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The Fawaz Circus 2015


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Just watched the match again from the tv point of view

But on and keogh man handling of Antonio and Britt in the area all game was nothing sort of disgraceful

If you fan is going to get done for assault on KW then I suspect you 2 defenders will get the same punishment


That sort of thing happens week in week out, with every single team in the country and to think it's just us is naive. Having said that I thought the early one from Bucko was a pen :lol:


Doesn't matter any road ya won :p

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What stories are these?

Obviously there was that cvntmuppet who ran on the pitch, and some goon did over Fawaz's van, but what else has happened?

Fawaz was fitting a fridge freezer in Borrowash before the game and didn't have chance to change his wheels.


Schoolboy error.

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To be fair, I would be happier with a fourteen point gap.


But every little helps.


From your perspective a 14 point gap has got to look better than a 20 point gap, which was looking likely for a long time today.


Money is tighter than we first thought  :unsure:

Bloody Del Boy El Trotter.

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we're on a high after a good away win, but the results today won't mean anything come next saturday


Biggest load of bolox

Let's not start with 'form don't mean a thing in a derby game'

You will destroy us

The least you could do is apologise.

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Bet it was a plastic fan, the one game a year type who is stuck in the past and makes out he was a major player in the DLF, though he was only 9 at the time.


Arrest him, press charges, fine him and ban him.  Also inform his employer, or cut his benefits.  People like that are nobodies hiding in a crowd trying to be a somebody for all the wrong reasons.


If you have to resort to physical or verbal abuse to justify your existance, you are using up oxygen that could be better used elsewhere.  Waste of biologial material.

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