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Friday 27th June 2014 - Forum down, I repeat forum down!


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Early warning for you all, next Friday the forum will be moving server.....again? yes, pain in the arse I know but the current host I'am with the server does not meet the minimum requirements for the upcoming forum update. I contacted them to ask if it was possible and I was quoted £75+vat per hour it takes them as it's a "tricky" process.


Basically they are trying to screw me over, I called their bluff by replying saying in that case I will look for another host and server that has these specs out the box, they read the ticket and closed it without reply. I guess they no longer want my custom after all these years.


I have found a new host and last Friday I setup a new clients website with them, the server seems pretty snappy so I'm going to give them a go and see what happens, I've searched reviews and can only find good things being said.


If I've totally just confused you, in short the forum will be offline on Friday for maintenance. It could be a few hours or could be all day, depends on the internet gods and your internet service provider. I will be posting updates via Facebook and Twitter, don't expect a reply tho as I have notifications off, talk to me on my personal twitter if needed.




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Well that makes it a cast iron certainty that all the transfer rumours we've heard (and started!) will come to fruition and the signing of McCormack, Ibe, Sinclair, Jukeweitz, Thorne and Wisdom will be announced on the Rams website..............and we won't be able to say a dickie bird!

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I think for this Friday only we should all just go to the brunny to talk about Nixon, Rangers, sissy, world cup predictions and the Memsahib.

at least Sissy pretends he turned up, you just don't even offer an excuse!
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