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Posts posted by LN747

  1. Whilst perusing the isle's of Long Eaton Te*co super-marche i have noted they are selling biscuit type things with Notts Florist paraphernalia iced on them AND waving good luck banners around - sickening

    This is disgusting on several levels

    1 - Long Eaton is a Derbyshire Town - what  does te*sco think its doing - they never did this for Derby - are they so ignorant that they don't realise they are in Derbyshire

    2- It's just not on

    3- i vow never to shop in tes*o again

    4- attempting to brainwash Derbyshire kids via novelty biscuit fun is typical Notts behaviour

    On the subject of biscuits - whats your favourite to take to the big game? Mine would be jammy dodger , lemon puffs and strawberry cream(a rare but unbelievable biscuit)

  2. im 48 and the 3rd division promotion straight through to the 1st division were amazing years- 3rd div was great fun as an 11 year old Rotheram promotion night was unbelievable as was the sheff utd away day in the 2nd division...good times and now looking forward to winning a few games and taking some 80s food stuffs into grounds to remince about old times...crack open the volouvants and savoury pankakes....

  3. Good idea - can't say i've ever heard one of their pop tunes but if it can lure a load of middle aged women and children in to prode park at 30 quid a time , times x 20000 by my moths that 640.000 quid in the bink. 

    But who do they other mimbers of the band support? Wasn't one a boro fan?

  4. On 17/01/2022 at 22:11, Rev said:

    The time has come for drastic action.

    I think one of us has to go to EFL HQ, and do something so dramatic that the world will sit up and take note.

    My choice would be setting themselves on fire, in front of the waiting cameras.

    I'd do it myself, but the headlines would no doubt be 'Rick Parry saves homeless man engulfed in fireball by patting flames out with updated copy of EFL rulebook'.

    It needs a big name, any volunteers? 

    I'd think the forum George Clooney lookalike doing so would create a big enough stir, even setting fire to his armchair before briefly sitting in it would do, anything to get the message heard.

    C'mon @i-Ram, step up and be counted! 

    Obviously you could do it at the London office, wouldn't want you to struggle bringing the chair up North on our rail network.

    Nice idea but how about something more Derbiados related ~ eg find a real life ram strap it to an office chair with a copy of “bye bye baseball ground “ and eject it up though the offices window ~ hopefully when it lands on PArrys desk it passes wind in his tea and leads to confusion for him

    i think setting fires is a bit over the top and far fetched and might turn the football community against us

  5. Do we need a massive march soon?  The reason I say is that My brother messaged me today to ask if I was going to Birmingham game and march ~ I said maybe but we are going to Huddersfield and Boro away so can’t do all the games! He then said it may be our last game ~ this hit me like a ton of bricks and got me thinking...

    Do we need a march this weekend after the Forest game , maybe on Sunday as looking at the way the EFL have stitched us up with Boro from today’s revelations the march may be useless and too late

    Thoughts about marches this weekend from the movers and shakers in the fan base...we need to do something in big numbers soon to get on the national news

  6. Did anyone else notice on talksprat notice when Jim White mentioned that there had been nothing heard from MM that Simon Jordan quickly interjected - "well nobody's wants to hear from him anyway" or words to that effect!!!

    Err yes we do actually Simon - we want to hear this mans excuses!

    I'm wondering if they are comcunicating with each other as i know they often spoke on taklsport and Simon was always singing his praises.

    Just sounded fishy to me the way he said it if you go and have a loisten back


  7. i'll be Singing this on Saturday at the Trent stadium to the tune of "come by arghh me lord "

    Come by arghh me Rams come by arghhhh, come by argghhhh me rams come by arghhhhh, come by argghhhh me rams come by arggghhhh ohhhh Wayne come by arggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    Cant think of a 2nd verse yet but i'm sure i'll come up with another after a few Ovaltines tonight.


  8. I have to agree , working with young people it is a new insult that they don’t see the same way as us older generation do - I think they use nonce etc as it’s one of the few words the think they are allowed to say without fear of arrest 

    it’s a stupid chant but is used by various clubs not just Derby - it’s nothing to do with his child 

    The best way of dealing with these insults Is ignoring , laughing at or rolling with them - as soon as you react they’ve got you - I though Billy would be able to do one of these but obviously unaware of the new nuances in insulting language used by kids these days - language does change from generation to generation - I don’t swear but the way the F and C word is used by footballers in particular shows this - disgusting words but it’s ok they don’t mind them but other words they don’t use is a no no - I’m sure it will change again in 10 years 

  9. 17 minutes ago, kingsy1884 said:

    If he goes to Everton I will bare no grudge he has been through the worst of times. 

    He is the mortar holding this fortress together though. If he goes the walls will come crumbling down. Any more resistance will be finished. 

    Agreed , it’s almost time…☹️

  10. On 14/01/2022 at 09:59, therealhantsram said:

    I didn't think there was ever any issue taking food and drink into the ground. I've always seen the old folks with their flasks of tea.

    I've taken in sandwiches myself when it's been a 5.30 kick-off for TV. Never an issue so far as I know.

    Try walking through the turnstiles with a keiche or pavlova- you’ll soon get picked out - especially on away days - cor it can get hairy - unless I just have that suspicious look ?

  11. I worry about us slipping into obscurity should Wayney end up either being forced to leave or the more lickly, mauving to Everton 

    As soon as the WR man is gone sky will drop any remote interest in us ( no pun intended) , and if we end up in L1 , they’ll be even less interoisted in us - at least if we hid Wayno then we’d probably get most sky games and continued interest 

    Coupled with this we’d be loising a good manager and leader - yes I know we were fed uup of being called Frank Cocuus Wayne’s Derby, but it did keep the spootlight on us .

    maybe it would be a good thing to get an Ian Holloway type low brow manager but I fear if Roon goes then our squad will fall apart too - he’s bound to be a big draw for players , imagine having s choice between Derby with Wayne or Bolton in L1 if we were after a leading L2 goal scorer to bulster the attick- you’d want to sign for Rooney every time 

    Perhops the solution will be to raise up Curtis along side our Liam ? 

    Ease my worry fear laddened head….☹️??

  12. Today I knew it was going to be a red hot atmos as we say at the local prayer meeting - I was feeling all 80s due the maxwell parallels so I took some loose crisps of various flavours in a placcy bag - I focused on desserts today as I knew I need the energy from all our rowdy singing so took a slice of chrimbo cake , a slice of baked Alaska and some pavlova - due to the messi nature of those puds I actually used some retro tuppawhere, the sort that smells very plasticity- anyway it obviously brought us good luck as Tommy went on his scoring spree not long after my final spoonful- up the rams 

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