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Eurovision Politics Contest 2014


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The UK one is wretched. Although, I have to confess, I couldn't make it all the way to the end.


I think singing the UK eurovision entry ought to be the automatic prize for the winner of the Voice.


That should dampen anyone's enthusiasm for being on it.



I think that would be cruel , Andy , soul destroying to have 'nil points' every vote..


oh , i get ya .. :lol:

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Finland's candidate.


Propably among the best songs. Actually I'm pretty sure that if they were British band they'd have been already touted as a next big thing. Good effort if you think they are only 16-17 years old and do everything by themselves.


Wasn't too keen on it first but it gets better with listening.


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Eurivision already? That's made me think back to 2 years ago on here do you remember? Bonnies barnet, hardly any points & Franco's jaffas what got squashed in the bean bags lol.

No heard our entry yet, don't particulaly want to either. Even if it's a knockout piece of music, no way will Europe give it to us - and if we leave Europe next year or whenever, we might aswell not bother entering again, cos we'll be properly banished.

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To be fair, it's hard to win a singing contest in which the rest of the competition, including the people who decide who wins, are musically retarded.


We should never have gone down the route of trying to make music that we think they like. We even lost the moral high ground then.


Now, it's just a waste of money.

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