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The Moan In..


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Who are these people, hands up.. pretty much everyone on there said the only acceptable season for us was top 6 or higher, and that due to the size of the club it's the minimum we should expect, even roger davis got in on the act.

and Savage thought we was hard to please.. :D Brian Clough had a book called 'walking on water' now Nigel Clough has to actually do the f*cker to keep the fans happy it would seem :rolleyes:

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only top 6 in the championship....?????

where is your ambition you boggers.....if we don't win every home game 3-0, f.a.cup, rumbelows milk littlewoods cocoa-cola cup thing, johnstone's paint trophy, bass vase, derbyshire cup, brian clough trophy....

this should be the bare minimum!!


brown hair....high heels....full set of teeth....

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I do think we should be aiming for top 6 or there is no point in us going. Its not totally unrealistic in this league that any team can finish in the top 6 postitions.

i think we've found the phone in caller :D

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I think the people who were demanding we be in the top six every season because we're Derby, and the ones who were seriously annoyed that Glick wouldn't sign Michael Owen, are idiots. You get most of them phoning in.

Look at the teams who're going to be top six this season. How many of those have spent big? And i'm talking alot of money, wages especially. We can hit 10th/12th and then push on next season. To be saying that we should manage 6th with this squad as a definite pre-requisite to Clough staying is utter rubbish.

We haven't got the squad to do so. I'm all for aiming to get there, which is what we should be doing, but to suggest Clough needs to go if we don't get there is rubbish.

I hate those bloody radio shows.

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No offence to Blackpool who thought they would go up.

Swansea were an outside bet last year and no one really tipped QPR to go up as champs last season before starting.

When we went up everyone thought we would be scrapping it out.

On the flop side the team Cardiff had should have gone up but never did one reason why Jones went

Portsmouth with their troubles should have done better

Who would have tipped Norwich to go up.

If I am honest can see QPR coming straight back down, we moan at our investors look at theirs. Taraabt was their star player and the main reason they went up and are set to loose him as they will not up his wages and want him to sign a new deal on the same wages as last year (would we be happy with this? no).

The Championship except for Wigan/Newcastle/Reading in their promotion years it has always been close and will again this yr. If we can hit another run like last year followed by a lot better run after we will be in and around the top 6.

Forest got into top 6 with 20 wins 15 draws and 11 defeats. We have chlaked up one win already another 19 to go at least.

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All rams fans have rose tinted glasses which is fair enough. We are rams fans!

We want to to do well, we have expectations and wishes and desires for our club.

What doesnt help the unrealistic cause of fans on the moan in, is Roger Davies!

His glasses are full on sun glasses, when he is indoors.

I get sick of him saying we are the biggest club in the division by a mile, when we are clearly not.

Bloomers made a great point about leicester tonight and davies has no answer.

All davies can go on about is our attendances and history etc etc.

The fact is, clough doesnt think we are quite top 6 material, and I agree with him. If we were leicester we would sign a billy sharp or a waghorn or even stomach up the wages for kevin phillips and we wouldnt be pissing about over a couiple of grand on john eustace, or someone better!

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All rams fans have rose tinted glasses which is fair enough. We are rams fans!

We want to to do well, we have expectations and wishes and desires for our club.

What doesnt help the unrealistic cause of fans on the moan in, is Roger Davies!

His glasses are full on sun glasses, when he is indoors.

I get sick of him saying we are the biggest club in the division by a mile, when we are clearly not.

Bloomers made a great point about leicester tonight and davies has no answer.

All davies can go on about is our attendances and history etc etc.

The fact is, clough doesnt think we are quite top 6 material, and I agree with him. If we were leicester we would sign a billy sharp or a waghorn or even stomach up the wages for kevin phillips and we wouldnt be pissing about over a couiple of grand on john eustace, or someone better!

Couldn't agree more ....

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All rams fans have rose tinted glasses which is fair enough. We are rams fans!

We want to to do well, we have expectations and wishes and desires for our club.

What doesnt help the unrealistic cause of fans on the moan in, is Roger Davies!

His glasses are full on sun glasses, when he is indoors.

I get sick of him saying we are the biggest club in the division by a mile, when we are clearly not.

Bloomers made a great point about leicester tonight and davies has no answer.

All davies can go on about is our attendances and history etc etc.

The fact is, clough doesnt think we are quite top 6 material, and I agree with him. If we were leicester we would sign a billy sharp or a waghorn or even stomach up the wages for kevin phillips and we wouldnt be pissing about over a couiple of grand on john eustace, or someone better!

Spot on, my feelings exactly.

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