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Gary Speed


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Depends what you mean by newspapers - the chance of the Guardian being the newspaper is approxiamately zero.

But we digress....

RIP Gary Speed. Nothing else to say until we know more. And even then...?

well the scum murdoch tabloids which shouldn't be allowed to be sold in this country, the barstewards. Let's just like you say pay respect to this man's life.

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Can we please avoid comment on rumours on what the papers may or may not be about to print, and also posting about what people say they know.

Its all speculation about what may or may not have happened and not really called for in a thread to pay respects to a great football player and a decent manager.

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Ran from London to Lands End last week/end, so have had limited access to news. Just reading/listening/watching footage of news, it's just terrible.

He was on Goals on Sunday a few weeks ago, I then went looking for a few videos of him and thought how great it would have been to have someone like that at Derby.

Words fail me at times like this. Poor wife, and poor, poor lads.

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Anyone who buys a tabloid is basically saying 'i want to buy a newspaper who is prepared to stoop the lowest level imaginable in order to provide me with sensationalist stories' or 'although i fully support our boys fighting in foreign countries, i've no problem with journos hounding the relatives of dead servicemen or women. Next time, it might be you.

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Did I just hear right on the radio- Leeds v Forest tonight, they're going to chant 'There's only one Gary Speed' for ELEVEN minutes. That's a long time........

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Did I just hear right on the radio- Leeds v Forest tonight, they're going to chant 'There's only one Gary Speed' for ELEVEN minutes. That's a long time........

He was number 11, I think whilst playing with them....nice touch

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I hope they join in Mrs. Whatever people think about what he did, that can't take away from what he achieved on the pitch.

I've heard that there will be minutes silence at PP tonight too and Jamie Ward was a good friend of his apparantly. So sad this.

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Read the Daily Mail today because i was bored today.

Got all excited thinking Leeds United had died. Big double page spread and a interview with that horrible Eddie Gray.

Well done to their fans though.

Another Newspaper reserving a seat on the Media United love bus. God help us if they get promoted.

Nice touch by Leeds fans though. Hate saying anything nice about THAT club. But well done lads and lasses

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  • 2 weeks later...

Very emotional scenes at matches held last weekend for Speedy and am I right in saying Mrs Speed is attending one at Leeds on Sat? Very brave of her to step into an unwanted limelight me thinks, good on her.

On a seperate note, there's a few pro footballers and this morning Derbyshire's cricket captain has come out and told others about their own depressions and mental health. If any good has come out of Gary passing on, then it must be that people can feel now they can talk about their own pressures and are able now to get some help.

BTW - just glancing through the pages of this thread, on me laptop screen every time Gary Speed's name is mentioned, it's covered by a block of yellow? Don't know why?

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Hi lr - I think she was at Leeds last weekend, she asked Newcastle to postpone their tribute to him till she could get there.

I am amazed it's taken so long for the rumours to start but they're beginning to. Can't they just wait till the poor mans had a funeral at least. 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':(' />

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Hi lr - I think she was at Leeds last weekend, she asked Newcastle to postpone their tribute to him till she could get there.

I am amazed it's taken so long for the rumours to start but they're beginning to. Can't they just wait till the poor mans had a funeral at least. 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':(' />

Hi mrs 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' /> , thanks for that. I'm sure Newcastle will do him proud.

Thankfully I've only heard one rumour but don't give it a second thought. Some people just can't wait to pick over the bones, they're like vultures. (apologies for it sounding insensitive, I really don't mean it to).

I can't imagine what his wife and sons must be going through, it's awful. I think I'd gather them up and get out of the country for Christmas.

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BTW - just glancing through the pages of this thread, on me laptop screen every time Gary Speed's name is mentioned, it's covered by a block of yellow? Don't know why?

Sounds like you've put a search term in, either in the search bar of your browser or maybe in the Search bar on the top of the page?

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Sounds like you've put a search term in, either in the search bar of your browser or maybe in the Search bar on the top of the page?

Ah thanks Gboro, I think I did a search looking for this thread.

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