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The Fawaz Circus 2015


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Il say you lot have been very gracious for the most part in defeat, shame can't say the same for the rest of your supporters.


Running on the pitch trying to punch our players.


Vandalising our Chairmans vehicle.


Damaging a team coach.


Also, can you see why we say Martin is a stinking cheat (constantly diving, moaning at the ref to book our players) and why Buxton is a pub league idiot who's ha a lobotomy?  Absolute moron. Think Keogh had been taking some lessons from Martin aswell with some of his theatrics..


Shameful stuff. If Karma exists then the football gods pushed us some favour yesterday.


Im not willing to get drawn into massive arguments as always happens to here (me vs about 30 people) but you really were exposed as a cynical side yesterday. 

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 but you really were exposed as a cynical side yesterday. 

Disagree. We became one. Do you think we would be where we are in the table if that was us every week?


As McClaren said, it was us and not you that stopped it being a football match. We controlled the game in the first half and then when we lost Hughes, we decided to turn it into a game of 50/50s, most of which we lost as you had the bit between your teeth. Then Martin started doing the wardrobe thing on one or two long balls he might have actually been able to control and before you know it we're being out-fought in every single area.


We can become a cynical side when we lose our heads, but we're not very good at it like a Mourinho side. In fact we're terrible at it. When we get like that, we lose. It's not part of the plan.

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Im not willing to get drawn into massive arguments as always happens to here (me vs about 30 people)

Isn't that the occupational hazard when you're posting on a rival team's forum. Anyhow I agree with your comments about the fan running onto the pitch and the mindless vandalism we showed an absolute lack of class yesterday

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It was a bad day at the office Dawny that's it. Martin is twice the player Assombolonga will ever be. Fair play he scored a tap in but his general play was shocking. Could not believe how bad his control and hold up play was.

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Giant Killings, upsets, shock results are part and parcel of a season. To all intents and purposes this was their cup final, a happy end to a season that is over. They wont go down, they wont get in the play offs, but they have won on their big day out.


We should not begrudge them that.

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Isn't that the occupational hazard when you're posting on a rival team's forum. Anyhow I agree with your comments about the fan running onto the pitch and the mindless vandalism we showed an absolute lack of class yesterday


Mindless is right.


And with a game like Derby v Forest, I'm afraid the knuckle-draggers are attracted to it like flies to a turd.

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We always get into trouble when we get drawn into playing the other team's game rather than imposing our own. Happened against Wigan, happened against Leeds. Just a trap we sometimes fall into. Same last season as well.

On yesterday's evidence, and yesterday's result, I'm willing to concede that you're much better at that kind of game than we are....:)

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It was a bad day at the office Dawny that's it. Martin is twice the player Assombolonga will ever be. Fair play he scored a tap in but his general play was shocking. Could not believe how bad his control and hold up play was.

Poor attempt

We ve seen how good Martin is

Everytime he moves up a level ie international football and Chelsea he look totally and utterly out of depth. If you go up you lol need a new striker plus he's a cheating so and so

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Thankfully we've lost to Forest at a time where they don't have much going for them so can't really rub it in. Had we been 13th and them 2nd with us beating them 2-1 yesterday, I don't think I'd even want to rub it into them because what is there really to gloat about?


I'd have taken two 5-0 defeats to Forest if it meant we finished at least second.

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Poor attempt

We ve seen how good Martin is

Everytime he moves up a level ie international football and Chelsea he look totally and utterly out of depth. If you go up you lol need a new striker plus he's a cheating so and so


Well we'll have to see what he's like playing week in week out in the prem next season.


Pity we can't say the same for

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Poor attempt

We ve seen how good Martin is

Everytime he moves up a level ie international football and Chelsea he look totally and utterly out of depth. If you go up you lol need a new striker plus he's a cheating so and so


Like what you said on LTLF, I can't stop watching the Derby fans face palming with head in hands as the winner goes in  :lol:


Can we have the laughing chimp out please for all the predictions before the game please? Mine included

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Like what you said on LTLF, I can't stop watching the Derby fans face palming with head in hands as the winner goes in  :lol:


Can we have the laughing chimp out please for all the predictions before the game please? Mine included



One poster predicted a defeat for the Rams , one , so just for you Dawnie ..




Fair play ..

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What did you think of the post match interviews? I thought there was a stark contrast between McClown who came across as a poor loser and basically suggested we were lucky, and Pearce who made some really nice comments about the two clubs and how Sir Brian would hopefully be proud of both clubs afterwards. 



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