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Van der MoodHoover

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Everything posted by Van der MoodHoover

  1. It's all gone to pot since you've been unavailable for thread starting duties. Please, no serbacks between now and the next match.......
  2. Hang on, have you got roymac on "stalk"?
  3. Nah, agent Curtis will bag us a couple of ogs......
  4. Well, certainly looks unsustainable with a team whose average age is 30+ Everyone looks knackered.....
  5. He's more like one of the goal posts....
  6. How are you doing young Fruity? still laying waste to the great plains?
  7. Senegal vs Cote divoire looks potentially tasty. Do you think they're getting much cash from grounds being 10% full? And I hope the BBC haven't spaffed a load of cash for some limited rights......
  8. Caught a few highlights earlier and there was a match covered by BBC 3... Zambia vs Morocco. But what a poor looking tournament. Reminded me of a world cup c 1982. Sparse crowds, low excitement, cagey football. Then I saw that it's held every 2 years, not 4. Why is that?
  9. I think agent Curtis is more of a goal threat than Max atm.....
  10. Looked like the team had been on the pop last night......
  11. He did look lost when he came on. Didn't seem to know where he was supposed to be standing. Where's the team pressing gone, when we hunted in packs? We currently seem to be a collection of individuals trying things in ones......
  12. I think - a bit like voters in general - the vast majority of us are somewhere in the middle, not at the extremes.... either positive or negative. Last night saw things that have worked suddenly not working. Cashin booting a diagonal way over Kane Wilson's head whereas the other week he tried the same pass and dropped it on the spare player's toes. It was bad.....but I don't think all of that can be on Warne. And he did make changes with plenty of time - another area I've been critical of him over. The performance didn't improve but hey ho... Well done for being a continued stalwart Angie.
  13. Been saying exactly this for a while so I absolutely agree. Results achieved are obviously what will determine our end position in the table. But when you're achieving results well in excess of performance levels you have a sustainabllity concern. The hope for many I think was that good results would increase confidence, leading to better performances and hence better results..... But the alternative of performances NOT improving and results regressing was always possible.....
  14. There's less than a quarter of the window left. Sounds like not much more will change with the squad.
  15. Van der Predicto is taking his (crystal) ball home in a sulk. 4 points max available now from what looked like such a momentum building set of fixtures. That's not playoff form. Injuries starting to pile up as well just as the window closes so we can't do anything about it which adds to the frustration.
  16. Yes. Did it a couple of times I thought. Very poor, looking too slow to move ball on.
  17. Judging by a number of comments, we have a massive end........he wears a bobble hat....😉
  18. Is our fitness fading? A few weeks ago many comments indicate that we seemed fitter than last season, better pressing, outlasting the opposition as evidenced by the number of late goals we were scoring. No press this evening. Didn't outlast Reading who honestly looked more likely to get a 2nd than we did to equalise. No efforts on target, never mind 0 goals.....
  19. Let's take the positives..... @Boycies sacked........😉
  20. Saw very little evidence of that tonight. Max Bird did some particularly cowardly putting the ball back to the passer rather than looking to turn and drive ....
  21. That was my beer money this week spent on RamsTV Now it looks like TJJ is crocked
  22. A shot! Wide....... Quite good move between elder and computer based training tho....
  23. We don't look likely here. Not sustaining any play. Oh, but here comes the cavalry.....
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