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Summer Transfer Suggestion Thread

South Ram

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​I'm not sure i've seen anything to suggest roos will be number 1 next season. either management statement or standard of performance.


(apart from this post...)

Just going off what I've heard he was told on the meeting last day of training before he returned to Holland. Same day we heard Ward was going

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Gael Kakuta, now theres an interesting one. Been around Chelsea reserves and youth for years now, since 2009. He's 23 and chelsea have apparently had enough, never been able to make much of him self, been loaned to six different clubs. Spent this season on loan at Rayo Vallecano where he seems to be doing well for himself, not seen him play or owt. Winger who could be a worth a punt, not got a proven record though and would undoubtedly choose la liga over coming here.

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​don't waste your time, it will be subjective anyway and Ramnut is just being Ramnut. The truth is that Grant is like David James, no not because he's black, but because he relies on agility and reaction speed more than intelligence and decision making. Where he excels in one, he lacks in another. That's not uncommon at this level. I recall the Reading keeper making an absolute howler in the cup (against Liverpool?), but I'd wager there isn't much between the 20 top keepers in this division.

Grant has made some storming stops this season, and helped mask the shoddy defence early on. I'd say he has been worth 10 points for us this season, but I'm plucking that number out of the air. I'd say Martin has been worth 25 points for example.

you patronising nob end.  I backed up my statement with facts.

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