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Cracking quiz question


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What links the following players?

Christiano Ronaldo, Hamit Altintop, Neymar, Miroslav Stoch, Zlatan Ibrahimovic and James Rodriguez? 

Also, of the above, who's the odd one out, and why?

theyve all played for Real Madrid or Barcelona apart from Miroslav Stoch who looks a bit of a twaat but can't half hit a ball.

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Fifa, really?  i thought it was on of those obscure Laureaus (?) type excuses for a party in Monaco!

my guess is one of them landed a Worlds Best Player / Ballon D'Or double.  Given Messi's recent domination (apart from the years CR7 won it) I'll go for Cristiano as the odd one out?

No, it's not Ronaldo!

Nothing to do with any other award, either.

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