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Football Banned from the Streets of Derby in 1845


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I'm a bit concerned by 'handicap race men carrying boys'. There's not much about that that has good connotations.

Even if you don't read it with 21st eyes, how did it work. 'You seem quite a fit bloke, here you go, we've been fattening this one up specially for you. '

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Ah, "Grinning match through collars". I'd be good at that. Still do it in some places in the country, although it now seems to be universally known as just "Gurning"

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Seems like a good day out though. 'Wheelbarrow race, blindfolded', 'foot race, blindfolded'.

Everyone knows that everything is at least 20% better with a blindfold.


and drunk

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"A blanket will be ready on the ground and any person who offends, by quarrelling or improper conduct, will contribute his share to the amusements by being tossed in it." 








I'm in! :)



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Got me on that one I'm way too much of a noob to know what they heck you mean.


Dirty Filthy Schwein Hund Pig Dog


(standard dcfcfans equivalent of 'fnarr fnarr')

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It's a bit off having to bring your own bag for the bag race. Times were 'ard in them days. Mind you, first prize 7/6d, a tidy sum in 1845. That's an income value of around £440 these days.


Aye. Threepenny bit'd get you a pie and a pint - and you'd get change.


(There were 150 of us livin' in t'shoebox in t'middle o'road)

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Where did they find a Grand Pedestrian to hurdle? That's what I want to know. Also, I want to watch a Plum Pudding & Treacle Match. NOW! 

Whatever it is.



Andy Reid has contacted his agent to say he wants to play in one.

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