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Chelsea Sack AVB


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Nothing wrong with the decision; he has a decent pedigree. More an indictment of the appalling behaviour of the senior players at Chelsea.

well yeah, that's sort of what i'm getting at. for CHELSEA it was a bad decision. none of the old guard would respect him due to being young and one of his helpers when mourinho was about. there's no doubt he is capable because of who he's worked with and what he did at porto. for most clubs he would have been brilliant, but with the £11m price tag and his history at the club it was always going to end in tears...

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well yeah, that's sort of what i'm getting at. for CHELSEA it was a bad decision. none of the old guard would respect him due to being young and one of his helpers when mourinho was about. there's no doubt he is capable because of who he's worked with and what he did at porto. for most clubs he would have been brilliant, but with the £11m price tag and his history at the club it was always going to end in tears...

I think they should have given him the time to shift out Lampard, Terry, Drogba et al and replace them. I am sure Abramovich would have had far more success with his team if he let someone manage long enough to make a difference.

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I think they should have given him the time to shift out Lampard, Terry, Drogba et al and replace them. I am sure Abramovich would have had far more success with his team if he let someone manage long enough to make a difference.

yeah he should have been given time but abramavich has enough money to win off short-term fixes rather than long term plans.

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He was aiming to go there and reduce the age of the squad, the players like Drogba, Terry and Lampard didn't like that, and this obviously inflicted upon the dressing room. Remins me slightly of what brian clough tried to do at leeds with getting rid of the older players (e.g. Drogba and Lampard) and trying to bleed new players in (e.g. Sturridge, Cahill and Romeu). Chelsea should of taken a 6th place finish this season and had a good summer sorting players out then having a better push next season. I think given time, AVB would of proved to have been a great manager.

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Whoever takes over has got to have a clear out and get their own team in. As long as the ageing clique are in place they are probably unmanageable; unless it is the 'chosen one'. Maybe he has been pulling the strings with the players behind the scenes ready for a return in Summer!!!

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Abramovich has done exactly his overpaid lazy players have wanted.Terry,cole,lampard,drogba etc havent been pulling their weight all season and have got this manager the sack.These players need reminding that the badge on the front of the shirt is much more important than the name on the back of it.

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Lets be fair, he knew Portuguese football and he did unbelievably well over there it was a gamble bringing him to England in such a high pressured job and not giving him time to adapt.

He did make some rash decisions and in some cases been his own worse enemy, the chelsea job is looking less and less desirable day by day, needs a lot of building work first and foremost the person to come in needs to have a background of installing confidence in players, Torres has all the ability in the world but as Shearer brilliantly pointed out he is now hiding, he doesn't want the chances in fear of missing them...

I hope Mourinho goes back to Chelsea and rebuilds them back into title challengers... needs fair amount of improvement though.

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Abramovich has done exactly his overpaid lazy players have wanted.Terry,cole,lampard,drogba etc havent been pulling their weight all season and have got this manager the sack.These players need reminding that the badge on the front of the shirt is much more important than the name on the back of it.

Lampard hasn't been pulling his weight?!?! he has done more than anyone else in the chelsea team to keep him in his job, what more can you ask of him? highest scoring midfielder in the premiership and up there with assists also, despite not playing every game due to AVB selection, to say he hasn't been pulling his weight is a completely blind unjust guess at moaning about a player who is made out to be a scapegoat!

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Lampard hasn't been pulling his weight?!?! he has done more than anyone else in the chelsea team to keep him in his job, what more can you ask of him? highest scoring midfielder in the premiership and up there with assists also, despite not playing every game due to AVB selection, to say he hasn't been pulling his weight is a completely blind unjust guess at moaning about a player who is made out to be a scapegoat!

If Fat Frank HAD been pulling all of gis weight then Chelsea would be world cup winners, nobel peace prize winners, Oscar winners, Olympic gold medalists, Booker prize winners....etc etc.

He's just a Fat Steven Gerrard...

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The players sacked him because they wouldn't play to his plan, do what he said or respect him. Abramovich was backed in to a corner and had to sack him. I can understand why he did it, but I totally disagree with it - essentially, the message coming out of Chelsea is that the players are bigger than the manager, and to some extent the club.

They've had to act in order to give Chelsea a chance of finishing in the top 4, and if they respond to Di Matteo it will have worked. But If I was Abramovich I'd have all the players that pulled against the apple cart out the door in the summer - what if they get another manager they don't quite warm to? It's a joke.

RA is the perfect example of how not to run a football club. While ever he's there I wish them absolutely no success whatsoever.

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Just counting Chelsea and Liverpool, Gerard has played more PREMIERSHIP games than Lampard, and scored 20 goals less, so I would say that Gerard wants to get his skinny arse moving

Lampard has played 515 games in the Prem and scored 149 goals, he also had a loan spell at third tier Swansea City in the mid 90's scored once in 9 league games.

Gerrard has played 398 games in the Prem and scored 86.

So Lampard has the much better goals/game ratio but there is more to midfield players than goals and I'm my opinion Scholes in his peak are better than Lampard and Gerrard, heck he's even making an impact this season.

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Lampard has played 515 games in the Prem and scored 149 goals, he also had a loan spell at third tier Swansea City in the mid 90's scored once in 9 league games.

Gerrard has played 398 games in the Prem and scored 86.

So Lampard has the much better goals/game ratio but there is more to midfield players than goals and I'm my opinion Scholes in his peak are better than Lampard and Gerrard, heck he's even making an impact this season.

I said just counting Liverpool and Chelsea, the point being that Lampard was being criticized for Chelsea's performances, , yet Chelsea have won the premiership with him have Liverpool won it with Gerrard ???

I also said just Premiership,Lamped has played 194 games for Chelsea,and scored 48 goals.

Gerrard has played 213 games in the Premiersip and scored 28 goals

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