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Tom Ince - Sky Sports


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is this some sort of thing you get off on Eddie? It's a Forum not a bloody IQ test.


Long answer...


Why don't you have a go at the person who started it? If somebody throws insults around in my direction, am I not entitled to respond in kind up to a point?


The main thing about any forum is that people post on it - and people will naturally come to conclusions about the type of persona that person projects based upon the content and style of their posts. Note 'persona that person projects', not 'personality that person is'.


If someone insults me to my face, I will (more than likely) laugh at them or (possibly) walk away (there are other alternatives). If they insult me on a message board then all that will happen is that they will get it back in spades. That's because it's easy to do on a message board, and (provided things don't go too far) there is no comeback. If I take things too far in response to an instigator of a confrontation, I'll probably get banned. Sometimes it's very tempting - after all, I'd get about 2 hours a day of my life back. 


Short answer...


'Forum' doesn't need a capital letter. It's not a proper noun.



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