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Vaping / e-cigarettes


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I am a long-standing, long-coughing self-confessed nicotine addict. I did manage to give up the ciggies a few years ago, but the playoff final tension did for me, and I started again. Something else I can hate Billy Davies for, I suppose.

Anyway, I've had a couple of health scares recently - deep vein thrombosis for a start, but over the last couple of weeks I have had the 'cold from hell' which has now manifested itself into bronchitis, and it's got so bad I've had to go to the quacks and get an inhaler and antibiotics.

Anyway, I've recently had a CT scan and (luckily) I've not damaged anything permanently, but the lungs have taken a bit of stick.

So, it's e-cigarettes for me in the future. I've spent an hour or so looking at various options and I'm even more confused now than I was before.

Any advice from any fellow nicotine addicts?


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I am a long-standing, long-coughing self-confessed nicotine addict. I did manage to give up the ciggies a few years ago, but the playoff final tension did for me, and I started again. Something else I can hate Billy Davies for, I suppose.

Anyway, I've had a couple of health scares recently - deep vein thrombosis for a start, but over the last couple of weeks I have had the 'cold from hell' which has now manifested itself into bronchitis, and it's got so bad I've had to go to the quacks and get an inhaler and antibiotics.

Anyway, I've recently had a CT scan and (luckily) I've not damaged anything permanently, but the lungs have taken a bit of stick.

So, it's e-cigarettes for me in the future. I've spent an hour or so looking at various options and I'm even more confused now than I was before.

Any advice from any fellow nicotine addicts?

Christ, does this mean you are going to be more irritable than normal? 

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I've got a liberty wings with cherry liquid. No way replaces a normal fag, if it's about replacing that hand to mouth great I suppose, as for the feeling of having a fag you may as well go cold turkey and quit. I only smoke past 3 pints now, to be honest, I've left it at home more than I've taken it out as it really doesn't seem worth it.

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  • 2 months later...

Progress report - I gave up the smokes about 4 weeks ago, and started using e-cigs - so far it's paid for itself about twice over, which is a bonus.

Then last week, there was a RISK OF DEATH!!!! story in the Daily Fail and a couple of the broadsheets, which has been reported on radio and I've even seen it on the NHS website, 'linking' the use of e-cigs with a nasty, incurable disease which is colloquially known as 'popcorn lung'.

Basically, the chemicals which have been linked to this nasty disease are present in many foods and flavourings, and someone has analysed e-cig flavours and found the same chemicals present. Cue the press, smelling a good scare story. "Oh, bugger" thought I. "Out of the frying pan...."

However, what the bastions of truth fail to point out (because the truth seldom sells newspapers) is that the very same chemicals are present in cigarette smoke in concentrations between 10 and 100 times MORE than they are in e-cigs - and even smoking has never been linked to popcorn lung.

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1 hour ago, eddie said:

Progress report - I gave up the smokes about 4 weeks ago, and started using e-cigs - so far it's paid for itself about twice over, which is a bonus.

Then last week, there was a RISK OF DEATH!!!! story in the Daily Fail and a couple of the broadsheets, which has been reported on radio and I've even seen it on the NHS website, 'linking' the use of e-cigs with a nasty, incurable disease which is colloquially known as 'popcorn lung'.

Basically, the chemicals which have been linked to this nasty disease are present in many foods and flavourings, and someone has analysed e-cig flavours and found the same chemicals present. Cue the press, smelling a good scare story. "Oh, bugger" thought I. "Out of the frying pan...."

However, what the bastions of truth fail to point out (because the truth seldom sells newspapers) is that the very same chemicals are present in cigarette smoke in concentrations between 10 and 100 times MORE than they are in e-cigs - and even smoking has never been linked to popcorn lung.

Well done eddie. I've got one but only use it at work.

It's still paid for itself. Going to quit in the new year.

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17 minutes ago, Gritters said:

Well done eddie. I've got one but only use it at work.

It's still paid for itself. Going to quit in the new year.


17 minutes ago, Gritters said:

Well done eddie. I've got one but only use it at work.

It's still paid for itself. Going to quit in the new year.

Just make sure your e-liquid is strong enough. 18 mg/ml is right for a replacement for 'normal' tabs, 12 for 'lite'.

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I don't smoke but my missus used to vape, yeah i know all the lingo me...i asked her and she said go with branded versions mate, don't get it off a market stall or unregistered outlets, the containers the attach can leak a thick like tar everywhere, also reports of exploding via the battery recharger on unlicensed versions, good your looking after yourself mate, well done me ole mucker....

On 16 September 2015 at 17:46, eddie said:

I am a long-standing, long-coughing self-confessed nicotine addict. I did manage to give up the ciggies a few years ago, but the playoff final tension did for me, and I started again. Something else I can hate Billy Davies for, I suppose.

Anyway, I've had a couple of health scares recently - deep vein thrombosis for a start, but over the last couple of weeks I have had the 'cold from hell' which has now manifested itself into bronchitis, and it's got so bad I've had to go to the quacks and get an inhaler and antibiotics.

Anyway, I've recently had a CT scan and (luckily) I've not damaged anything permanently, but the lungs have taken a bit of stick.

So, it's e-cigarettes for me in the future. I've spent an hour or so looking at various options and I'm even more confused now than I was before.

Any advice from any fellow nicotine addicts?



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Eddie, I had my last "proper" ciggie on 28/01/15 and have vaped ever since, though only when I'm having a beer, not all day.

It took ages for me to find the right liquid and I thought I'd never get on with vaping.

I recommend a liquid called Heisenberg by a company called Vampire Vape, I only have it 6mg and find my "sweet spot" is vaping at 3.8v (on an Eleaf iStick with a Kangertech Sub Tank)!!

I prefer it with Kronenbourg with a dash of lime, accompanied with a Lamb Bhuna (hot strength) watching MOTD.

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I bought my kit from a company called Cigara in Sheffield on my daughter's recommendation. Nothing fancy, you can't vary the voltage, temperature or anything and it's not one of those set-ups with a huge tank - nice and slim, fits in the top pocket. I guess I'm lucky - it suits me perfectly as 2 or 3 puffs and I'm done. I used to roll my own and always ended up ditching half the rolly.

I'm on the 18mg/ml strength at the moment, but I'm going to come down to 12 when I buy the next lot of liquid, then see how we go with that.

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4 hours ago, CornwallRam said:

With all the empathy that a non-smoker can muster:

Stop being so bloody stupid and just stop killing yourself with cancer-sticks...either real or virtual. See simple.

With all this bleating, anyone would think that it was difficult or something ;)

I think that's what I'm trying to do

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