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The demise of Forest


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On their forum there's plenty of mentions about their style of play,but not all critical

it's ok if it works,apparently.


We had our share of hoof it to the big bloke under BD. It worked for us that season, and it might work for the gumps, but somehow I doubt it. If there's no flair, then it's hard to have a plan 'B' when the big lump over the full back doesn't work.

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"https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10660349_10204715477594186_3227081714275512711_n?oh=688587e3dddb55178c04c1089234e3fe&oe=54846057&__gda__=1421612097_3cc68c118447adbe965f31369a1c36fa" alt="10660349_10204715477594186_3227081714275">


Is happening gradually to the Trees down the table. Especially if they continue with the approach they have right now. Just a funny picture I found.  :lol:

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Just had a quick look on their forum and found everyone moaning about their performances, this pretty much sums it up.


I see little in our play, so far, to indicate we will be in the top two at the end of April. No ideas, boring direct rubbish football. Our midfield has ZERO identity. Any issues the strikers are having is due to the abysmal midfield we trot out each week. Tesche gives us a semblance of decency out there. Everybody else is pedestrian. Lansbury is playing like a clown.

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