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Van der MoodHoover

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Everything posted by Van der MoodHoover

  1. I think Mr popadpolous will be on soon to accuse DCFC of vastly inflating Max's sale value through some accounting trickery.......
  2. Judging by some of the old jollop we got last summer, should have kept hold of the purse strings then as well.....
  3. That's the spirit! One more go at recruiting for a back 3. Warne works hard, the recruitment team all pull together. DC smashes open his post office piggy bank and we finally reveal.... Phil jagielka, Matt Clarke and the ghost of Bobby Moore...... Roll on those long summer days.....😉
  4. Last time CKR was a kind of mentor for the young kids. He'll be able to reprise that role with the early 30-somethings....
  5. I cannot begin to comprehend why.....
  6. They play in the Western League Division One......would hope for a bit higher for Birdy tbh...... https://www.wellscityfc.org.uk/
  7. Ah, but we've met (albeit virtually), s you know it's just a big load of old front. And underneath....
  8. Is everything going terribly well..... ....or just terribly?
  9. I read that BBC had coverage of 10 matches, but I don't know which ones.
  10. Come on Curtains....you don't believe Warne picks his side based on likely fan reaction? That's preposterous...... For a start, he'd never be able to please everyone,so he may as well please himself 😉
  11. Could be either. But with losses of what, 7m so far and counting, I wonder how much on top of that David clowes is prepared to put up in the event that the EFL withdrew any/all restrictions? We're losing a lot whilst a number of voices are saying we can't pay fees....
  12. The financial results posted elsewhere suggest investment is being made, but don't show in what. The alternative, that those losses are operational hardly point to sustainabllity. David clowes is also regarded as a shrewd businessman and putting those pieces together suggests solid foundations. Each piece has to deliver though. The recruitment has underwhelmed so far. The academy is not likely to punch it's weight without commitment to showcase the players in the first team to attract offers or identify solutions for our team. Needs all the pieces pulling in the same direction. Not convinced that they are atm
  13. Now that looks like a decent side with some potential. If they get some decent tactics to work with.
  14. Indeed. And how did Jedward end up in goal? Is it that nobody can chip them cos of the barnets?
  15. I'd just assumed he's refused to sign a new contract so runs his old one out. He's played for the first team for 5 years or so.... therefore I didn't think that a tribunal would be involved. But like you, I'm not 100% on all of that.
  16. My personal view is that any EFL restrictions are not materially more onerous than the budgets David clowes is prepared to fund anyway. But we'll see in the summer....
  17. Yep....good to see the underdogs giving it a right go in South Wales as well before eventually coming out on top with a couple of late goals....
  18. Heck of an achievement having only been brought off the bench in the 87th minute.....
  19. Then the fans could crowd fund a statue by flogging all the hubcaps they've nicked down the years...... #outrageousscouseracism
  20. Thread was started after 18 points in 12 games. So it looks like 1.5 ppg represents the "threshold of doom" for some folks. All depends of course where you take your slice.....using 2024 games we have 10 points from 6 games, so just above the threshold of doom. But people are extrapolating forwards and predicting further decline so boots are being stuck in early. Will they turn out to be prescient?
  21. Was a decent stat nonetheless. The team certainly aren't no-hopers. But is Warney making them greater or lesser than the sum of their parts?
  22. Memories.....cocu season 1 I think correlated with the arrival of Rooney who lifted us in terms of performances after December. Then in season 2 of cocu, Rooney turned up after holidays about 2 stone overweight and cocu started him every game leading to febrile speculation on here that..... - Rooney had a clause in his contract saying he must play - Rooney was angling for the managers job. That's how I recall things....
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