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What's happened to Saul Deeney

Gary Teale

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He was a good shot stopper but anything else he was avergae

He was a good shot stopper but anything else he was avergae

This phrase always puzzles me, isn't being a good shot stopper a pre requisite of being a goalkeeper at league level ? You wouldn't say of a plumber "He fits a good tap" 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/blink' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':blink:' />
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But given the number of goalkeepers we have on contract (with Matt Morch to join as a pro for next season), why didnt' he just get paid off early like so many others. Why are we still paying him ?

I read somewhere that contractually clubs had to fund the medical treatment of injured players until the end of, and in certain circumastances beyond, the end of a players original contract, even if that contract is terminated. So we would have to pay Deeney's medical bill anyway. As he's injured he wouldn't get another club, so there's no way he'd accept a pay off of anything less than his contract - so there is no financial advantage of releasing him early.

It is also possible that the club has some sort of deal or insurance where the medical bills of players are either cheaper than the full comercial private rate or covered in a 'block booking' type of arrangement. If Deeney was no longer a Derby player, but the club were responsible for his medical bills, it could end up costing the club even more.

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But given the number of goalkeepers we have on contract (with Matt Morch to join as a pro for next season), why didnt' he just get paid off early like so many others. Why are we still paying him ?

Does it matter if we keep him on the books or pay him off? He still collects his wages either way.

Commercially I guess paying him off is worse than leaving him to end his contract naturally, as the costs would presumably be reflected in one years' accounts whereas a contract that runs past one year may be spread over 2 or more.

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Does it matter if we keep him on the books or pay him off? He still collects his wages either way.

He is on far lower wages. NC will assess the variables re Fielding and Ledzins staying and Deeney's injury before deciding. It's likely he will go IMO

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He is on far lower wages. NC will assess the variables re Fielding and Ledzins staying and Deeney's injury before deciding. It's likely he will go IMO

I was referring to the "why are we still paying him" part - if we pay him off, we've still paid him. Just all in one year's accounts instead of across his contracted term.

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