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Derby fans are too impatient at Pride Park


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What's wrong with the blokes those quotes come from is they come from two blokes who don't have a clue about where Reading have been playing football for the last decade but they know all about Chelsea.

They weren't praising us for winning at Millwall because they didnt witness it then its like it didnt happen. Our attendances aren't relevant to anything. Leeds don't deserve to be in the PL and neither do Derby.

They judge Derby on 23 games. Not 46. They don't acknowledge anything but the result. They were the first to moan when we matched table topping Hull and then Bolton last season. They ignored that we matched Hull and were better than Bolton. They think we should be beating teams like Hull and Reading because we belong in the PL.

They give no credit to Reading. Derby could have won if they'd played Jacobs.

Mid table in the Championship and they think they have it hard. They don't acknowledge anything that Derby have done well at home this season. We have been rubbish in every minute of every game (games they can't be bothered to learn about dont count like Brighton).

They are casual. They don't look beyond the end of their noses. They have set their stall out and stick to it. They do however know more about Chelsea's games and players. Because its easy access.

They haven't got a clue about how we've conceded or scored in games they haven't seen.

How can you take opinions seriously of casual fans who only pay Derby attention (in this case) on a Saturday at Pride Park. We play away half the time. They don't know anything about Reading because Gary Neville hasn't mentioned them this year.

But they boo and want Clough out.

When mostyn says 'Clough Out' its different. He actually has some substance to his reasoning.

Ok now I get it, now I've hit like as I see where you're coming from.

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btw it's probably worth mentioning at this point I'm not a 'happy clapper'

I think Forsyth is poor

Keogh and Bucko have a poor partnership. They defend only what's infront of them.

Clough should have found a system that fits. He played 352 for a few mins in Ireland and then he went back to 442. Now he doesn't know how to make that midfield fluid all the time or what system helps them

But I think we're 8 games in and if people have had their minds made up about Nigel for a while then shouldn't they voice opinions ALL the time?

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Part of the probleam some greating play in the first half i sinced a goal was coming. But need that little something different like adam smith coming on for freemen or will huges who was struggleing but yet could have brought masion bennet on for russle or chris martin.

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Funny when you go away with 500 people and you create nothing and lose 2/3-0 without much of a fight you don't hear booing.

I'd like to ask all Pride Park's self pitying casual fans to fook off and stick to Sky Super Sunday.

Sit crying into your laps because we're a mid table Championship side. Because we haven't won at home (and those are the only games you attend). Because we've nearly played ten whole games and we've lost some of them.

But of course when we were having a good spell under Clough with Bueno, Cywka and Commons Pride Park was rocking wasn't it?

Get a grip on reality. There's plenty to moan about but ffs be fair. Casual fans aren't fair.

"My club" this and "I deserve better" attitudes.

Boooo we lost to some good teams at home

Boooo we only beat ***** teams away

Boooo we aren't on Sky when I'm glued to the telly on a Sunday

Boooo we're useless away

Boooo we're useless at home

Boooo if we'd have played 442 we would of beat Reading 4-0

Yeah, yeah.

Some fans have a right to moan. Some think its the done thing.

Personally I'd rather sit in PP with 8,000 fans than 33,000 plastics.

Boooo we have no money

Booo we didn't sign Baptiste

Booo Nige slated Joe Bloggs

Boooo Joe Bloggs!!! Get off the pitch you cnut

"We pay your wages, play 442"

Yeah, your £300 bought Craig Bryson a fortnights shopping from Morrisons. You THE Man!!

Cheer up, it's City v United tomorrow in your fantasy world.

As far as I'm aware things aren't that bad. I want us to change manager if he doesn't do well this season. Unfortunately for Nigel this season lasts about 4 home games.

Easy game Reading. Booooo

Problem is mate, a lot of them aren't casual. They've been paying money to moan for years. They're fookin dedicated.

Bit like working in the council for years. You don't like it, you moan about it but you don't change the routine. Just keep going, keep moaning, and you're so blindly in autopilot that you forget to stop moaning when we win.

After the first goal at Millwall, bloke tapped me on the shoulder to ask who scored. At the time I thought it was Keogh so I told him that. Response - 'I don't like him, you know'. I laughed.

Not a huge fan of the booze brigade that barely watch the game and just try to start new songs, but at least they're not negative all the time.

Some pearlers I heard after the game on Saturday:

'And he didn't even get Brayford back on loan - the man is clueless'

'We'll never win being so negative'

'Clough should do the decent thing and resign'

I'll readily admit, my passion has gone. I don't let it ruin my weekends anymore. I don't lose sleep a few days before forest anymore. I won't throw money travelling up for weekday matches anymore. I hate what professional football has become (not just Derby), it's boring and dull and repetitive and almost meaningless. Can't relate to it. Can barely afford it.

And I think that's made me more level headed. I still really, really want Derby to win, but I acknowledge the reasons we don't, and I think it's because I'm not as immersed in it.

Step back. Think if not bringing Brayford back is really so bad. Was bringing him back even realistic? Would it really be so decent if Clough resigned?

Crazy to hear some of these things.

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I like to see us keep the ball, home and away. If we've got the ball, they can't score. It's a good way of playing. Sometimes our home crowd get impatient when we're keeping the ball. This doesn't help and I wish it would stop. Let the players play and encourage them I say.

If I was going to boo it would be at the owners / board, not the manager or the players. They're clearly doing their best even if sometimes it isn't good enough. The owners / board have the wrong strategy and we're going nowhere while revenues dwindle.

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I'm finding myself in a place I've never been before, angry with the team and I'm still at the stage where a football result does impact my whole weekend. Even at 40 years old, I manage to build up hopes and expectations that this week is the week we show everyone what we can do.


This wasn't that week. I know we edged the first half but we didn't edge it in a way which made me think the second half was going to go well.


The disappointment from me is from this group of players, all of them, collectively but especially


Grant HAS to be better than he has been so far. Adam and Frank got two mistakes each, plus a couple that were dubious. I know it's early and I'd usually be the one having a go at posters for criticising blindly, I'm praying he improves quickly, I'll forgive him in a few days but so far he's not been the calming presence I expected.


Keogh has to be more responsible, he's got to stop running around like a mad man, even if he's using the excuse that he's covering for someone else, feck that Richard, do your own job and get that right first, then worry about doing more. It's not right that the captain remonstrates like that, in my opinion he's got to cut out his strops and concentrate on what he looked to be very decent at only last year, he can play and he can defend, I just don't think he can lead. Having said that, I don't know what I'm talking about really and it may be that the lads love him as skipper.


Smith, not for me and it's not based on one game, it's based on Millwall, Bolton  and even Brentford as well, I think he's too cocky. I think he looks to wind people up, I don't think he's one of us and I don't think he plays the right back role in a way that benefits this team, I think in HIS right back role, he's looking to be the superstar.


Hey superstar!!, stay wide, relax and cross the ball better.


We get our right back into some great positions, he's been guilty of wasting too many very decent chances, Bolton as well. If you're so bloody good Adam, when you get into those situations why the feck do you suddenly turn into fat Barry who hasn't seen a ball in his life?


I haven't watched it back yet but I'm interested to find out how many stupid free kicks we gave away, it wasn't just Smith either, the first goal, never mind the defending for the free kick, what about Forsyth giving it away when comfortable and then Bucko stupidly fouling Pogrebnyak. Don't foul and they don't put it into our box.


I know I could get shot down for this, but I think it's a mistake to have Smith and if we could somehow get Bray back, I'd bomb him out as fast as I could. 


This set of players frustrates me. They've been given a massive amount of trust, they're allowed to play with a certain degree of freedom and all that is asked from them is that they work hard and they make the right decisions.


Too many individual decisions were wrong on Saturday, yet it's not even that that kills me. This is now at least the 6th time where we've had an opportunity AT HOME to win a game, or get a point that cements us a top 6 threats, each and every time we've bottled it and slid back down to 12th.


Until we learn NOT TO LOSE, until we learn not to shoot ourselves in the foot and until we're able to win a game that matters, I'm going to doubt our mental strength, I don't doubt the ability for one second but I'm not sure we've got enough real winners to get us going when we need it most. 


We went 1-0 and then 2-0 with a whimper, that's where your energy should be going Richard Keogh, not on dancing around like a spoilt teenager when you get fouled. You're our captain, you've got lift us in games like this.


It's going to be a tough week. I'm hoping this is not the start of me crossing over to the dark side.

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I know I'm a broken record when it comes to this but the calm head in our team is missing. That leader, preferably at the back, who can exude the confidence and keep the others calm and disciplined. Imagine an Igor in our back line, how much of a difference his confidence on the ball, his influence on the others, etc would have. We can't find a new one of him but at the moment we have nothing coming remotely close to it. He doesn't need to be a legend in the making but someone who isn't going to throw his arms about when things go wrong. We had Savage previously who did the same, Barker wasn't bad but now again we have a captain who wants to throw a strop at the drop of a hat and it has a negative influence on the team and is the last thing we need if we want to get back in the game.

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I would say Derby fans would be rightly called impatient if this was a new setup and a new pattern of circumstances.


Sadly though, we Derby fans, albeit loyal, and not stupid. We can tell from the signs when things are going to go wrong. Our best bet on Saturday was to sneak a goal and defend, not play football, cos we flatter to deceive on that front.


Fans got impatient cos they realised that once Reading scored, it was game over. That shouldn't be the case. Very rarely do Derby fight back and win.

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I know I'm a broken record when it comes to this but the calm head in our team is missing. That leader, preferably at the back, who can exude the confidence and keep the others calm and disciplined. Imagine an Igor in our back line, how much of a difference his confidence on the ball, his influence on the others, etc would have. We can't find a new one of him but at the moment we have nothing coming remotely close to it. He doesn't need to be a legend in the making but someone who isn't going to throw his arms about when things go wrong. We had Savage previously who did the same, Barker wasn't bad but now again we have a captain who wants to throw a strop at the drop of a hat and it has a negative influence on the team and is the last thing we need if we want to get back in the game.

I can't disagree with that. When Brian brought in Dave Mackay and Jim brought in Igor Stimac it made a huge difference. Problem is that those types of players are likely to be Premiership quality with wages to match. I suspect that being captain is too much for Keogh, he needs to be thinking a bit more about his own game.

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now again we have a captain who wants to throw a strop at the drop of a hat and it has a negative influence on the team and is the last thing we need if we want to get back in the game.

Sadly this is misconstrued by many (and worryingly, perhaps Clough included) as being "passionate".


As I said elsewhere in another thread, he should spend less time getting in the ref's face and more time organising "his" defence for the incoming free kick.

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I think people are finding it too easy to blame the defence, it's a ready-made excuse to distract the actual problems.


I think there were several things:- Reliance on long shots, poor crossing, Jamie Ward not having an actual role in the team other than his very poor corners.


For me though, there were too many players, probably ALL of them, whose performance was way below the acceptable 7/10. I cannot think of anyone who got above 5/10 as a individual.

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I know I'm a broken record when it comes to this but the calm head in our team is missing. That leader, preferably at the back, who can exude the confidence and keep the others calm and disciplined. Imagine an Igor in our back line, how much of a difference his confidence on the ball, his influence on the others, etc would have. We can't find a new one of him but at the moment we have nothing coming remotely close to it. He doesn't need to be a legend in the making but someone who isn't going to throw his arms about when things go wrong. We had Savage previously who did the same, Barker wasn't bad but now again we have a captain who wants to throw a strop at the drop of a hat and it has a negative influence on the team and is the last thing we need if we want to get back in the game.



I think we have one in Eustace. He looked good on Saturday.


Wouldn't mind seeing Buxton and Eustace at the back with Eustace as captain (he basically is anyway). He keeps the ball, keeps things simple, calms it down, and is a streetwise older head in what can be a slightly naive team.


We'd then have two decent ball playing CBs, and one who is a threat from set pieces.


Doubt it'll happen as it'll probably create disharmony if Keogh is unhappy.

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I think we have one in Eustace. He looked good on Saturday.


Wouldn't mind seeing Buxton and Eustace at the back with Eustace as captain (he basically is anyway). He keeps the ball, keeps things simple, calms it down, and is a streetwise older head in what can be a slightly naive team.


We'd then have two decent ball playing CBs, and one who is a threat from set pieces.


Doubt it'll happen as it'll probably create disharmony if Keogh is unhappy.



As much as Keogh's performances are starting to warp my judgement of him, the prospect of relying on Eustace scares the bajesus out of me! Whilst he was a leader on Saturday (seeing him giving Smith some pointers was impressive), and whilst nobody played particularly well, Eustace made some awful mistakes and decisions for someone so experienced, and seeing him muscled off the ball a few times worried me, especially considering his physique, then to see Hughes, who's nothing in comparison, get his body in between the ball and the opposition and not get outmuscled was pretty shocking.

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As much as Keogh's performances are starting to warp my judgement of him, the prospect of relying on Eustace scares the bajesus out of me! Whilst he was a leader on Saturday (seeing him giving Smith some pointers was impressive), and whilst nobody played particularly well, Eustace made some awful mistakes and decisions for someone so experienced, and seeing him muscled off the ball a few times worried me, especially considering his physique, then to see Hughes, who's nothing in comparison, get his body in between the ball and the opposition and not get outmuscled was pretty shocking.


We must have watched a different game, I thought he did pretty well.


What scares the bajesus out of me at the moment is relying on Keogh.

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We must have watched a different game, I thought he did pretty well.


What scares the bajesus out of me at the moment is relying on Keogh.


I may be being unfair, but I was sitting near someone who totally disagrees with my overall opinion of Eustace, so I paid him particularly more attention than usual, and with every error he made, I got to give a knowing smirk or wink... as you do... to the person who told me I was wrong. Although, as I did say, nobody was brilliant, and certainly Eustace was nowhere near our worst..

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I may be being unfair, but I was sitting near someone who totally disagrees with my overall opinion of Eustace, so I paid him particularly more attention than usual, and with every error he made, I got to give a knowing smirk or wink... as you do... to the person who told me I was wrong. Although, as I did say, nobody was brilliant, and certainly Eustace was nowhere near our worst..


Agree - can't judge anyone based on Saturday, really!

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We must have watched a different game, I thought he did pretty well.


What scares the bajesus out of me at the moment is relying on Keogh.



I may be being unfair, but I was sitting near someone who totally disagrees with my overall opinion of Eustace, so I paid him particularly more attention than usual, and with every error he made, I got to give a knowing smirk or wink... as you do... to the person who told me I was wrong. Although, as I did say, nobody was brilliant, and certainly Eustace was nowhere near our worst..



Have to say I agree with Mostyn on this one. Eustace did himself no favours on Saturday, for the first goal he never got goal side for the free kick and was subsequently beaten in the air for the knock down and the second goal he lets Pogrebnyak run into the box unmarked, however fortuitous it was that the ball fell to him is irrelevant, he should not have a free run into the box.

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