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  1. Hmm... I don't have a TV licence so am not watching, but I have refreshed the Sky Sports page 3x during the first half and Germany have scored goal each time. My plan for the 2nd half... 😛
  2. If we ever get to see some sun this year, this hat actually isn't that bad 😛
  3. "When a group of tourists visited a crocodile farm, the owner of the place launched a bold proposal, "Whoever dares to jump, swim to the shore, and survive, I'll give you $1,000,000. No one dared to move. Suddenly, a man jumped into the water, and desperately swam, and made it to the shore, while being chased by all the crocodiles. The owner announced, "We have a brave winner!!" After the man collected his reward, he and his wife returned to the hotel. Upon arrival, the manager told him that he had been very brave to jump. To which the man replied, "I didn't jump, someone pushed me!" His wife smiled..... Moral - Behind every successful man, there's a woman who pushes him!
  4. I found this interesting, a bit nerdy at times but lots of other good info - for example, transferring large amounts of data from the ISS to Earth has been reduced from 5 days (!!!) to 45 seconds.
  5. Doesn't apply to my mother-in-law and we moved 4hrs away but she still turns up!
  6. Dunno what you're on about. That 'Edited just now by maxjam' was for a completely different typo.
  7. We had rats fairly regularly in the garden under the chicken shed at our old house. My wife insisted that we bought humane rat traps so we could drive to some fields in the middle of nowhere and release the rats. Worked well until the 4th or 5th time when, as I was driving around a corner, the cage door popped open and I tried not to crash the car as the rat escaped 😛 After that I just used rat poison. TBF we had about 20 chickens and a couple of dogs, if you put the bait in proper rodent bait boxes you shouldn't have a problem. As mentioned previously coat the poison in peanut butter and your problems will end pretty quickly.
  8. Just a bit of fun at Leeds expense. Geez.
  9. I'll just leave this here...
  10. 7th time lucky has a better ring to it imho. And I'm talking about their record in just the finals rather than the play-offs as a whole 😛
  11. The problem with England is that Harry Kane, great player that he is, is fated never to win a trophy... Other than the 'Curse of the Year' trophy!
  12. Its the hope that kills ya.
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