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Crime watch. Madeline mcann.


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Just finished watching it from last night.

Obviously wih being out if the country i am a little detached from the whole circus surrounding them all. But wow, what a crock if crap that was.

I was waiting for the bit in the reconstruction where they were tucking them into bed and saying "night, night, you will be ok here on your own in an unlocked apartment in a foreign country whilst we go down to a bar with our mates and get drunk, where we cant hear you cry, or see you, like last night....?..." But it never showed that bit..!

If they weren't middle class doctors there would never be this much fuss. If they were an un married couple of unemployed youngsters who left their kids alone in a caravan in skeg Vegas they would have been locked up by now.

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I'm kind of in the middle of opinion on this. Yes,it's bad they left their children alone, and had their been a fire, or the kids had choked on something, they'd be 'totally' to blame. BUT, if this is a kidnap, then for me, the kidnapper should be to blame. In the same way that walking along wearing a nice watch and you get mugged shouldn't result in you being blamed for wearing a watch, leaving kids alone doesn't mean it's your fault some sicko kidnapped them.


Not sure they deserved to lose a child

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I've always been amazed that some parents can leave their children on their own, piss off with mates and take it for granted that they'll be ok.

Stop being selfish and bloody well look after your children, properly. They are too vulnerable to be left on their own.

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I didn't watch it was shocked at pictures of the complex. The restaurant is quite a distance from room, which is really near the main road.


Obviously they don't deserve to lose their child, but they have never accepted any portion of the blame and Muespach is right, an uneducated, working class couple, who don't have top lawyers and media consultants would have been publicly vilified and maybe even prosecuted.  

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Although any help in any investigation is welcome and hopefully the truth about what happened that night is one day established, there are a lot of missing children who get none of this exposure


The disproportionate amount of attention on one case in comparison to others is shocking. As is the parents who leave their children in a room at night whilst they go off for a meal. No monitor, don't check on them for an hour and a half, etc. Unbelievable in my eyes.

The only person I care about in the whole incident is the little girl.

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Without seeming callous am I the only one who thinks that the McCanns have have had enough publicity already lets face it for a situation that they totally are to blame for - leaving your kids unsupervised whilst you go out for a meal with friends. Am sure that there are many similar more deserving cases that havent received a fraction of the media airtime that the McCanns have. 


Just for the point of clarity I do sincerely hope that they find their daughter again but do it in a manner that doesnt rely on the constant help of the media. 


I totally agree with sageisbacks comments, the McCanns are extremely well off and respectable and for this reason they didnt receive any public condemnation for what effectively is child neglect - indeed the total opposite they have got donations to their search funds, a PA man to answer questions, leverage for Scotland Yard to reopen the case. The whole thing stinks.

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If only the complex had ran an night time babysitting service eh?

Oh it did.

Kate says "we made a mistake but we have to remember we didnt commit the crime here"

No? You left your kids every night to go drinking with your friends and judging by how you only spotted Maddie missing after checking them and then stepping out of the room when you felt the breeze through an open window... your half hour check ups weren't up to scratch either.

"They appealed to David Cameron".

Did he offer you tips on how to leave your other children.


Everything they've felt and got they deserve. Judging by their jet set lifestyle I would imagine they could/should feel worse.

The only sympathy should be for 3 young children, almost babies, that were alone in a strange room in a foreign country every night. That were in a childcare while you played tennis with your friends in the daytime. Special sympathy for the girl who is actually the victim!!

It's a nice thought to think she was sold to some proper parents who actually want to spend time with her.

Preferable to thinking of child molesters and sex trafficking and people who shush kids by holding their heads under water. The world normal parents try to protect their kids from.

Vile. Should be in prison

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Don't they use the maddy fund to live off? Or was that made up paper talk?

Ssssshhh you cant say that they will start another litigation suit against you that they seem to be preoccupying their living hours with at the moment whilst the media churns out their sob story ad infinitum on their behalfs

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If only the complex had ran an night time babysitting service eh?

Oh it did.

Kate says "we made a mistake but we have to remember we didnt commit the crime here"

No? You left your kids every night to go drinking with your friends and judging by how you only spotted Maddie missing after checking them and then stepping out of the room when you felt the breeze through an open window... your half hour check ups weren't up to scratch either.

"They appealed to David Cameron".

Did he offer you tips on how to leave your other children.


Everything they've felt and got they deserve. Judging by their jet set lifestyle I would imagine they could/should feel worse.

The only sympathy should be for 3 young children, almost babies, that were alone in a strange room in a foreign country every night. That were in a childcare while you played tennis with your friends in the daytime. Special sympathy for the girl who is actually the victim!!

It's a nice thought to think she was sold to some proper parents who actually want to spend time with her.

Preferable to thinking of child molesters and sex trafficking and people who shush kids by holding their heads under water. The world normal parents try to protect their kids from.

Vile. Should be in prison

I find the parallel between Jamie Bolger and Madeline McCann quite sickening - the Bolgers didnt receive half the air time of the McCanns to date when effectively Jamie Bolger wandered off from his mum when he was out shopping with her and the McCanns wilfully left their children alone whilst they went out socialising with friends. Am sure that there have been court cases brought against parents whom have gone away and left their kids at home to fend for themselves. I just pity the people whom donated money to their "cause" as there are far more worthy and deserving charities then parents whom leave their kids home alone, McMillan Nurses for one.

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Without seeming callous am I the only one who thinks that the McCanns have have had enough publicity already lets face it for a situation that they totally are to blame for - leaving your kids unsupervised whilst you go out for a meal with friends. Am sure that there are many similar more deserving cases that havent received a fraction of the media airtime that the McCanns have. 


Just for the point of clarity I do sincerely hope that they find their daughter again but do it in a manner that doesnt rely on the constant help of the media. 


I totally agree with sageisbacks comments, the McCanns are extremely well off and respectable and for this reason they didnt receive any public condemnation for what effectively is child neglect - indeed the total opposite they have got donations to their search funds, a PA man to answer questions, leverage for Scotland Yard to reopen the case. The whole thing stinks.



How anyone can possibly say they are to blame for what happened to their child is beyond me.


If I were in their boat, I'd be doing everything in my power to try and find answers. Why shouldn't they?


I cannot believe the McCanns are vilified for doing this.

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How anyone can possibly say they are to blame for what happened to their child is beyond me.


If I were in their boat, I'd be doing everything in my power to try and find answers. Why shouldn't they?


I cannot believe the McCanns are vilified for doing this.

If you were in their boat.....would you have left your three children, alone, in a foregin country whilst you went and got drunk with your friends...?

And don't forget this wasn't the only night they did this.....

As someone has said already, they should be doing all their appealing from the inside of a prison cell, not from 10 Downing Street.


It's easy to point the finger at them and say they were to blame, because, they were.... quite simply, if they had not left the kids alone none of this would have happened....of course that is to say if she was actually "taken" and something a lot more sinister hasn't happened as the Portugese police think.....

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If you were in their boat.....would you have left your three children, alone, in a foregin country whilst you went and got drunk with your friends...?

And don't forget this wasn't the only night they did this.....

As someone has said already, they should be doing all their appealing from the inside of a prison cell, not from 10 Downing Street.


It's easy to point the finger at them and say they were to blame, because, they were.... quite simply, if they had not left the kids alone none of this would have happened....of course that is to say if she was actually "taken" and something a lot more sinister hasn't happened as the Portugese police think.....



Ridiculous. Who the hell are you to judge how others should bring raise their children. Yes, they may have been ill advised to be having a drink a 100 metres or so from where they slept but they didn't deserve what happened to them. They deserve our support for the pain they have had to suffer and will suffer until they have got answers.

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Why do they deserve my support mc? I'm just curious as to your thoughts.

I honestly wouldn't expect support from others if I left my kids on their own and one of them vanished. Why should I deserve it?

For all their money, it couldn't buy them some common sense.

Imo, nobody can ever justify leaving children on their own, I'll never understand it.

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I'm kind of in the middle of opinion on this. Yes,it's bad they left their children alone, and had their been a fire, or the kids had choked on something, they'd be 'totally' to blame. BUT, if this is a kidnap, then for me, the kidnapper should be to blame. In the same way that walking along wearing a nice watch and you get mugged shouldn't result in you being blamed for wearing a watch,

Difference being though, you had the watch with you at the time of said mugging - you didn't take it off, you didn't leave your very precious, priceless watch unattended and think "oh, it'll be ok, I'll only be gone half an hour, nobody will lift it..."

That poor little girl :-(

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Ridiculous. Who the hell are you to judge how others should bring raise their children. Yes, they may have been ill advised to be having a drink a 100 metres or so from where they slept but they didn't deserve what happened to them. They deserve our support for the pain they have had to suffer and will suffer until they have got answers.

I am a parent, that is who I am to judge....and a parent that wouldn't leave his 12 year old son even now alone in a room whilst i went out with my mates and got drunk....because, i am more responsible than that.


seriously, you would be happy leaving your three kids alone in a room, with the door unlocked, in a foreign country whilst you were out of sight and out of ear shot of them, ignoring the baby sitting service the resort provided....would you really?


They deserve absolutely no support from anyone, least of all financial support from the tax payers.


As for answers.....personally....i think they have all the answers already...


They are totally at fault for everything 100% totally...


Sadly, the only person not at fault at all is the little girl.

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We've been here before and just go round in circles.

I'd settle for just one piece of evidence that actually points to the abduction 'theory'.

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