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Comparison with previous promotion winning teams


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Wallington v grant : grant

Sage v christie : draw

Forsyth v forsyth ; draw

Williams v thorne : thorne

Hindmarch v buxton : draw

Blades v keogh : draw

Micklewhite v russell : micklewhite

Davison v martin : davison just

Gee v bryson : bryson

Gregory v hughes : draw

Callaghan v dawkins : callaghan

Pretty good 3-3

Hoult v grant : grant

Carsley v christie : christie as a full back

Powell v forsyth : powell

Rowett v thorne : thorne

Yates v buxton : yates

Stimac v keogh : stimac

Van der laan v hughes : hughes

Powell v dawkins : draw

Willems v bryson : bryson

Sturridge v russell : sturridge

Ward v martin : martin

Even better 6-4

Green v grant : green

Webster v Christie : webster

Robson v forsyth : robson

Durban v thorne : durban

Mcfarland v keogh : mcfarland

Mackay v buxton : mackay

Mcgovern v hughes : draw

Carlin v bryson : carlin

O'hare v martin : o'hare

Hector v russell : hector

Hinton v dawkins : hinton

Oh well

0-10 they were a bit special.

Your thoughts ?

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would it be 11-0 for the 06/07 season?

Good point.....i forgot them.

Bywater v grant : grant

Mears v christie : draw

Mceverley v forsyth : forsyth

Johnson v thorne : thorne

Moore v buxton : draw just

Leacock v keogh : keogh

Fagan v hughes : hughes

Peschisolido v russell : russell

Howard v martin : draw

Oakley v bryson : bryson

Pearson v dawkins : draw


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Good point.....i forgot them.

Bywater v grant : grant

Mears v christie : draw

Mceverley v forsyth : forsyth

Johnson v thorne : thorne

Moore v Buxton : draw just

Leacock v keogh : keogh

Fagan v hughes : hughes

Peschisolido v russell : russell

Howard v martin : draw

Oakley v bryson : bryson

Pearson v dawkins : draw


I agree with you completely minus Leacock. Absolutely outstanding when we went up. Just seemed to lose it when we came down. It does make you wonder how we did so well with that team tho!!

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Pearson vs. Dawks a draw?

Howard vs. Martin a draw?


Come off it.


Pearson was gash and Howard was just a lump.

Howard was very good.

and Pearson was excellent that season - never stopped running.

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and that's your judgment on a player?


Pears had no discernible ability other than running, hence his demise into anonymity.


Howard, yes he was good, but he couldn't score 25 goals for love nor money.

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and that's your judgment on a player?


Pears had no discernible ability other than running, hence his demise into anonymity.


Howard, yes he was good, but he couldn't score 25 goals for love nor money.

He hit the post about a dozen times.

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Good point.....i forgot them.

Bywater v grant : grant

Mears v christie : draw

Mceverley v forsyth : forsyth

Johnson v thorne : thorne

Moore v Buxton : draw just

Leacock v keogh : keogh

Fagan v hughes : hughes

Peschisolido v russell : russell

Howard v martin : martin

Oakley v bryson : bryson

Pearson v dawkins : Dawkins



9-0 in my opinion, the only reason Bucko & Big Dave are a draw is because I ouldn't want to annoy either of them :ph34r:

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I agree with you completely minus Leacock. Absolutely outstanding when we went up. Just seemed to lose it when we came down. It does make you wonder how we did so well with that team tho!!

If you think that team was dodgy look at the line up on this...


Found it whilst watching Thorne highlights, that side makes for very depressing reading...

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I agree with you completely minus Leacock. Absolutely outstanding when we went up. Just seemed to lose it when we came down. It does make you wonder how we did so well with that team tho!!

If you think that team was dodgy look at the line up on this...


Found it whilst watching Thorne highlights, that side makes for very depressing reading...

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Howard scored goals in a side that was a defensive minded unit, Martin scored goals in a team set out to attack, to compare the two stats is unjustified.

Martin has had a few years under his belt now, and be it injury or form, he hasn't consistently been a prolific goalscorer or regular for a while now.

I think a draw is a fair assessment at present, with hopefully martin repeating his goal scoring and general play this season to edge ahead.

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