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2 minutes ago, toddy said:

Clement was sacked because of poor performances (and results I believe), forgetting Wassall finished off with us 11 pts from promotion.

The performances under Wassall  did not really improve, arguably some were even worse than under Clement, especially Hull play off, Cardiff and QPR away.

Wassall had his chance, but things didn't improve, so he's not the right man for the job. No disrespect to Wassall he seems a good coach but at kids level, a bit like Clement, he seems a good coach but at assistant  level.......

you can present the facts whichever way you want, you're disloyal and unfair and it's fans like you that bring shame on this club. Did you learn how to be a fan by watching Newcastle fans?

I totally disagree about performance improvements in general, but even the best managers and their teams have dreadful performances, why should Wassall and Derby be any different? Only a moron expects 100% performances and results from a settled team having the best players in the world, let alone little Derby.

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14 minutes ago, toddy said:

So if the 1st coach is sacked for poor performances and results and we then employ a temp doing the same job, but at the end the season, the temp has a poor record than the coach that was originally sacked.

And some on here want to give the job to the temp with a poorer record?

Results? The man guided us to best half season in 80 years.

Granted we had a blip..... But tell me this, how can we were so right to sack Clement when we had poor results but Brighton, Burnley (who were 9 points behind us at one stage) and Boro so wrong in sticking by their managers during similar blips and performances?

Wassall I wouldn't like to see get job either, but I'm not going to jump on every sodding bandwagon when things go wrong every time like some seem to do..... I back my football club. I'm going to give him a chance to last, it's a shame some couldn't back the previous coach for so long........

The I WANT I WANT I WANT IT NOW generation people...... Sums up some people. 



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53 minutes ago, Mostyn6 said:

has he? I mean really... has he 'failed'? 

Pearson took two attempts and THREE years and spending a bit of money on his own signings to get Leicester up. Wassall has had THREE MONTHS and none of his own signings. He's not been able to replace the weak-minded bottlers in the team and he should be allowed to.

This self-destruction amongst Derby fans is disgraceful. We may be onto something decent with Wassall, who knows?

I do, just look at his comments after the hull debacle, a good manager will learn from his mistakes, Wassall said team selection wasn't the reason we lost 3-0, he didn't want to bring bent on earlier in case we ended up with 10 men (despite playing a full team the week before), he was concerned about conceding a third rather than adapting to the situation at hand and changing the formation and the biggest admission of not being up to the job, bringing Harry in.   He may make a good manager, which personally I doubt, however let him go and prove us wrong at another club and cut his teeth there instead.


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1 minute ago, Mostyn6 said:

you can present the facts whichever way you want, you're disloyal and unfair and it's fans like you that bring shame on this club. Did you learn how to be a fan by watching Newcastle fans?

I totally disagree about performance improvements in general, but even the best managers and their teams have dreadful performances, why should Wassall and Derby be any different? Only a moron expects 100% performances and results from a settled team having the best players in the world, let alone little Derby.


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2 minutes ago, toddy said:

He is judged by his results, it's a results business, the results were just not good enough. Those that want to mentioned our performances, they also didn't  really improve did they.

not good enough for what? We finished where we deserved to finish. Regardless of manager. You need to get your head around the fact that we are not as good as you want us to be.

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1 minute ago, Leeds Ram said:

I do, just look at his comments after the hull debacle, a good manager will learn from his mistakes, Wassall said team selection wasn't the reason we lost 3-0, he didn't want to bring bent on earlier in case we ended up with 10 men (despite playing a full team the week before), he was concerned about conceding a third rather than adapting to the situation at hand and changing the formation and the biggest admission of not being up to the job, bringing Harry in.   He may make a good manager, which personally I doubt, however let him go and prove us wrong at another club and cut his teeth there instead.


more fool you for putting so much importance on a post-match interview!

You'd have had Brian Clough sacked after six months if he had a microphone thrust upon him with the frequency that modern day managers have to endure.

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2 minutes ago, Mostyn6 said:

more fool you for putting so much importance on a post-match interview!

You'd have had Brian Clough sacked after six months if he had a microphone thrust upon him with the frequency that modern day managers have to endure.

Hi Darren, hope you're keeping well after this season.

Now pokemon or chess, that is the question?

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Just now, Mostyn6 said:

more fool you for putting so much importance on a post-match interview!

You'd have had Brian Clough sacked after six months if he had a microphone thrust upon him with the frequency that modern day managers have to endure.

No I put more importance into the team selection and tactics used against hull, the post match interview just confirmed that he has a lot to learn if he wants to become a half decent manager.

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Amazing..... As everyone knows I'm not fond of Mr Morris...... But hey I want the guy to succeed more than anything.


Some of our lot are starting to talk in Geordie accents and have started being fed Newcy Brown Ale on drip.


Sense of entitlement

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14 minutes ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

From my perspective, the real failure this season surrounds Paul Clement - who I think it's fair to say we all had high hopes. We'll never really know why things fell apart after Christmas, but they did. Wassall met his target (I'm assuming) of making the play offs.

What I find amusing and tragic is the "I will not tolerate being slightly underwhelmed".

Darren Wassall - slightly underwhelming but did just about OK. His being given a season as top dog, underwhelming, but no reason it can't be OK and absolutely no reason not to support him.

My hunch is he's not the man to sort out our soft mentality and the 1st leg v Hull effectively lost him the job.


So the failure was both managers..?...do you think that the failure actually might be the person/people who are choosing the managers..? 


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14 minutes ago, Mafiabob said:

Amazing..... As everyone knows I'm not fond of Mr Morris...... But hey I want the guy to succeed more than anything.


Some of our lot are starting to talk in Geordie accents and have started being fed Newcy Brown Ale on drip.


Sense of entitlement

Just quite funny reading it all to be honest, going to be some hypocrites if certain people talk about Forest. Newcastle fans. Some people need some humility fast, nothing is decided for May 2017 in May 2016!

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Just now, CumbrianRam said:

Just quite funny reading it all to be honest, going to be some hypocrites if certain people talk about Forest. Newcastle fans. Some people need some humility fast, nothing is decided for May 2017 in May 2016!

Agreed..... I'm always happy to admit I'm wrong..... I also won't be shouting from rooftops saying I was proved right. No humility from some. Quite happily belittle others for having a differing opinion, and when one or more have opposing view they play the victim card. 

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I'd say Clement was a calculated risk that didn't pay out. So not really a failure in hiring him - it's Mel's money on the line and he took the risk. I think what then happened was, a case of I'm (Mel) sticking to my guns on how I want to do it and if that means we don't go up, I'm comfortable with that.

And I'd say Wassall did his job, did not excel or exceed but definitely did not fail either, just a bit underwhelming (which is why I used that word).

So, we have relative failure of competing but not being promoted. If you're looking at promoted/not promoted this season as a pass/fail measure, it's failure. And on that level, I'd split responsibility between Clement and the SR/MM element.

If you take a wider perspective, given the amount spent on transfers and wages, it's still a failure short term, but longer term, I'm willing to reserve judgement on Chairman Mel's vision for now - to get it how he wants it may take years. 

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Seasons over 

There are plenty of reasons it turned sour

Wassall didnt help himself, not only did he get tactics and selections wrong (understandable in his 1st job) but he came out and tried to tell us the fans that some of the dire performances were good and there had been lots of positives 

I think this is more of the reason why people dont want him hence him being labelled  waffall by a majority of fans

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1 hour ago, RiddingsRam said:

It's the thing that suprises me most about our current managerial debate eddie , a lot of people seem very quick to right off wassall, why ? We were close , very close to be playing at Wembley this weekend and this isn't even wassalls team , he's not perfect and had made mistakes but what manager wouldn't have done . According to some on here the league would have been done dusted abdoul wrapped up by February if we'd have got Pearson.  Really ? 

If the board decide DW is not the man fair play , he had a crack at it but if he does get it is know I'll be 100 % behind him . 

He's not a big name - and fans of a big club are entitled to a big name.

At least, they think so.

I have no axe to grind as to who should and who should not be our manager - my job is simple. I am a supporter, therefore I support.

Cogito ergo sum fukka will think they know what I'm talking about, but 6 Belgian beers is perhaps one too many tonight.

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50 minutes ago, DCFCArmy said:

This is why democracy is such a scam.. only 32% of people voted the tories.. yet they got a majority.. but 68% of people didn't want them..

Dennis: that's a smashing system that, Barry, everybody gets what nobody wants.

Barry: That's Democracy, Dennis 


A benevolent dictatorship,  step forward Chairman Mel


Btw didn't we turn down Pearson when Wassall took the reigns ? or was that just rumour 

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33 minutes ago, Mafiabob said:

Agreed..... I'm always happy to admit I'm wrong..... I also won't be shouting from rooftops saying I was proved right. No humility from some. Quite happily belittle others for having a differing opinion, and when one or more have opposing view they play the victim card. 

I have no problem with people being ant-Mel, Wassall whatever (Darren would be about my 5th or 6th choice for HC BTW), heck I was very anti NC and was never a massive Clement fan. People who demand success now well you may will have to be patient, be another 12 months until you can judge that. I will wait for and it will be sweet when it happens. When NC was sacked I didn't not expect or demand a promotion battle but it has occurred.

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