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McClaren has said  on record he got the call on Saturday evening.


I don't know which interview it's in and anyway it changes nothing.


I think that's correct - that Rush approached Philip Beard at QPR on Saturday evening to ask permission to speak to McClaren and it all fell into place quickly after that.

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We haven't played for a few days but I think I've contributed more to the football chat than to the management chat but those posts aren't so full of rage and it's these anti board rants that will get more noticed. I am really angry at them GStar.


Honestly go back and read my last few posts, they're not all on this thread.


You come across as someone who is very bright GStar, I'd hope and think that someone with your level of intelligence is doing alright for themselves. ;-)


I don't know you at all but if I got to know you and you fell on hard times and couldn't take your lad to the game, if i had the spare cash, then yes I would. There's nothing worse than not being able to go to a game.


Having said all of that, my balls are currently hanging out on a start up I'm running, it's not taking off as it should, so  just don't ask me now ;-)


Take my kids to the game?...I only do that if they have been very naughty!

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I just thought I'd say, you're spot on with that by the way GStar. I got it wrong, sorry.


I've just gone back and looked at my last few posts, I even annoyed myself.


It'll calm down eventually. Even I'll get bored of whining.


Nothing changes in football, 3 points shuts everybody up. Even me!


Nah no need to apologise mate, its obvious that you're passionate about the club so why not just save that passion until a Saturday afternoon and let everything else take care of itself?


Staff members come and go, its the fans that are important to a club.

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Listen now, and listen good.

There is a chance B4 missed that particular bit if info regarding that 'alleged' phone call.

Ease up a bit. Nobody on here knows every detail of that conversation anyway, but fwiw I don't even think a call should have been made at all. If Nigel didn't want to go in, fair enough. It should have waited for Monday morning.

But thinking about it, it couldn't wait could it, cos Rush wanted SM in Cloughie's chair before the bugger got cold.

But anyway, please ease up a bit.



Hi LR.


Sorry if the post seemed condescending/arsey - I was kind of experimenting with different phrases (as I like to do), but if it came across as too harsh or dare I say 'sausagetish' I do apologise, to both B4 and yourself.


Obviously I do not know every detail (or any besides the one sided version publisicised) of the conversation, I just felt at the time that that it was a better approach to be 'straightforward', 'plain' and 'to the point' than to do as a few others have done over time in making comments that simply took the piss out of the guy by posting things that may well (possibly) fly over his head.


The last thing I wanted to do is criticise the lad for posting his thoughts and feelings, but again I felt it better to at least try to inform him of another side of the story than to just humour him... again, clearly my choice of language and phrase was wrong no matter my aim, and again I apologise.



Coconut/Coconut Monkey/Matt H/mh_dcfc/maninahat/SheepUp!

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Hi LR.

Sorry if the post seemed condescending/arsey - I was kind of experimenting with different phrases (as I like to do), but if it came across as too harsh or dare I say 'sausagetish' I do apologise, to both B4 and yourself.

Obviously I do not know every detail (or any besides the one sided version publisicised) of the conversation, I just felt at the time that that it was a better approach to be 'straightforward', 'plain' and 'to the point' than to do as a few others have done over time in making comments that simply took the piss out of the guy by posting things that may well (possibly) fly over his head.

The last thing I wanted to do is criticise the lad for posting his thoughts and feelings, but again I felt it better to at least try to inform him of another side of the story than to just humour him... again, clearly my choice of language and phrase was wrong no matter my aim, and again I apologise.


Coconut/Coconut Monkey/Matt H/mh_dcfc/maninahat/SheepUp!

I didn't see anything wrong with your original post if I'm honest fella. You weren't offensive in anyway you just it across in a direct and straightforward way.

It read like I feel, frustrated that people think it was harsh etc etc when it could have been done face to face had Nigel not insisted to be told on the phone. As for LR's response that suggests that no meeting should have taken place as Nigel didn't want it - I find that incredible, Nigel was the manager, he's not the owner of the club and doesn't dictate if there are meetings or not. He's an employee, I certainly wouldn't turn round to my bosses and say "sorry Gov, I don't fancy the meeting" and expect him to say "ok no worries we'll do it another time."

Anyway I'm sure nobody on here wants to cause offence and sometimes maybe we come across too direct but I certainly saw no offence in your initial post.

Love to all

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I didn't see anything wrong with your original post if I'm honest fella. You weren't offensive in anyway you just it across in a direct and straightforward way.

It read like I feel, frustrated that people think it was harsh etc etc when it could have been done face to face had Nigel not insisted to be told on the phone. As for LR's response that suggests that no meeting should have taken place as Nigel didn't want it - I find that incredible, Nigel was the manager, he's not the owner of the club and doesn't dictate if there are meetings or not. He's an employee, I certainly wouldn't turn round to my bosses and say "sorry Gov, I don't fancy the meeting" and expect him to say "ok no worries we'll do it another time."

Anyway I'm sure nobody on here wants to cause offence and sometimes maybe we come across too direct but I certainly saw no offence in your initial post.

Love to all

Thanks for replying on my behalf Wilko, but I am here you know.

I'm not going to give my reasons why I hilited the post, personally I think it's obvious. Disagree if you want, your choice. You have your opinion, I have mine.

But thankyou Coconut, for your reply :-).

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Thanks for replying on my behalf Wilko, but I am here you know.

I'm not going to give my reasons why I hilited the post, personally I think it's obvious. Disagree if you want, your choice. You have your opinion, I have mine.

I wasn't replying on your behalf I was giving my view on his first post.

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How disappointing, I read back expecting to see some incendiary comments, but couldn't read anything that could cause offence to anyone. Maybe Ladyram bring a little over protective because its B4?

Or maybe the posts was a very forthright statement of opinion about someone missing a fact that was only mentioned in one sentence of one article and was very easy to miss. I missed it myself first time I read about Clough going - and would have been upset if I'd had a reply that was so forthright, but being able to understand that no harm would have been meant by it I would have sworn called the poster a name(under my breath but not on the forum) then penned a witty(to me) retort.

We do need to tailor our replies to people, come on we've all been here long enough to know what people will take (and yes Boycies takes everything) to heart or not. It's like having a face to face with someone different people use different phrases or words.

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How disappointing, I read back expecting to see some incendiary comments, but couldn't read anything that could cause offence to anyone. Maybe Ladyram bring a little over protective because its B4?


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