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Whats happened to the Maguire deal?


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Don't take that tone with me Mr. I'll put you over my knee. If you think that putting a low bid in, then the player wanting to move i.e Ben Davies is immoral, well....i think it's called being a big club.

Sorry mum :eek:

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Now now, tapping up, touchin up, knockin up, you're opening a can of worms that you can't afford to defend.

Has anything be proved? Has anything been said?

Offering lower than they want? I've been tapping up market stall holders and car booters for years then.

I'm going DARN!

(You aint seen me raite)

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DCFC are in no position to start whining and bitching about how others perform transfer activity. We have been one of the worst if not the worst club in the professional league for the immoral way in which we have tried to sign players.

We wasn't whining, they have?

And I don't see how you know how we conduct our transfer dealings, and definitely don't know how you see it as any different to anyone else. Especially this year, we aren't going public on targets. We put in bids, and it's up to others to accept it or make us go higher. That is the way it works.

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Because of the lads age we have to pay compensation to Aberdeen, even though his contract is due to end, fact. If the clubs can not agree the compensation it will go to a tribunal. That is normal practice. It is the way it works. If you read the article in the DET in the past month or so they have told us this.

Any single club who wanted him would have gone in with a low offer of compensation, even mega rich Man City would, and the club that owns the registration will want as much as they can get. Its business not tapping up as some would think

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We made an offer, Barnsley decided to publically mug us of in the media about it. We improve our offer and they accept.

We make an offer for Maguire, his contract coming up but offer gets refused. So we offer him a contract per the rules and he accepts. Aberdeen and Brown come out to the media **** talking us and we are the ones doing the underhand bad dealings? Whatever man, you don't see Nigel bitching and crying to the local press officer because someone approaches Derby for a player and we reject.

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Sometimes going in with low bids and gradually upping the offer does go wrong. Look at the Hooper deal, too busy messing around with 4 or so bids, other teams get wind of it and then a bigger club makes its move (Celtic in that case). I don't mind us offering low amounts for the first bid, but it does start to annoy me when I see we are making 3 or 4 bids for the same player who any other club would get their offer accepted after the first (maybe 2nd) bid

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DCFC are in no position to start whining and bitching about how others perform transfer activity. We have been one of the worst if not the worst club in the professional league for the immoral way in which we have tried to sign players.

Wow! Where's that come from? I don't mean links, I'd be interested to know your thinking.

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