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Posts posted by TigerTedd

  1. 48 minutes ago, David said:

    Don't tell them I've got one of those as well! 'Kin ell, I already look unethical as it is

    It's alright David, I'll throw myself in front of that bullet. 

    In my house hold we have:

    1x Apple iPad 2,

    1x Apple iPad Air 2

    1x Apple iPad Mini 3

    1x Apple iPod nano

    2x Apple MacBook air

    1x Apple 21" thunderbolt screen

    1x Apple time capsule

    2x Apple iPhone 6s

    2x Apple Watch series 2

    1x Apple MacBook Pro with touchbar 

    I think I single handedly put Mr. Applewhite's kids through college.

    Take my money Apple, I am yours  

  2. Tattoo on the sole of my foot saying 'made in England'. 

    I keep being tempted by the idea of a Rams logo on my calf (classic), but somehow buying food for my children always seems to take priority. Funny how priorities change as you get older. 

    Now the family is compete though, I keep trying to think of a good way to incorporate my kids into a tattoo.

    Dont regret any of mine though, they all mark a moment in time, a state of mind, a life event or whatever. 

  3. I know nothing about boxing. Having said that I have three points:

    Mayweather seems like the human personification of Chelsea. Flash the money, work the media, play the mind games, park the bus, unstoppable, relentless, but not particularly exciting. 

    Main sure when Ali first said he was the greatest people if the time were thinking 'how disrespectful to whoever was classed as the greatest before him'. Someone will knock him off his pedestal one day (in the noat respectful possible way), why can't Mayweather claim to be that person? 

    The argument is academic. Rocky was and always will be the best ever!

  4. I remember my nanna knocking on the glass at twycross, until the silverback charged at her and she about shat herself.

    They're scary tickets when they get riled up.

    What was cool though was that a baby and mother were sat in a tree, but the baby fell out of a tree and ino a bit if a fully while we were there. They're tough buggers, so it wasn't hurt, but it was stuck. The family all got together to form a rescue party. It was fascinating to watch. They ripped a branch off a tree and stripped it down to make a pole, and hooked the baby out, while the mother was getting anxious.

    You don't see that in a zoo. An it showed just how human they are.

    A year later I heard those gorillas were killed by terrorists from the Democratic Republic of Congo. There you go, a nice depressing thought in time for your tea.

  5. And because there seem to be a lot of bird lovers on this thread. I don't actually know what this one is, perhaps someone can enlighten me:


    "https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/t1.0-9/321_537404153358_3413_n" alt="321_537404153358_3413_n">


    And this one is a Condor. Very cool birds, but pretty ugly up close, like a huge turkey.


    "https://scontent-a-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/t1.0-9/321_537403913838_9119_n" alt="321_537403913838_9119_n">


    "https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/t1.0-9/321_537403868928_6503_n" alt="321_537403868928_6503_n">


    Okay, I'm done now. I really should go and get my breakfast. I might do this again one day though. I've got more where this came from.

  6. Sorry if I'm monopolising the thread, allow me to indulge myself for a moment, I've found a rich vein of cool photos and I'm remeniscing.

    "https://scontent-a-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn2/t1.0-9/377_543356365078_2756_n" alt="377_543356365078_2756_n">


    This is me with a Tiger in Thailand. Not strictly speaking wild, but not particularly tame either.


    And before you cry mistreatment, this is at the tiger temple where Buddhist monks look after orphaned tigers, and raise money for their upkeep by letting people come and see them. They're not drugged, just naturally drowsy during the day.

  7. "https://scontent-b-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/t1.0-9/172_518936772138_7142_n" alt="172_518936772138_7142_n">


    This is the great white shark I swam with off the coast of South Africa.


    This isn't me, but it's one of the girls I was with. That's the cage that was all that was between us and the sharks. They really are big buggers.


    "https://scontent-a-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc1/t1.0-9/172_518936762158_6524_n" alt="172_518936762158_6524_n">

  8. "https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/t1.0-9/134_514268696998_5430_n" alt="134_514268696998_5430_n">


    This is the world's worst photograph. But that is me with a wild mountain Gorilla in the jungle in Uganda. That patch of black fur in the background is the gorilla.


    This is a much better photo from someone who was with me with a much better camera, but the one above is the only proof I haven't just googled these photos.

    "https://scontent-a-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc3/t1.0-9/166_518935010668_1644_n" alt="166_518935010668_1644_n">


    Of course I've just realised that no one here knows what I look like, so I could have Googled the first photo too. We'll never know.

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