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Face masks may be gone in the summer


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I'll still wear one in shops for the long term.

Mainly because I like ripping it off my face as I exit shops like George Clooney in ER storming out of surgery having spent the last hour trying and failing to save the life of the woman he loved.

I just wish supermarkets had the doors you could kick open and storm out of. The automatic ones at the Co Op aren't that responsive and sometimes when then they only half open it spoils my moment.

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16 hours ago, Beetroot said:

I'll still wear one in shops for the long term.

Mainly because I like ripping it off my face as I exit shops like George Clooney in ER storming out of surgery having spent the last hour trying and failing to save the life of the woman he loved.

I just wish supermarkets had the doors you could kick open and storm out of. The automatic ones at the Co Op aren't that responsive and sometimes when then they only half open it spoils my moment.

I think at the very least, you should film that, and make a gif of it! 

I can almost picture it in my minds eye!   ?

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17 hours ago, Beetroot said:

I'll still wear one in shops for the long term.

Mainly because I like ripping it off my face as I exit shops like George Clooney in ER storming out of surgery having spent the last hour trying and failing to save the life of the woman he loved.

I just wish supermarkets had the doors you could kick open and storm out of. The automatic ones at the Co Op aren't that responsive and sometimes when then they only half open it spoils my moment.

Just to be a pedant, George Clooney was a paediatrician. He wouldn’t be operating on the woman he loved (unless he was weird). 

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18 hours ago, B4ev6is said:

Me personal I be happy if face masks be gone in the summer and hopeful permeantly meaning football can final go back to normal.

I genuinely think, and hope, although it won’t be mandatory, more people will wear masks in public spaces anyway. Like in East Asia. 

One of the pros of our experience with coronavirus is that our general hygiene habits will have improved. Well use hand sanitiser when we get home, we’ll wash our hands more often, and we’ll wear face masks more often. This will reduce cases of other viruses like seasonal flu. 

it might also reduce the chances if this happening again. As bad as it was, we’re very lucky coronavirus wasn’t something worse. We need to learn lessons and be quicker to react next time. This was just a dress rehearsal.

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4 hours ago, TigerTedd said:

I genuinely think, and hope, although it won’t be mandatory, more people will wear masks in public spaces anyway. Like in East Asia. 

One of the pros of our experience with coronavirus is that our general hygiene habits will have improved. Well use hand sanitiser when we get home, we’ll wash our hands more often, and we’ll wear face masks more often. This will reduce cases of other viruses like seasonal flu. 

it might also reduce the chances if this happening again. As bad as it was, we’re very lucky coronavirus wasn’t something worse. We need to learn lessons and be quicker to react next time. This was just a dress rehearsal.

Well if dont have to I wont

As I really dislike them

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7 minutes ago, B4ev6is said:

Well if dont have to I wont

As I really dislike them

And that’s fine, a lot of people won’t. I won’t most of the time, as it steams up my glasses and it’s a real pain. But I might keep one in my pocket. Some will wear them religiously, and that will start to make a difference in infection rates for other viruses. 

we’ll see how long it lasts though. I worry that it might be like a New Years resolution that you let slip after a couple of weeks. When there’s no obvious pandemic around, we’ll probably all forget where we are now, no one will bother washing there hands, snd then BAM, something properly horrible like Ebola will strike. That’s my big concern. 

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1 hour ago, TigerTedd said:

And that’s fine, a lot of people won’t. I won’t most of the time, as it steams up my glasses and it’s a real pain. But I might keep one in my pocket. Some will wear them religiously, and that will start to make a difference in infection rates for other viruses. 

we’ll see how long it lasts though. I worry that it might be like a New Years resolution that you let slip after a couple of weeks. When there’s no obvious pandemic around, we’ll probably all forget where we are now, no one will bother washing there hands, snd then BAM, something properly horrible like Ebola will strike. That’s my big concern. 

That's not normal comes from dirt water or anmail have drank out of or of flys that go over your eyes.

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1 minute ago, B4ev6is said:

That's not normal comes from dirt water or anmail have drank out of or of flys that go over your eyes.

I said like Ebola, not necessarily Ebola itself. But Ebola has been here, we’re just lucky it wasn’t as contagious as coronavirus. 

next time maybe we’re not so lucky. There are some very nasty viruses out there, and more that for some stupid reason they are engineering in labs. People who know what they are talking about have been predicting a pandemic for a while now. That’s why I say we’re lucky it was only coronavirus, as bad as it has been, it could have been worse. 

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7 minutes ago, TigerTedd said:

I said like Ebola, not necessarily Ebola itself. But Ebola has been here, we’re just lucky it wasn’t as contagious as coronavirus. 

next time maybe we’re not so lucky. There are some very nasty viruses out there, and more that for some stupid reason they are engineering in labs. People who know what they are talking about have been predicting a pandemic for a while now. That’s why I say we’re lucky it was only coronavirus, as bad as it has been, it could have been worse. 

But we cant let this bloody virus to scare you and yes I know a lot people have died but a lot of people got better from it.

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8 hours ago, uttoxram75 said:

You will increase the chance of lung cancer by wearing a mask. Its not natural and the fibres you inhale will cause long term damage.

Don’t get me started on this one, but I’d live to see the stats of East Asians (who often wear masks in any public space) and NHS staff (who wear masks all day every day) with lung cancer. 

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8 hours ago, B4ev6is said:

But we cant let this bloody virus to scare you and yes I know a lot people have died but a lot of people got better from it.

It’s not this virus that scares me, it’s all the other ones out there. 

But what you say reminds me of something I say about terrorism. It annoys me that because one guy tried to sneak a bomb on a plane in his shoes, we now all have to take our shoes off at airports. Surely that means the terrorists have won. 

but as time goes buy, it’s just the way things are, it’s the norm, like wearing a seatbelt in a car was weird once, now it feels weird not to wear one. 

nothing will go back to exactly how it was. We will have learned some lessons from this pandemic, snd certain things will change. As I said, some of it will be habits that we change out of choice, but some will be mandated. 

like there’s flights before 9/11 and flights after 9/11, and you can always tell films from the eta before and after. 

now we’ll be able to tell films from the era before and after the great pandemic, because of people wearing masks in the background, or various warning signs displaying. 

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