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12 hours ago, cstand said:

Not sure if this a joke or not but very scary if true


A bit more context in the link. Seems he was talking mostly about wearable glasses-tech, which is getting quite close to being ready for consumers. The technology being physically "built-in" to our bodies seems much further away - and Musk is involved, so I don't think I'd be an early adopter of that one!

Thing is, it can easily sound scary if we think of the worst case scenarios (which we should - in order to make sure they don't happen) but we should always counter that by thinking of the benefits.

For example - if you're blind, imagine being able to enter a room and have a wearable device tell you exactly what is in the room and where. Or if your guide dog is pulling you for some reason, a device that can intelligently tell you why it's happening


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