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Posts posted by froggg

  1. 1 hour ago, Bwash_Ram said:


    Nice tv looks about a 65 ,  shame its so high up the wall and so far away.  I sit about 9 feet (and head height) from mine and its awesome. Are they Kef Q's i see either side?


    I pull the sofa forward to about six foot away,

    but have just ordered two stressless rocking and swivel chairs for the ultimate in lazy comfortable sport watching. 

    Yes Kef Q's (£50) second hand ?

  2. 11 hours ago, Moist One said:

    sad news today that the lead singer of Linkin Park, Chester Bennington, at age 41, took his own life. Whilst I don't consider myself a fan of them as a whole, I was proper into a couple of their songs, but that is by-the-by.

    I hope all those that have contributed, and those that haven't felt comfortable enough to yet post on this thread are doing well mentally.

    Remember, it's okay and normal to have feelings that go against what you're supposed to feel. Please talk to someone, anyone, even if it hurts! It's gonna hurt you a lot less to open up, than it would hurt your loved ones if you made a decision as drastic as Chester Bennington has.

    I'll put this here, my (cyber) friend drew it, he's a cartoonist:-


    Spot on Moist one.

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