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I love Twitter but I'm going to share with you my Twitter pet hates

1) Parody accounts - why, why do people create them, why do people follow them, why do people retweet them constantly? It's not the real person it's some kid who's had his Xbox taken of him.

2) Retweeting anything random the Derby County Twitter account puts out, chances are every Derby fan on Twitter already follows them and has seen the tweet, all your non Derby fan follows won't give a toss.

3) Retweeting anything Derby County players tweet, again see above.

4) "I'm only 5 followers away from 500, help me out RT this" , why are you so bothered about having a **** load of followers, does it make you feel special?

5) "Follow me, I'll follow you back" NO! I only want my timeline full of people that I know or interest me, I'm not following random people because you will return the favour and follow me.

6) People who follow you, next day unfollow, next day follow....waiting for me to follow back. How about say something instead and I might follow you.

7) #ReplaceFilmTitleWithVagina, #BestSchoolTeacher, #BestSchoolMemory....need I expand on this?

8) Instagram pictures.

That is all for now, I may expand later. I'm not sure why I hate the retweets so much as i have them turned off for everyone I follow, I just find it very odd when certain tweets get retweeted.

If you do follow me on Twitter and I haven't followed you back its because you haven't said "hello I'm so and so from the forum" if you do I will follow you no problems.

I love Twitter tho.

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I love Twitter but I'm going to share with you my Twitter pet hates

1) Parody accounts - why, why do people create them, why do people follow them, why do people retweet them constantly? It's not the real person it's some kid who's had his Xbox taken of him.

2) Retweeting anything random the Derby County Twitter account puts out, chances are every Derby fan on Twitter already follows them and has seen the tweet, all your non Derby fan follows won't give a toss.

3) Retweeting anything Derby County players tweet, again see above.

4) "I'm only 5 followers away from 500, help me out RT this" , why are you so bothered about having a **** load of followers, does it make you feel special?

5) "Follow me, I'll follow you back" NO! I only want my timeline full of people that I know or interest me, I'm not following random people because you will return the favour and follow me.

6) People who follow you, next day unfollow, next day follow....waiting for me to follow back. How about say something instead and I might follow you.

7) #ReplaceFilmTitleWithVagina, #BestSchoolTeacher, #BestSchoolMemory....need I expand on this?

8) Instagram pictures.

That is all for now, I may expand later. I'm not sure why I hate the retweets so much as i have them turned off for everyone I follow, I just find it very odd when certain tweets get retweeted.

If you do follow me on Twitter and I haven't followed you back its because you haven't said "hello I'm so and so from the forum" if you do I will follow you no problems.

I love Twitter tho.

... and people who reply to everything a derby player says even though they never answer (mentioning no names)

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I hate the DCFC official 99% of the time, still follow it for that 1% of good news it tweets now and again.

It's either "RAMSPLAYER FOR £18.99" 57 times a day or a 378 retweets from desperate fans who basically just say "Come on Derby".


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I hate the DCFC official 99% of the time, still follow it for that 1% of good news it tweets now and again.

It's either "RAMSPLAYER FOR £18.99" 57 times a day or a 378 retweets from desperate fans who basically just say "Come on Derby".


Don't forget!.........how can we its the 67th time you tweeted it today and its only 11am!

Can't believe I've missed that off my list, If they stopped doing the matchday tweets I'd unfollow

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I've never twitted / tweetered / sausagetered.

Should I?

Even if you don't fancy the idea of tweeting as such you can open an account and use it to follow any interests you have. You get news instantly as it happens, no need to buy a newspaper ever again.

Most of the news and football media are on there, I bet you could even find chilli growers sharing bits and bobs on there. It's not like Facebook, Twitter is a great source of information....(apart from the kids that spread Brayford rumours)

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Plus if you like nuts/FHM and the sort of women that occupy those magazines there are some very saucy twitter accounts that have galleries which are very intriguing.

As Daveo said, the media coverage on twitter is great, especially for sport. A few really good journo's on there.

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