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George Thorne


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From www.westbrom.com


"I am not going any further than this comment for obvious reasons but we are discussing deals with clubs for a top quality PL RB and a young very promising foreign ST. The RB is not Hutton but they may turn to him if we miss out on other targets and the striker is somebody alongside Jonas who we are definitely after."

You see Wisdom as a top quality PL RB?


And who do you think this young very promising foreigner ST toddler is that you are going to sign? 21 obviously doesn't count as young in your world :-)


More ITK guess work

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You see Wisdom as a top quality PL RB?


And who do you think this young very promising foreigner ST toddler is that you are going to sign? 21 obviously doesn't count as young in your world :-)


More ITK guess work

Maybe we should start calling it 'Cold Outcome Calling Knowledge', and as he's clearly the head of it on the West Brom board we could call him a Baggie CO...

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clubs (especially when it comes to transfers) are very strict as to what players put on social media now.

can't see them being happy with him tweeting things like that (unless he was on about the Take That song :ph34r:), and then favouriting tweets about him coming to Derby when it hasn't happened yet. 

he'll come.  :D

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back into the roundabouts


everyone will read this as 'HES GONNA COME!' and go beserk


then when he hasnt signed in two days time everyone will go back to the 'oh he ain't coming lets move on' bullsh*t



100% agree with this

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