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Disliked Clubs?

Knowle Rohrer

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Yep thinking about it now I want to ad a few more to my list.

Celtic...vile club, with a knob of a manager and horrible fans.

QPR....good old arry

West Ham....2 reasons, who do they think they are, "the West Ham academy" etc etc...complete crap, secondly it's the scene of my worst kicking at football back in the day it was part and parcel of going but I got set upon by a group and they didn't let me go...

Newcastle...the Geordie nation....everyone's second team...best fans....etc etc.....

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The Lancashire clubs, all of them I dislike. I liked Wigan under Martinez, now they're just a boring nothing team along with Bolton, Blackburn, Blackpool, Preston, Burnley etc.


WHU bore me to death and I hate their kit


Villa over the past 20 years haven't done anything to warrant any sort of existance - and I don't think we've won at Villa Park in my lifetime


Any team that goes up to the PL and just cruises it when unexpected, like Hull and Norwich. If they can do it why can't we?


Man Utd under Fergie were probably the worst though. I used to hate watching them win ugly time and time again. And when they were under serious threat of not winning, they had an amazing habit of getting such ridiculous refereeing decisions in their favour and a host of last minute goals.


Watching Barcelona destroy them twice probably ranks as my favourite ever footballing moments, more so than watching Derby beat Forest or win at Wembley.


As for International sides - Portugal. Can't stand them, loved it when Spain beat them at the WC and Euros

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don't see why because I am English I should root for Glasgow Rangers


Has nothing to do with being English for me, and everything to do with being British. These c**ts want out, good let them fook off back to Ireland. 


"http://i1.dailyrecord.co.uk/incoming/article915930.ece/ALTERNATES/s615/celtic-fans-unveil-their-anti-poppy-banner-image-1-53142935-915930" alt="celtic-fans-unveil-their-anti-poppy-bann">


"http://rossrightangle.files.wordpress.com/2011/11/1.jpeg" alt="1.jpeg">

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Only a small number of Millwall fans...etc

Tbf if we unfurled banners like that then I'd expect us all to be lumped into the same pot.

LTLF doesn't represent the views of all Forest fans.

You just look for the good in people Daveo. Your like Jesus. Or Bono atleast

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I just couldn't dislike a club because of a small section of its fans.

Michael Owen, that goal v Argentina...whole country loved him right?.....Celtic fan.

Gary Neville, England coach, probably talks the most sense out of any pundit and our best right back for years....Man Utd & Celtic fan

Both probably wore Poppy's and do not support the IRA.

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It's only football hatred.

It's only a minority of Millwall fans that cause trouble. It's only a minority of Leeds fans that sing Munich air disaster songs at United and its only a minority of Forest fans that sung about Commons baby.

But if its enough to be noticed then it creates an image and football hatred.

Do you like some clubs more than others?

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Rooney and Neville are thick as fook, I wouldn't expect any less from them. And Michael Owen's never struck me as the brightest star in the sky. Look at when he did that football skills TV show - what was his top tip for goal-scoring? "Aim for the part of the goal where the goalkeeper isn't....". Amazing, it's a wonder that other strikers haven't cottoned on to that way of thinking.


In football I thought it was an accepted truth that you're judged by your worst element. The SE corner have nothing on the Green Brigade, or for that matter like-minded ***** from Millwall, Leeds, Stoke, etc.


Oh, and they can shove those Irish tri-colours up their collective @r$e$ as well.  :)

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Got it!

Dave Jones, Nigel Doughty and the homophobic chants v Brighton are what other clubs should judge our fans by.


That's as bad as our fans get. So that's probably why we're quite a respectable bunch.

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Anyone who plays in 'Claret and Blue' or whatever variation they want to call it. Off the top of my head, West Ham, Villa, Burnley, Ssausagehorpe...


Anyone who's employed Marlon King, especially after he became a registered sex offender.


Crawley. Absolute nothing of a club, and why the feck of all fecks would you copy the constant bell ringing from Portsmouth? It's ****, and it's annoying.


I don't even really dislike Leeds, they've floated around League One / Mid table Championship fort long enough now. I couldn't give a **** what happened 40 years ago tbh, or even 10 years ago.


Leicester don't bother me generally -  I just don't want to have to play them on Sky ever again. Their fans who still do the "aaaaahhhhhh you're shi....t" thing at goal kicks can eff off though, stuck in the 90's.. NOBODY SODDING DOES THAT ANYMORE you TITS.

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Stoke, Leeds & Forest are all pretty loathsome. Have no great love for Leicester, Birmingham, QPR, West Brom, West Ham or Blackburn either - all of them seem to have ideas above their station.


Comfortably worst of the lot though are MK Dons. If there's any justice, they'll drop out of the football league & be passed on the way by AFC Wimbledon.

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Stoke, Leeds & Forest are all pretty loathsome. Have no great love for Leicester, Birmingham, QPR, West Brom, West Ham or Blackburn either - all of them seem to have ideas above their station.


Comfortably worst of the lot though are MK Dons. If there's any justice, they'll drop out of the football league & be passed on the way by AFC Wimbledon.


I can't stand FFC either (that's Franchise, not Fulham).

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