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Tesco axing sweets at more than 2,500 stores


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Supermarket giant Tesco is axing sweets at more than 2,500 stores after bowing to pressure from parents fed up with being pestered by kids for treats.

The blanket ban on confectionery comes as research reveals two thirds of mums and dads feel less temptation at the till would help them make healthier choices for their families.

Tesco becomes the first major supermarket to dump sugary snacks from the “guilt aisles” at every store.

By mid-December rows of colourful candy and calorie loaded treats will be replaced by healthier options like nuts, dried fruit and seeds

Health campaigners said the move was a “step in the right direction” and called on all other supermarkets to follow suit.

It is the first time bags of sweets and bars of chocolate will be removed from checkouts at Tesco’s 1,800 corner shops like Express and Metro to bring them in line with 750 larger Extra stores which have already scrapped confectionery in the queue lanes.

Almost seven out of ten parents told Britain’s biggest grocer they wanted to see healthier alternatives or no food at all in areas where they were forced to wait to pay for their groceries.

Chief executive Philip Clarke said: “We all know how easy it is to be tempted by sugary snacks at the checkout.

“We’ve already removed billions of calories from our soft drinks, sandwiches and ready meal ranges by changing the recipes to reduce their sugar, salt and fat content.

"And we will continue to look for opportunities to take out more.

“We’re doing this now because our customers have told us that removing sweets and chocolates from checkouts will help them make healthier choices.”

Tam Fry of the National Obesity Forum said pester power left millions of parents frazzled as they waited at the checkout with many giving in to demands for lollipops, chocs and sweets.

With a quarter of the nation’s four-year-olds overweight or obese by the time they start primary school, Mr Fry welcomed sweet shelves being scrapped where families were most vulnerable to giving in.

He said: “It is a responsible decision to remove unwelcome temptation from the grasp of children

“This is a step in the right direction - every little helps. Tesco has now thrown the gauntlet down to other retailers.”

And Katie O’Donovan of parenting group Mumsnet said: “Popping into a shop with a small child in tow can sometimes feel like navigating an assault course.

“If you’ve made it to the checkout in one piece it can be really frustrating to then be faced with an unhealthy array of sweets designed to tempt your child.

“It’s really positive to see a supermarket responding to the views of their customers and trying to make life that little bit easier.”

In January discounter Lidl axed sweets, crisps and chocolates at checkouts at 600 stores and replaced them with nuts and fruit after 70% of parents revealed children pestered them for treats in the queue.

Two thirds of mums and dads admitted to caving in to pressure but 25% said their children enjoyed healthier alternatives if they were available.

Health figures show one in four adults in England is obese and they are set to rise to 60% of men, 50% of women, and 25% of children by 2050.

Pressure group Action on Sugar has called for sugar in food to be cut by 30% to tackle Britain’s obesity epidemic.


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Or the parents could just say no.....

I do, or rather, did. I used to give in on occassion if I'd had a bad shopping trip with them - owt for a quiet life at the end of it. Then I decided to say a very firm No and knew I had to stick to it, had to be stronger willed than they were and it worked. After a stern talking to before we set off they knew not to even ask.

My eldest lad was different again though, when he was in his pram and I used to go in the greengrocers, he'd always ask for a banana, my friend who owned the shop eventually used to let him have them for free cos she was chuffed he'd prefer them to sweets.

But pester power is a tool a kid will take every advantage of, the little buggers. I'm glad ours are older now.

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How ridiculous.

Parents are shirking their responsibility more and more.

Always someone elses fault, always someone elses responsibility. 

Kids have always pushed the boundaries - it's what being a kid is all about.  Same as saying no once in a while and putting up with the odd tantrum, is what parenting is all about.

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Given parent's desire to abrogate all responsibility for their children's up bringing, why don't we just have all new-borns adopted by the state?  I believe a similar idea was tried in 1930s Germany and it turned out quite well.

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Listening to the radio the other day, some lad on there with HIV blaming the school for not educating him enough......where was the bees and the bees talk from the parents?

Fat unhealthy kids, blame Tesco

Lad with HIV, blame school

This parenting thing is quite easy

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Given parent's desire to abrogate all responsibility for their children's up bringing, why don't we just have all new-borns adopted by the state? I believe a similar idea was tried in 1930s Germany and it turned out quite well.

Not all parents my good man!

There are still some decent ones left, clinging desperately to how things used to be by actually taking the responsibility for their kids seriously and not playing the blame game.

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I buy vanilla extract for when I bake, it pee's me off when I have to get a supervisor to authorise me being an adult and able to buy it. Mind you, it is 80% alcohol but it's still annoying at self service.

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