into self driving cars. Why not? They've got the money. But it won't necessarily make them as much as they're going to invest in it. 

    Thats the beautiful thing though. Money makes money. They can invest a billion into an r&d project like that, which might eventually come up with the next huge tech revolution, and make them a trillion.

    but people will still get on at thema bout how much money they make. They're almost at a point now where they can't help it. They keep reinvesting, and doubling it, but at the same time moving the human race forward. 

    Thats got to be a good thing hasn't it?

  5. 10 hours ago, McRamFan said:

    Makes no odds, Android will be the biggest operation system, apple way to slow to keep up, has too many hurdles, too many issues.

    Android has issues, issues that rise from demand. apple just refuse, put barriers up for apps.

    It's quite impressive how you can type the exact opposite of reality and sound so serious about it. King of dead pan. 

    Let me try:

    up is down, left is right, forest are the best team in the... nope, couldn't do it without smiling. 

  6. I used to be massively anti-apple. My wife wanted an iPod, and I didn't let her. I spent ages researching a 'superior' Samsung device. 

    I thought that once I bought one Apple product, I'd be trapped forever, and I thought I valued choice over having the coolest stuff. 

    I was also terrified about learning a whole new os, as I used to be quite the Windows nerd, and felt I would be a total dunce in a Mac OS.

    However, I eventually relented and got a MacBook, closely followed by iPhones and everything else. I was right, once I'd got one thing I was trapped in the ecosystem. 

    But i love it. I haven't got time these days to research all the latest, greatest phones. I have faith the iPhone is at the top of the tree, or thereabouts, so what more could I possibly want. I see adverts saying the pixel has the best camera money can buy. Well I still remember when a 2mp camera was an incredible innovation with crystal clear images. So I'm quite happy with the camera on my iPhone. Don't even know or care how many mp it is now. It's more than 5mp, that's all I care about. 

    Its so freeing having no choice. I need a new phone, I see what the latest Apple phone is. All I have then is the agonising decision over which colour to have. It means I don't have to pour over review websites looking for the best of the rest. Like I did when I found that Samsung MP3 player. Spent ages looking for it, and it was good, but it was relevant for about 6 months before Apple brought something way better out. 

    Mans what's this about apple not innovating. Didn't they invent the format that everyone now copies in the form of the original iPhone?

    im really looking forward to the next announcement, because I think they know the competition is catching them up and overtaking them. I think they've been saving all their best stuff for the 10 year anniversary of the iPhone. Something special is coming. 

  7. 48 minutes ago, David said:

    Don't tell them I've got one of those as well! 'Kin ell, I already look unethical as it is

    It's alright David, I'll throw myself in front of that bullet. 

    In my house hold we have:

    1x Apple iPad 2,

    1x Apple iPad Air 2

    1x Apple iPad Mini 3

    1x Apple iPod nano

    2x Apple MacBook air

    1x Apple 21" thunderbolt screen

    1x Apple time capsule

    2x Apple iPhone 6s

    2x Apple Watch series 2

    1x Apple MacBook Pro with touchbar 

    I think I single handedly put Mr. Applewhite's kids through college.

    Take my money Apple, I am yours  

  8. Tattoo on the sole of my foot saying 'made in England'. 

    I keep being tempted by the idea of a Rams logo on my calf (classic), but somehow buying food for my children always seems to take priority. Funny how priorities change as you get older. 

    Now the family is compete though, I keep trying to think of a good way to incorporate my kids into a tattoo.

    Dont regret any of mine though, they all mark a moment in time, a state of mind, a life event or whatever. 

  9. I know nothing about boxing. Having said that I have three points:

    Mayweather seems like the human personification of Chelsea. Flash the money, work the media, play the mind games, park the bus, unstoppable, relentless, but not particularly exciting. 

    Main sure when Ali first said he was the greatest people if the time were thinking 'how disrespectful to whoever was classed as the greatest before him'. Someone will knock him off his pedestal one day (in the noat respectful possible way), why can't Mayweather claim to be that person? 

    The argument is academic. Rocky was and always will be the best ever!

  10. I remember my nanna knocking on the glass at twycross, until the silverback charged at her and she about shat herself.

    They're scary tickets when they get riled up.

    What was cool though was that a baby and mother were sat in a tree, but the baby fell out of a tree and ino a bit if a fully while we were there. They're tough buggers, so it wasn't hurt, but it was stuck. The family all got together to form a rescue party. It was fascinating to watch. They ripped a branch off a tree and stripped it down to make a pole, and hooked the baby out, while the mother was getting anxious.

    You don't see that in a zoo. An it showed just how human they are.

    A year later I heard those gorillas were killed by terrorists from the Democratic Republic of Congo. There you go, a nice depressing thought in time for your tea.

  11. And because there seem to be a lot of bird lovers on this thread. I don't actually know what this one is, perhaps someone can enlighten me:


    "https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/t1.0-9/321_537404153358_3413_n" alt="321_537404153358_3413_n">


    And this one is a Condor. Very cool birds, but pretty ugly up close, like a huge turkey.


    "https://scontent-a-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/t1.0-9/321_537403913838_9119_n" alt="321_537403913838_9119_n">


    "https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/t1.0-9/321_537403868928_6503_n" alt="321_537403868928_6503_n">


    Okay, I'm done now. I really should go and get my breakfast. I might do this again one day though. I've got more where this came from.

  12. Sorry if I'm monopolising the thread, allow me to indulge myself for a moment, I've found a rich vein of cool photos and I'm remeniscing.

    "https://scontent-a-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn2/t1.0-9/377_543356365078_2756_n" alt="377_543356365078_2756_n">


    This is me with a Tiger in Thailand. Not strictly speaking wild, but not particularly tame either.


    And before you cry mistreatment, this is at the tiger temple where Buddhist monks look after orphaned tigers, and raise money for their upkeep by letting people come and see them. They're not drugged, just naturally drowsy during the day.

  13. "https://scontent-b-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/t1.0-9/172_518936772138_7142_n" alt="172_518936772138_7142_n">


    This is the great white shark I swam with off the coast of South Africa.


    This isn't me, but it's one of the girls I was with. That's the cage that was all that was between us and the sharks. They really are big buggers.


    "https://scontent-a-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc1/t1.0-9/172_518936762158_6524_n" alt="172_518936762158_6524_n">

  14. "https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/t1.0-9/134_514268696998_5430_n" alt="134_514268696998_5430_n">


    This is the world's worst photograph. But that is me with a wild mountain Gorilla in the jungle in Uganda. That patch of black fur in the background is the gorilla.


    This is a much better photo from someone who was with me with a much better camera, but the one above is the only proof I haven't just googled these photos.

    "https://scontent-a-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc3/t1.0-9/166_518935010668_1644_n" alt="166_518935010668_1644_n">


    Of course I've just realised that no one here knows what I look like, so I could have Googled the first photo too. We'll never know.

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