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Marcus Olsson


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3 hours ago, RamNut said:c

Thats us done then.....


                 Weimann.        blackman

camara.      Johnson.      Butterfield.         Ince

olsson.    Shackell.         Pearce.           Baird

.                        Carson


no McCormack coming....

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1 minute ago, RamNut said:

We've got a few turnips too.

We need to beat the boys from Cuc Humber Bridge. Hull of a game. if we get radished by them, we will look like cabbage patch dolls. i will be arti choked if we lose. Lets hope that it is not a neep tide of pressure from them.

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2 hours ago, StockholmRam said:

Our track record with the few Swedish players we have signed!! Oh my days... Mattias Svensson and Marino Rahmberg... 

Valkommen till Derby och lycka till.

Svensson actually acquitted himself very

well for us whilst he was here.  He and Junior formed a fairly decent strike force.

(Much better than Manel, anyway!)

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9 minutes ago, TheHomunculusLives said:

I'm actually really gutted for young Max Lowe. Forsyth's injury was the perfect opportunity for him to break through but with Olsson on board he now has three senior left backs ahead of him. I do hope that doesn't mean he misses his chance here as it is so much harder to get an opportunity as an unproven youth player.

tbf after this season and hopefully a fully recovered forsyth I don't think we will see too much more of warnock in all honesty. He's 33 now and although he has risen to the task admirably since coming in I'd hate for us to be in a position next season where we have to keep relying on him. you're point about lowe being down the pecking order remains though - would be surprised if he managed to topple two proven top end champ full backs!

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7 minutes ago, loughboroughRAM said:

tbf after this season and hopefully a fully recovered forsyth I don't think we will see too much more of warnock in all honesty. He's 33 now and although he has risen to the task admirably since coming in I'd hate for us to be in a position next season where we have to keep relying on him. you're point about lowe being down the pecking order remains though - would be surprised if he managed to topple two proven top end champ full backs!

If he's good enough, he will. When he's back maybe a loan move to have a proper look at him. As with rawson, think when he comes back he'll be close to the first team as he's proven himself on loan 

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2 hours ago, Rampage said:

How many players have we got at the moment that were player of the season the year before we got them?

Warnock, Johnson?, Olsson, Butterfield, Shackell, etc

I guess that must be our technique for identifying players.


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12 hours ago, Rampage said:

Good to have a Swede in the Squad, StockholmRam. 

Hopefully Rampage mate. If I'm being picky I would have preferred we sign his brother but then that wouldn't have cost 500,000. 

Decent squad player. Always got on with the job and never let anyone down. But fair to say he won't ever set the world alight. 

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My daughter said the burning question was Has He Got A Beard ?

Having been assured he had she said then all he needs to do is perfect own goals and fouling in the penalty area and he will fit right in .................and YES she IS a ram at heart. 

A bit cruel......................but then she is married to 'one of them who will be littering our ground on Friday'   and they would have been watching the Burnley game together. Lets hope it is Richard who is embarrassed next..  His Club apart he. is a really nice guy and lets me have SkyGo so I can watch the Rams  :)

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20 minutes ago, Strange yearnings said:

Olsson is ......adequate. No more no less

Just remember gareth roberts and think ourselves lucky.

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48 minutes ago, Strange yearnings said:

Olsson is ......adequate. No more no less

Have you seen a lot of him? Genuinely curious.

I know nothing about him but the general consensus from Blackburn fans seems to fall into two categories - "big loss for us" and "Crap! Thanks for the money". The "thanks for the money" comments come across as a bit sour so not sure what to make of him. Guess i'll have to wait and see.


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