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Digital switchover


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BBC2 now digital only

Others go on 31st August

Rescans needed in August

Check out http://www.digitaluk.co.uk/when_do_i_switch/central/waltham

Remember you need a TV with a Scart socket - the RF out on the back of the Digibox DOES NOT transmit the digital signal it is just a signal pass through for the analogue signal.

Some advice for those who want to be able to record TV after switchover without having to buy a freeview Hard Drive Recorder. It is possible despite some claims it isn't ( I did this myself before I got SKY plus)

Step 1. Connect your freeview box to the Scart input of your recording equipment. If your recording equipment has a separate Scart or HDMI output then go to Step 2a. If you only have one Scart socket and an RF out socket like on an old VCR then go to step 2 b)

Step 2 a) if your recording equipment has a Scart output connect that to your TV. To watch digital TV set your recording equipment to the channel for your Set top box, and your TV to the channel for your recording equipment.

Step 2 b) connect your VcR to your tv using the good old fashioned aerial lead and tune one of your old analogue channels to your VCR, this is the video channel. (those of you with a VCR will know what I mean)

To watch the Digtal tv turn your TV to your video channel, and your VCR to the channel for the SCART socket (normally AV or channel Zero)

Step 3 : pressing record will record what you are watching.


To be able to watch another channel while recording you need a separate digibox plugged directly into a spare Scart socket on your telly. When you have your record going then switch the TV onto the channel for the box connected directly to the TV. The sparser box needs to be different to the one connected to the Recorder to prevent remote control interference.

This process becomes easier if you have a TV with built in freeview, as you only need a signal splitter from your aerial and plug one feed into your telly ( this becomes to separate digibox) and the other to your recorder.

This worked for me, but I cannot guarantee it will work always. Please don't shout at me if you try it and it doesn't work.

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Cheers Dav! Think we're a cable short as we're using a freeview box that we had at the grandparents caravan, probably ended up getting lost somewhere down the line. Going to buy a new one tommorrow, this thread'll help out alot with the setup.

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point of interest, sky HD from 1st sept you can have as many hd box's throughout you house as you like, for a tenna ;):D

Are they still charging for the boxes, is that £10 in total or each. Is it still £60 to install the second box. Ghats what they tried to charge me for an extra box when we moved ( I had been given a normal Sky box).

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Virgin media are more expensive if you buy there packages, but they are very easy the haggle with to get it cheaper than bt and sky.

We just had a look at sky to change but they were £10 more and the internet was 5GB less and we got 20 less channels.

Saying that we added a phoneline to our virgin package and it went down £5!?!?:confused:

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