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M5 crash


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How it doesn't happen every day I'll never know. The amount of complete and utter ********* who will never, ever, slow down, no matter whats happening in front of them, or what the conditions are like, is just unbelievable.

Absolute ***** who think its macho to drive like Schumacher and couldn't give a toss whether a family is wiped out or not.

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exactly uttox, tbh it is one of the reasons i haven't learned to drive. The amount of ****** about scares me and when they are in control of a dangerous entity like a car which goes extremely fast and runs on a fuel which is highly flammable it is a dangerous mix.

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Hasn't it been proved that it's not the case the faster you drive - the more accidents. Don't we have more accidents on our roads than most of Europe?

You'll always have idiots. We sat in a jam last weekend on the M18 because a car had hit the central reservation on the other carriageway - causing grass and dirt onto the fast lane of our carriageway. We sat an hour - the other side of the motorway people were out of their cars walking about- it took them hours. The bloke in the car was 70, he'd hit a truck.

7 artics were involved in last nights crash, at about 8.30pm, a lot of lorries at that time of night.

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They want to raise the speed limit to 80mph as well

As daft as it seems, I don't think thats a major issue. Its the (mostly) male drivers who are so arrogant that they believe rules don't apply to them.

When you see the warnings on the motorway telling you to slow to 50mph, some ******* seem to think it doesn't mean them.

When the road is clear and conditions are good, 80mph would not necessarily be bad. Its when you are too important to slow down there's a problem.

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exactly uttox, tbh it is one of the reasons i haven't learned to drive. The amount of ****** about scares me and when they are in control of a dangerous entity like a car which goes extremely fast and runs on a fuel which is highly flammable it is a dangerous mix.

they can still mount the kerb or knock you off your bike though?

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It's not always the idiot car drivers that cause accidents.

Lorries are as bad. How many indicate and pull out when your alongside.

How many think it'd okay to get so close behind you you can't see their number plates, trying to bully you to go faster. I had one on the M1 in roadworks trying to force me to speed. When I dabbed the break lights on he got angry and gestured me to pull over( I was in the middle lane and the other lanes were full with no where to go.) when a gap opened up he went into the inside lane and was shouting through his window.

How many if these big pile-ups involve lorries. They pull out to overtake and immediately force two lanes of traffic to merge. If they haven't looked properly they can force people to pull out on each other.

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I hate motorways - when Dav hits the fast lane (but still only doing approx. 70) I close me eyes, I fret otherwise and it distracts him a bit.

There's so many idiots on the roads, it's why I packed in me lessons. I had a proper mental block, so figured that I (and other road users) would be better off, off the road. If I have to I'm happy to walk or get the bus.

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It's not always the idiot car drivers that cause accidents.

Lorries are as bad. How many indicate and pull out when your alongside.

How many think it'd okay to get so close behind you you can't see their number plates, trying to bully you to go faster. I had one on the M1 in roadworks trying to force me to speed. When I dabbed the break lights on he got angry and gestured me to pull over( I was in the middle lane and the other lanes were full with no where to go.) when a gap opened up he went into the inside lane and was shouting through his window.

How many if these big pile-ups involve lorries. They pull out to overtake and immediately force two lanes of traffic to merge. If they haven't looked properly they can force people to pull out on each other.

Yeah - he pulled to the inside lane and wasn't half giving me grief through his window - I just gave him the bird without looking at him, it made him even more irate. I shouldn't have done it probably but he didn't half get me mad. There we were, with road works, a 50 limit, packed roads on either side and he's right up our arse wanting us to go faster. Some lorry drivers shouldn't be on the roads.

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When my kids were talking together, they all said that when I taught them to drive, the first thing I said was ' Remember you are now in charge of a deadly weapon' - which is exactly what my dad said to me over 50 years ago!

Cars these days are so comfortable and insulated, people are lulled into forgetting it's only a piece of metal that's protecting them and others on the road.

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