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People who don't realise they aren't students any more.


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In all seriousness, I was always a working student and that was a long time ago.


I never failed to be amazed by my friends who were "full-time" students with their boundless resources of apathy, lethargy and self-pity.


I could get my studies done, do a shift at work, go clubbing, catch a few hours kip and do it all again. My friends had all on getting out of bed in the afternoon and when they did you wouldn't want to invite them out for a drink as they were always skint. I know for a fact they are all still bone idle to this day. They're now in their 40's and still think the world owes them a debt of gratitude.

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Has anyone else got mates who are now in their late 20s or even 30s who haven't mentally moved on from uni?

Live life through Facebook

Think drinking games are cool

Never buy a round

Are lazy baztards

Pretty much described me there, just deciding if this is a blatant attack on myself and if a warning should be issued
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Girl at work is just like that, sits cross legged on slithers of grass in the middle of London, the lot. 


She offered to show me some good pubs being new and all... well what a mistake that was! It was like walking a little jack russell that pisses a lot. "Shall we just sit here for a bit?".... "No thanks, thought we were going to find some good boozers and have a game of pool?"

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Girl at work is just like that, sits cross legged on slithers of grass in the middle of London, the lot. 


She offered to show me some good pubs being new and all... well what a mistake that was! It was like walking a little jack russell that pisses a lot. "Shall we just sit here for a bit?".... "No thanks, thought we were going to find some good boozers and have a game of pool?"


Pool in a good pub?


Not a chance. The rattle of the balls will disturb the wonderful Belgian beer.

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Girl at work is just like that, sits cross legged on slithers of grass in the middle of London, the lot.

She offered to show me some good pubs being new and all... well what a mistake that was! It was like walking a little jack russell that pisses a lot. "Shall we just sit here for a bit?".... "No thanks, thought we were going to find some good boozers and have a game of pool?"

Mate, she has asthma.

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Good thread. I had a place at Leeds Met but chose not to go. I knew full well I would of wasted my three years not doing much and then wondering what if after I left. Glad I went to work.

That example is one of the reasons why I support tuition fees. Puts people off like me who would waste there time there.

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I worked my ****** off as a student.

Had almost no fun.

No piss ups.

No sunbathing in the park.

I was disgusted with myself.

Trying to make up for it now.

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While we're on the subject of job dodging students, what's with all this 'gap year travelling' ******? Gap year my arse, it's just wandering the world and annoying the natives at the expense of *mummy&daddy/the tax payer/rich aunt edith*.



*delete as appropriate.

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