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Was life better before or after the Internet?


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Didn't you have Teletext in Sweden? Bamboozle and that?

I was the sausage king of Bamboozle!


I've just been hit by Hurricane Odile, went nine days without electricity, water, and light.


You won't have any idea what it's like to retort back to the olden days of pitch black at 8pm, no street lights, candles in my apartment, p!ssing in the dark, canned food, sleeping at 8pm in 33 degree heat and showering with a bucket.


People have it so easy nowadays, myself included, and I never realised how much I depend on the internet for everyday activities. It is the centre of everything news related and I use it for more than just leisure with things like - maps, weather patterns, global news, transportation and family contact.

What's most remarkable about Bris' tale is that it wasn't the beginning of a zombie apocalypse. Or maybe it was ...?

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Before. I absolutely loathe having a work Blackberry where I am always plugged into work; emails, calls, reminders, its a state of constantly being on call. This is okay if you live for your job but many of us don't. Also the fact that everything in the work place has to be emailed to cover your own arse in case it doesn't get done.


Social media - giving air time without appropiate filters to sad, dull people with no lives outside the internet. Not interested in your Benidorm photos or your new job as a Car Parking Attendant.


I sat on the train the other day looking around at all the headphones, Iphones, laptops etc. and thinking how great it would be to turn back 20 years and all watch the lovely English countryside rolling by.

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I think the internet has killed commerce in our towns and cities. People are getting fat a lazy by sitting and buying stuff at home. Gone are the days when you would hold the shop keepers plums in your hand and gently squeeze them. It's all wrong and I hate it.

Sorry brb, the item I'm watching on eBay is ending.

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I think the internet has killed commerce in our towns and cities. People are getting fat a lazy by sitting and buying stuff at home. Gone are the days when you would hold the shop keepers plums in your hand and gently squeeze them. It's all wrong and I hate it.

Sorry brb, the item I'm watching on eBay is ending.

I never buy anything from the internet. For two reasons. One is that the stores lose customers and people lose their jobs because of it. Two I'm totally out of this computer stuff and don't trust myself with it to buy anything from the net. And many places you have to create a count with them which I usually mess up anyway. :rolleyes:

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Before the internet I weighed 35 pounds less and all of it was muscle. Now none of it ain't muscle. :(


You do realise that you've essentially just said that you're exactly the same either side of the internet being invented, albeit with an additional 35lbs of pure muscle being acquired?

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You do realise that you've essentially just said that you're exactly the same either side of the internet being invented, albeit with an additional 35lbs of pure muscle being acquired?

Well that's the case. I used to be quite strong. Now I have trouble to hit the keys on this board. So usually I just step on them.

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There was life before the internet? Do explain???


Joking aside, we're better for the internet. Don't be fooled by your nostalgia for the "good ol' days". I don't know how anyone who uses this site fairly regularly can even make a case for the opposing view...

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