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A-Level trouble


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Right I'm in abit of a mess with regards to my A-Levels and it's all very confusing and I wondered if anyone could shed any light?

Basically I'm currently in the second year at sixth form and really really hating it, I like the subjects I'm studying, geography, physics and chemistry and I want to study geography at university

There are a number of problems, a lot of my friends have left for whatever reason and I don't really have anyone to socialise with in school, also I've been friends for a long time with a few of the more popular kids from when I was younger, but since moving to their school I really haven't got on with them and after distancing myself from them I'm basically getting bullied by them and because they're so popular other people follow their lead

Because of this I'm really unhappy about things and it's started to affect me outside of school aswell this has lead to me being very anxious and probably depressed, also I have lost so much confidence in myself and I really feel uncomfortable in my current school

So the options are:

Leave my current school and have a few months working and doing volunteering etc until September when I enrole at a college doing the same subjects, where I have a group of friends already and head off to university a year later

Or, I just try and get on with it even though it's making me really unhappy

Sorry for the ramble, I'm just abit lost here

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You have about 6 months or so to go right?

I guess it depends on you feel you are working at the moment. Do you feel on target with your grades? Do you think these issues will stop you getting to where you want to go?

Your own happiness is the most important thing, should always be a major consideration. However, you get through these six months or whatever and you never have to see these bullies or such again. There is no rush in this world, so if you really have to leave and it is feasible then it might be a safe option for you.

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In 10, 20, 30 years the amount of people you will still talk to from school will be very few if any, don't worry about socialising and all that crap at school, only a few months left till you've finished, head down get the work done then stick two fingers up at em when you leave.

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You're in sixth form and getting bullied? So what, you're like 17/18? Thought bullies didn't exist past about 11 years old.


Don't be a rick srg


In 10, 20, 30 years the amount of people you will still talk to from school will be very few if any, don't worry about socialising and all that crap at school, only a few months left till you've finished, head down get the work done then stick two fingers up at em when you leave.

What he said.

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How good are your grades now, and where are you looking at for Uni?


If you're well on track and you've got offers from a good Uni, then I'd think twice about dropping out now. By all means skip a year if you want a gap year, but if you have a really good opportunity, think very carefully before throwing it away. That's important to understand before I go on to the next bit.


But on the other side of the coin, being happy at school really does bring the best out of you. You don't go to school or university just to get a sheet of paper telling everyone how clever you are - they form you as a person.


I went to a great school that gave me an awful lot in many ways, which I'm very grateful for. Maybe it's because I'm only a second year student and everything is relatively fresh in the memory, but the thing I take away from school with the most fondness is my memories with my mates. The mischief, the laughs, skipping a free period and getting a KFC, the last day of school, our resulting holiday in Zante...I wouldn't swap them for anything. The school's teaching and resources were excellent and I got good grades, but that's not what I cherish the most.


If your close mates are at this college and you know you'll still work hard when you go there, then for goodness sake, go. You've got a future to take of, and that's important, but you don't want to be unhappy in these years of your life.


You've still got time on your side, and you've got Christmas to look forward to, which will be a great time to put everything on the back of your mine.


Really hope you get the situation solved mate.

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Right I'm in abit of a mess with regards to my A-Levels and it's all very confusing and I wondered if anyone could shed any light?

Basically I'm currently in the second year at sixth form and really really hating it, I like the subjects I'm studying, geography, physics and chemistry and I want to study geography at university

There are a number of problems, a lot of my friends have left for whatever reason and I don't really have anyone to socialise with in school, also I've been friends for a long time with a few of the more popular kids from when I was younger, but since moving to their school I really haven't got on with them and after distancing myself from them I'm basically getting bullied by them and because they're so popular other people follow their lead

Because of this I'm really unhappy about things and it's started to affect me outside of school aswell this has lead to me being very anxious and probably depressed, also I have lost so much confidence in myself and I really feel uncomfortable in my current school

So the options are:

Leave my current school and have a few months working and doing volunteering etc until September when I enrole at a college doing the same subjects, where I have a group of friends already and head off to university a year later

Or, I just try and get on with it even though it's making me really unhappy

Sorry for the ramble, I'm just abit lost here

Personally if I was you, I'd get out now. Why should you stick around if it's making you really unhappy?

Of course, you could stick 2 fingers up at the bullies and carry on but it's not always that simple. I found myself on the recieving end of some quite un-nerving intimidation last week in the school where I work. I'm 41 and they're a bunch of 14 year old vipers, so adults can get bullied too.

But at this point, I can't leave my jobso went through the proper channels and reported it. It got sorted thankfully. You have my sympathies, cos I don't have to share an entire day with them as you will.

Have you talked to anybody? Teachers, mentors or the Head of Sixth form? They can stop it ya know, get it sorted out.

Have a think, but do what's right for you. A - levels are hard enough without having to put up with that, it's not nice. Let us know what you decide.

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Depending on just how unhappy you are i'd probably stick it out. Whilst sixth form/college is fun, **** wasting more time than necessary in there when University and independence is just round the corner.


I'm currently a 3rd year Geography student so if you want any info about courses and what not, give us a shout. 

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Stick it out fella. Head down and get through it best you can. Sounds like you have put alot of work in already. Easy to say I know but my experience is that you will regret not finishing because of twots like these.

Blimey..after 25 years im going back next year to Westminster Uni for Postgrad!! Aged 50. I hope I dont get bullied!!!

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short term struggle, long term gain


stick at it mate, you'll get somewhere in life and laugh at those bullies when you're more successful than them



Yep , they'll be the ones on the street corner , with asbo's..


Stick at it , mate..

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Thanks for all the advice, it really does help to hear what people from a neutral point of view have to say

Not trying to be difficult but just out of interest, do people think it would make that much of a difference to my future, heading off to university a year later?

And thanks badlands, I may well be in touch

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Thanks for all the advice, it really does help to hear what people from a neutral point of view have to say

Not trying to be difficult but just out of interest, do people think it would make that much of a difference to my future, heading off to university a year later?

And thanks badlands, I may well be in touch


Ok. I cocked up my a-levels, had to redo all my as levels. So 3 years of 6th form. I changed uni course after two years, so spent a year longer than I wanted. Got onto a teaching course that I had to leave. Yet, I have got a good job and there are still plenty of things I could do all before my mid 20's.

A year here or there matters not. You make the best of the hand you are dealt.

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Sorry to hear you're having problems, I know from experience studying can be really tough if you're having a rough time with your social life. Personally I'd say that if you're really not happy and it's affecting you outside of just sixth form you should leave and pick it up again with your mates next September. 


Going to Uni a year late will make no difference at all to your future and if you manage to find a good volunteering position or job to occupy you for the next 9 months often employers will think of this as a positive compared to those who have just done 2 years of college followed by 3 at Uni.


Good luck whatever you decide!

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Thanks for all the advice, it really does help to hear what people from a neutral point of view have to say

Not trying to be difficult but just out of interest, do people think it would make that much of a difference to my future, heading off to university a year later?

And thanks badlands, I may well be in touch


taking a year is getting more common nowadays, gap years have become more trendy with students wanting to travel the world. 

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