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Nigel Clough praises North Stand Block A...


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I've mentioned this on the forum before, but what do people think about the idea of introducing sitting and standing areas in grounds? I quite stand at home games but feel bad when all around are sat down.

I guess we've got that unofficially in south east corner but what do people think?

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I've mentioned this on the forum before, but what do people think about the idea of introducing sitting and standing areas in grounds? I quite stand at home games but feel bad when all around are sat down.

I guess we've got that unofficially in south east corner but what do people think?

Have a word with the council fire brigade and all the other nanny state H+S brigade, I'm sure they'll enlighten you as to they're current thinking on the subject..

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Have a word with the council fire brigade and all the other nanny state H+S brigade, I'm sure they'll enlighten you as to they're current thinking on the subject..

hehe, standing is dangerous. Someone might fall forward while celebrating a goal.

It's much safer now everyone stays in their seat to celebrate. :rolleyes:

To be fair, not everyone wants to stand. It's good that the stewards allow standing where they do. Now, everyone that goes to those areas knows what to expect. No reason to start making people sit imo. Those are standing areas now. And seem pretty safe to me. People who want to sit tend to go away from there.

Hate sitting. Feels like being in a theatre. Would hate to have to go back to sitting.

Wonder if/when the stewards draw a line in the NS?

Do they make people sit in the lower/outskirts of SE? I'm higher up. Or is that just personal choice?? Anyone know?

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Since this country is so H&S conscious (understandable really considering the problems in the past) it wouldn't be impossible to get poznan style support with proper organisation. You could even incorporate the old school kids/family area's, that wouldn't be difficult to organise. Would it?

Would love to see that Poznan style of creativity at Pride Park.

There is no reason to be so stiff with these rules anymore, most of the tribal fighting has left the game now and particularly with the likes of Block A is actively discouraged.

They don't stop beer monsters from dancing in an intimate environment such as a pub, and they don't stop them from walking the streets.

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as Uttox says then if we can get the whole stand doing it then it's impossible to police. I'm sure the club would welcome the eastern european type of support, but obviously can't officially do anything to help. The problems arise when it's only a section of the stand that wants to do it, as long as the barmy army continues to grow then a great atmosphere remains a possibility, might take a while though

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as Uttox says then if we can get the whole stand doing it then it's impossible to police. I'm sure the club would welcome the eastern european type of support, but obviously can't officially do anything to help. The problems arise when it's only a section of the stand that wants to do it, as long as the barmy army continues to grow then a great atmosphere remains a possibility, might take a while though

Totally worth it though. If only to divert the depressive outlook from the field, into an enthusiastic glance over to the carnival Block A area. Spreading peace and love throughout Derby...Derby will never have been as happy regardless of the football.

Who are we? We're Derby!

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Totally worth it though. If only to divert the depressive outlook from the field, into an enthusiastic glance over to the carnival Block A area. Spreading peace and love throughout Derby...Derby will never have been as happy regardless of the football.

Who are we? We're Derby!

Like the spreading peace and love!! LOL!!!


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when we first started we were completley slated by most people on various forums, we stuck at it and have continued to do what we do, as we do every derby county game people started to come over to us at away games, got to know us and realise we are normal(ish) people, some of us have done the violent scene in the past and realised its silly, finally people are acknowledging us for what we want to do.,make pp the best we possibly can! Some in the south east corner are still moaning about us, some even try to sing songs to drown us out when away but hey, without the moaning it wouldnt be the south east corner!

we are gradually getting bigger and bigger with each passing game like nick has said we have approx 100 gauranteed for hull on tuesday night!

those that are considering just a game.. try it, u may just have fun!

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Like the spreading peace and love!! LOL!!!


Might be the hippy in me, but i like your total support theory and have nothing but positive things to say about it. Better than hate songs. Ironic really that both singing groups are in totally opposite corners, SE are majority of hate songs, Block A are mostly love songs. But that's another deep type of psychology i can't be arsed to get into.

Peace and love dudes!

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when we first started we were completley slated by most people on various forums, we stuck at it and have continued to do what we do, as we do every derby county game people started to come over to us at away games, got to know us and realise we are normal(ish) people, some of us have done the violent scene in the past and realised its silly, finally people are acknowledging us for what we want to do.,make pp the best we possibly can! Some in the south east corner are still moaning about us, some even try to sing songs to drown us out when away but hey, without the moaning it wouldnt be the south east corner!

we are gradually getting bigger and bigger with each passing game like nick has said we have approx 100 gauranteed for hull on tuesday night!

those that are considering just a game.. try it, u may just have fun!

Can only echo what Trooper has said... Even if you dont move over for the next game, if you get time during the Hull game have a glance over and give us your opinion, both negative and positive are appreciated...

It is not everyones cup of tea, we know that, but there are far more like minded individuals around PPS that need to move seats to join in...

We are not saying we are more loyal than the SE corner, we are just different in our support with more bouncing and singing.

One thing I could never understand is how away from home we sung all game, thats great but if you dont do it on your own backyard then you dont really deserve 100% respect, in Block A we sing all game, come rain or shine just like away games.

We also have new songs to go along with the classic Derby songs, we need new tunes to add to the library!!!

Davo - make sure you remember all your scarfs buddy and get ready to bounce!!!!!


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Might be the hippy in me, but i like your total support theory and have nothing but positive things to say about it. Better than hate songs. Ironic really that both singing groups are in totally opposite corners, SE are majority of hate songs, Block A are mostly love songs. But that's another deep type of psychology i can't be arsed to get into.

Peace and love dudes!



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Nick, i sent you a new song did ya get it? I sent both the lyrics and the tune it would fit into, kind of a fun song. Forget about the heavy nature of the band playing it, just how well it would work as a chant. Got some lala's in there and some Derby love. Would probably suit away games more.

Nice simple tune and chant. With drum/mers it would be epic.

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Nick, i sent you a new song did ya get it? I sent both the lyrics and the tune it would fit into, kind of a fun song. Forget about the heavy nature of the band playing it, just how well it would work as a chant. Got some lala's in there and some Derby love. Would probably suit away games more.

Nice simple tune and chant. With drum/mers it would be epic.

Not got it mate so send it through again to my email....


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