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Holiday presents to be more precise, why? Why is it necessary to bring back presents when you've been away?

I can understand birthday, celebrating the day you were born. Christmas is a family gathering and congratulating each other for completing another calendar year by giving presents.

But holiday? Is it a present some kind of reward for not seeing you for 2 weeks, I'm sorry I've not been here, have a stuffed donkey with Majorca written on its arse so when people come round it's a conversation killer, ahhh I see you went to Majorca pointing at the Donkey next to the fire, oh no, never been, my mum got me that.....rigggggggt.

I've told my missus not to bring me anything back from Florida when she goes, I said the 2 weeks peace is a present in itself.

 Now I know some will say don't be an arse, it's not a present it's a souvenir or a gift, ok but still why? Why is this even a thing?

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