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Let's Talk al-Notts Rovers


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The Florists points haul for September was 5 out of 15, hardly the promotion challenging form of such a world class squad that we were constantly being told and that we were mere relegation fodder.

No wonder why all the reds have disappeared and we are just left with the sadly deluded oddballs 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/laugh' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol:' />

It's a bit like all the empty banks of seats before and after their cup final, which they lost too 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />

More name calling but once again nothing really to say Butthead.

Most of the other posters at least have a little football or humour in their posts

you just hurl insults

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Apologies as I did not comment, as I promised after Sundays' game and finishing my shift. Due to a family hospital emergency I did not watch the game until early hours Tues am. it's been well commented on in the intervening time. Suffice to say, I agree Cox was lucky not to have been sent off early, and Buxton and Roberts also. Cox straight red, the latter two on accumulated yellows.

Inconsistency was ridiculous ref wise, both ways. He never had control and totally lost control, reason and consistency in the 2nd half, both ways, if I am honest, but I have the luxury of being able to watch the replay, albeit very late.

There were some bad tackles both ways, and only luck had it that some were not more serious tbh.

Cox's tackle could have broken an ankle, the tackle, studs high on Dex could've also put him out for a season. IMHO both should have been red, but hindsight is glorious.

it's also very easy to comment later on. Sorry I haven't before, health and family reasons.

for me? I would love to keep the spirit of this local grudge match, but without quite the grudges, as sooner or later it is going to end someone's career. None of us want this, yet we want the passion. The solution? I don't know, but it's got to calm down cos neither of us wish to see a player finished through 1 bad tackle.

Oh, and Dave (RED).....ffs grow up eh? Dawn posts excellent stuff, as does Alf. You must be on the same forum as me, and we all have off days, but pls stop posting the 12 yo stuff unless you are a really unfunny WUM, in which case I am k/o of the forum 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/laugh' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol:' />

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better than coins.....

Disgustin either side, or whichever ground it happens. Piss, coins, spit etc etc. No excuse. Both sides have ****** and knuckledraggers, as do every team from PL to grass roots. These are NOT fans or supporters, they are cvnts, they detract from what any genuine fan wants, and they detract from the club they purport to belong to.

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No, they are fans. You don't pay £30 just to throw coins at people. If they weren't fans why don't they coin their own fans?

Why not just then spend £30 on booze and chuck coins at anyone, randomly? sadly, there are elements who are not only tribal in any football club, but need to be eliminated cos they are anything but "fans", they are a detriment. . Would you like me to really get more vulgar than I wish? they are, cvnts, without a doubt. I do not care what club they "follow" or "fund", such behaviour is reprehensible, end of.

Every club has them, and personally, I am not blinkered, I know we have our fair share. Boycie, do you really think that ANY club does not? I am not trying to turn this into yet another debate at either end of the BC way, I am trying to be sensible. My kids have only just this season started going to matches regularly. 1 is 12 (been to a few), the other is 7. To put this into context, (and nothing more, just trying to establish timescale and era), I am 36. I regularly attended in terracing from about 6 (several earlier, but in Main Stand), my first ST I saved for and bought myself at 12, terracing.

I've done many home and away since, my youngest this season got her first ST. Home (for us) game: Birmingham fans rioted on Trentside, threw glasses, just missed my youngest, hit the kid next to her. 15-20 Birmingham "fans" kicking the **** outta 1 Forest fan in front of numerous folks. (A bar (terrace) full in actual fact, who were more concerned with the kids at the front ie mine and others, getting ready to leave, could've got VERY nasty) By the by, several programme sellers bowled over, badly. So by your logic, those Birmingham "fans" that chucked glasses, hitting kids, are "fans" cos they spent a few quid to travel and were in possession of tickets? They were not "fans" but troublemakers regardless of what cash was spent. Extreme, but it happened and terrified a 4yo who probably won't go again, and my 2 girls left in floods of tears.

kids being drenched with water ballooons of Pss on either fixture between Forest /derby? fans chucking stuff?

I think not. Same as you guys are not innocent, neither are we. It's a mindless minority. And it is not on.

Boycie, you normally post fairly intelligent stuff, but that was rot, and you know it. All fans have scum but cos they pay for a ticket they are not scum? ANYONE who chucked stuff should be chucked out, regardless of side. Regardless of match. Barce vs Madrid, Man U Man C, ANY game.

Cos certain "fans" spend cash to follow the National Team, they are not hooligans? DOESN'T MATTER. It can be £30 or £300 or £3000, club level or National (ANY Nationality btw, some more than others).

We have our ****** every club does, please do not suggest you guys don't, or that ticket price makes a difference????

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Why not just then spend £30 on booze and chuck coins at anyone, randomly? sadly, there are elements who are not only tribal in any football club, but need to be eliminated cos they are anything but "fans", they are a detriment. . Would you like me to really get more vulgar than I wish? they are, cvnts, without a doubt. I do not care what club they "follow" or "fund", such behaviour is reprehensible, end of.

Every club has them, and personally, I am not blinkered, I know we have our fair share. Boycie, do you really think that ANY club does not? I am not trying to turn this into yet another debate at either end of the BC way, I am trying to be sensible. My kids have only just this season started going to matches regularly. 1 is 12 (been to a few), the other is 7. To put this into context, (and nothing more, just trying to establish timescale and era), I am 36. I regularly attended in terracing from about 6 (several earlier, but in Main Stand), my first ST I saved for and bought myself at 12, terracing.

I've done many home and away since, my youngest this season got her first ST. Home (for us) game: Birmingham fans rioted on Trentside, threw glasses, just missed my youngest, hit the kid next to her. 15-20 Birmingham "fans" kicking the **** outta 1 Forest fan in front of numerous folks. (A bar (terrace) full in actual fact, who were more concerned with the kids at the front ie mine and others, getting ready to leave, could've got VERY nasty) By the by, several programme sellers bowled over, badly. So by your logic, those Birmingham "fans" that chucked glasses, hitting kids, are "fans" cos they spent a few quid to travel and were in possession of tickets? They were not "fans" but troublemakers regardless of what cash was spent. Extreme, but it happened and terrified a 4yo who probably won't go again, and my 2 girls left in floods of tears.

kids being drenched with water ballooons of Pss on either fixture between Forest /derby? fans chucking stuff?

I think not. Same as you guys are not innocent, neither are we. It's a mindless minority. And it is not on.

Boycie, you normally post fairly intelligent stuff, but that was rot, and you know it. All fans have scum but cos they pay for a ticket they are not scum? ANYONE who chucked stuff should be chucked out, regardless of side. Regardless of match. Barce vs Madrid, Man U Man C, ANY game.

Cos certain "fans" spend cash to follow the National Team, they are not hooligans? DOESN'T MATTER. It can be £30 or £300 or £3000, club level or National (ANY Nationality btw, some more than others).

We have our ****** every club does, please do not suggest you guys don't, or that ticket price makes a difference????


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Posh away will not be easy as they are better than you now 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wink' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' />

Brighton, two bob pub team, no worries. http://th188.photobucket.com/albums/z243/fikrikhairat/icon/th_smoking-smiley-5445_0-1

No pressure then a walk in pride park 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/cool' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='B)' />

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