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Derby fans are too impatient at Pride Park


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I don't think the fans were impatient at all, were right behind the players for most of the game and good noise from the south stand.

There was a period of disgruntlement when we let in two all-too-familiar soft goals, but why shouldn't there be? We've been conceding easily from set pieces for over a year.

Why shouldn't fans moan when in the period after they scored their first it was clear we needed a change in personnel or system now that we needed to score, yet we don't see Sammon til 74 and Jacobs 79?

Same old mistakes, same old no positive subs til 75 mins (coutts on for eustace cannot be described as a positive move), same old predictable Derby from a team we expect (rightly or wrongly) not to have another season wallowing in midtable.

Plenty of fans have had enough and don't bother coming anymore. Maybe those that do can see what's coming yet again this season with what's happened at PPS so far. Four games out of four teams have come and played the same tactics against us. And we seem no nearer knowing how to combat it. Given all that, I don't think the supporters are being too impatient.

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Funny when you go away with 500 people and you create nothing and lose 2/3-0 without much of a fight you don't hear booing.

I'd like to ask all Pride Park's self pitying casual fans to fook off and stick to Sky Super Sunday.

Sit crying into your laps because we're a mid table Championship side. Because we haven't won at home (and those are the only games you attend). Because we've nearly played ten whole games and we've lost some of them.

But of course when we were having a good spell under Clough with Bueno, Cywka and Commons Pride Park was rocking wasn't it?

Get a grip on reality. There's plenty to moan about but ffs be fair. Casual fans aren't fair.

"My club" this and "I deserve better" attitudes.

Boooo we lost to some good teams at home

Boooo we only beat ***** teams away

Boooo we aren't on Sky when I'm glued to the telly on a Sunday

Boooo we're useless away

Boooo we're useless at home

Boooo if we'd have played 442 we would of beat Reading 4-0

Yeah, yeah.

Some fans have a right to moan. Some think its the done thing.

Personally I'd rather sit in PP with 8,000 fans than 33,000 plastics.

Boooo we have no money

Booo we didn't sign Baptiste

Booo Nige slated Joe Bloggs

Boooo Joe Bloggs!!! Get off the pitch you cnut

"We pay your wages, play 442"

Yeah, your £300 bought Craig Bryson a fortnights shopping from Morrisons. You THE Man!!

Cheer up, it's City v United tomorrow in your fantasy world.

As far as I'm aware things aren't that bad. I want us to change manager if he doesn't do well this season. Unfortunately for Nigel this season lasts about 4 home games.

Easy game Reading. Booooo

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Booooo Alpha!!


You can boo me and call me names. You can mock me.

But if my missus says that the pots haven't been washed because I was on my Xbox and its all my fault the house is a mess then I expect you to leap to my defence and criticise her for being critical.

Continue booing good sir!

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You can boo me and call me names. You can mock me.

But if my missus says that the pots haven't been washed because I was on my Xbox and its all my fault the house is a mess then I expect you to leap to my defence and criticise her for being critical.

Continue booing good sir!

And same for me. Pleasssse. :lol:
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Funny when you go away with 500 people and you create nothing and lose 2/3-0 without much of a fight you don't hear booing.

Yeah you do, and you hear abuse and moans. You don't hear on the same level as there's less fans in total and therefore the amount that moan is equally less.

I'd like to ask all Pride Park's self pitying casual fans to fook off and stick to Sky Super Sunday.

Who are you referring to? People who can't afford the away trips on top of the home games? People who can't make every game? People who have had enough over the last 4 seasons and decided not to renew their season tickets? Are these "self pitying casual fans"? I think it's insulting to some (not all, I'm sure a lot fit your description but not that many). Football is an expensive game to follow, as anyone who did that recent BBC football cost calculator will know, and if people are getting to the point where they see that amount of money being spent to come away from PP on a Saturday after being bored, and are now in a worse mood than they were, then I don't blame them for deciding that there's more important things for that money to go on.

I completely agree with the nonsense like "we pay your wages play 442" (we pay your wages is a phrase that grates me as it's one thrown at me a bit). Unfortunately there is no IQ test before entering a football ground and therefore you will get idiots with idiotic things to say. However, if good people are spending their hard earned cash to watch their club and be entertained then my god they must be allowed to voice their dissatisfaction if that is not happening. So if they turn up and witness rubbish I think they're more than entitled to boo if they want. It doesn't make them "self pitying casual fans" just because they don't cheer and sing all the rubbish sings we've nicked off other clubs when we're playing badly

Personally I'd rather sit in PP with 8,000 fans than 33,000 plastics.

You might, not sure the club would. There'd be a lot of leg room though and the half time pint and pie would be easier to get.

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I can see exactly why the players don't like playing at pride park.

I've been away from home this season but this was my first home game, it's ridiculous how much of a stark contrast there is.

We try to lure the striker in by playing the ball between Keogh and Buxton and the fans start moaning about us playing sideways. What's that all about?




The problem is: When this occurs the pass sideways is always delayed. Meaning when the other defender receives the ball there is less space and the opposition has adjusted their formation. Look at how the CB's at top PL teams play. There CB's are wider apart, much wider apart when doing this. It is not a case of doing something they shouldn't, it is a case of not doing it properly. 


Also when the CB has time and space and the full back free at their side they shouldn't simply just pass it to them. Because in this case their is typically one opposition player in between the CB and full back, marking neither. It is a two against one situation. The CB should draw the opposition player in by approaching him with the ball or running at him with it. He should then pass the ball to the full back who now receives the ball with time and space and thus begins the attack. 

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I agree with this, absolutely daft. 


I came to realise our fans were 'special' along time ago, we haven't lost a single game in the past 4 years where 'Clough Out' wasn't muttered. 


Moronic supporters, but every club has them.



When Clough makes mistakes they are so apparent and repetitive. But who boo's seriously. Instead of booing as encouragement people should do something else, anything else.  We are a good side and have played good football so far this season. Despite losing another game, can we say that any other team was better than us overall? We have simply conceded some very poor goals, very very poor. If these type of goals disappeared which they will do, people wouldn't be saying rubbish like we are rubbish. 

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I was moaning about casual fans. I know loads of them.

I don't mean casual as in rarely attends games I mean that can't see past the end of their noses. I know a few and had to endure them so I was grumpy.

"Should be beating teams like Reading"

"Yeah, I don't see us going anywhere this season. We've been garbage so far"

"The Cloughie needs to go"

"The fans won't stand for it much longer. We used to get 30,000 every week. Belong in the Premiership"

"Did you see any of the Chelsea game?"

"Yeah, that Oscar is a great player..."

They can't see past any one result they've witnessed. They boo and moan and make massive statements based on one result. They have no idea what's going on within football or they'd not talk rubbish about Reading and attendances.

Honestly, I'd listen if it came from somebody who had a bloody clue what they were talking about. Who wasn't hypnotised by Sky Super Sunday.

They must think Swansea got good over night.

They are stuck in a set routine. You couldn't show them anything beyond the result.

If I hadn't had to endure that sort of talk I wouldn't have made that post. Lol.

I just get fed up of casual fans. I prefer the hardcore that eat, sleep and drink football/Derby. That's doesn't mean going to games. It just means knowing what's going on and THEN making an opinion. Knowing where we are in the football world would be a good start.

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everyone on here considers derby county their club and no one has the right to call other fans plastic because they dont attend every single game! i would love to attend every game but unfortunatley finances and life get in the way i go to away games if and when i can and i always buy a home season ticket and have done for many years.

at the moment when i go to pride park i am not enjoying the football as we are losing ! i will not boo but i certainly will not applaud defeat that is my right,

to be honest anyone who thinks the fans are our problem at home are deluded ! we have been lied to on mass im afraid by our board i dont blame clough i think he is the man to carry us on but we need to hear the truth not retoric to sell tickets !

i read a comment earlier that 8000 " fans " is better then 33000 "plastics" that comment is complete and utter codswallop unless you want to watch derby at the racecourse, the club couldnt survive on 8000 Blinkered cheer when we are playing in the conference fans!

derby need to keep their end of deal as promised then the fans will not boo or ask for clough out when a fan hands over his money he has kept his end of deal its now time for derby county to do the same.

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Funny when you go away with 500 people and you create nothing and lose 2/3-0 without much of a fight you don't hear booing.

I'd like to ask all Pride Park's self pitying casual fans to fook off and stick to Sky Super Sunday.

Sit crying into your laps because we're a mid table Championship side. Because we haven't won at home (and those are the only games you attend). Because we've nearly played ten whole games and we've lost some of them.


Where are you in the ground? I heard no booing (west stand lower yesterday). I'll probably get to around 15 or 16 games at PP this season. None away. Have not been a regular at away games since the late 70s. Does that make me a 'casual supporter'? Does it make me a 'plastic'?  Each game probably ends up costing 80 to 100 quid for me and herself. Am I the sort that you would rather stay at home? I don't have, or watch Sky. If i want to go to just one game a season, I will. If I want to go to all of them, I will. Casual my **!%! You have no idea.

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I was moaning about casual fans. I know loads of them.

I don't mean casual as in rarely attends games I mean that can't see past the end of their noses. I know a few and had to endure them so I was grumpy.

"Should be beating teams like Reading"

"Yeah, I don't see us going anywhere this season. We've been garbage so far"

"The Cloughie needs to go"

"The fans won't stand for it much longer. We used to get 30,000 every week. Belong in the Premiership"

"Did you see any of the Chelsea game?"

"Yeah, that Oscar is a great player..."

They can't see past any one result they've witnessed. They boo and moan and make massive statements based on one result. They have no idea what's going on within football or they'd not talk rubbish about Reading and attendances.

Honestly, I'd listen if it came from somebody who had a bloody clue what they were talking about. Who wasn't hypnotised by Sky Super Sunday.

They must think Swansea got good over night.

They are stuck in a set routine. You couldn't show them anything beyond the result.

If I hadn't had to endure that sort of talk I wouldn't have made that post. Lol.

I just get fed up of casual fans. I prefer the hardcore that eat, sleep and drink football/Derby. That's doesn't mean going to games. It just means knowing what's going on and THEN making an opinion. Knowing where we are in the football world would be a good start.

I "liked" this post at first but after a little time to re-read and reflect it's not to my liking. Those quotes you put aren't that bad. Why shouldn't they remark on Oscar? Are we not allowed to discus players outside of our own team. I've talked about other teams in the past, is that wrong? I also don't see us going anywhere this season. Rome wasn't built in a day, Swansea didn't become good overnight, but this isn't a day or overnight it's close to 5 years and with each year I get the feeling more and more that we're flattering the deceive in terms of this "passing game". Too many elements of our game are not progressing. Our movement still isn't where it should be, our defence seems to be a collection of individuals without a game plan. To talk more about the defence (and this will really get your back up as I'm going to reference Monday Night Football) Neville and Carragher were talking about Chelsea's back 4 and David Luiz. Neville made the point that Luiz is a continental defender with a different attitude to your typical English defence. I found myself wondering what our strategy at the back was because all I see are 4 people who seem to be instructed to play at the back and little else. Going back to our passing style. We have tried to pass it at the start of every season under Nigek. Our current ability is no different to 2-3 years ago. So maybe these "plastic" fans have seen enough over the past 4 years (rather than just 4 games) to draw a conclusion (whether you agree or not) that we won't go anywhere.

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If top six is the realistic aim of the club this season then we really have to be picking points up against these teams otherwise we won't be going anywhere I understand the booing I really do but it doesn't help anything so what's the point?

I've never booed myself, but to play devils advocate I'd say it shows the dismay, the lack of pleasure and the one way fans really have to tell the club they've had enough. Some clubs and some fans boo far too early and are far too fickle but booing by some this season I can understand if they've not been happy for the past few years. The alternative the club think we're all happy, content with the current trend of mid table obscurity.

If we'd shown something different this season, that we could challenge the so called bigger teams, then I doubt they'd boo.

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I "liked" this post at first but after a little time to re-read and reflect it's not to my liking. Those quotes you put aren't that bad. Why shouldn't they remark on Oscar? Are we not allowed to discus players outside of our own team. I've talked about other teams in the past, is that wrong? I also don't see us going anywhere this season. Rome wasn't built in a day, Swansea didn't become good overnight, but this isn't a day or overnight it's close to 5 years and with each year I get the feeling more and more that we're flattering the deceive in terms of this "passing game". Too many elements of our game are not progressing. Our movement still isn't where it should be, our defence seems to be a collection of individuals without a game plan. To talk more about the defence (and this will really get your back up as I'm going to reference Monday Night Football) Neville and Carragher were talking about Chelsea's back 4 and David Luiz. Neville made the point that Luiz is a continental defender with a different attitude to your typical English defence. I found myself wondering what our strategy at the back was because all I see are 4 people who seem to be instructed to play at the back and little else. Going back to our passing style. We have tried to pass it at the start of every season under Nigek. Our current ability is no different to 2-3 years ago. So maybe these "plastic" fans have seen enough over the past 4 years (rather than just 4 games) to draw a conclusion (whether you agree or not) that we won't go anywhere.

What's wrong with the blokes those quotes come from is they come from two blokes who don't have a clue about where Reading have been playing football for the last decade but they know all about Chelsea.

They weren't praising us for winning at Millwall because they didnt witness it then its like it didnt happen. Our attendances aren't relevant to anything. Leeds don't deserve to be in the PL and neither do Derby.

They judge Derby on 23 games. Not 46. They don't acknowledge anything but the result. They were the first to moan when we matched table topping Hull and then Bolton last season. They ignored that we matched Hull and were better than Bolton. They think we should be beating teams like Hull and Reading because we belong in the PL.

They give no credit to Reading. Derby could have won if they'd played Jacobs.

Mid table in the Championship and they think they have it hard. They don't acknowledge anything that Derby have done well at home this season. We have been rubbish in every minute of every game (games they can't be bothered to learn about dont count like Brighton).

They are casual. They don't look beyond the end of their noses. They have set their stall out and stick to it. They do however know more about Chelsea's games and players. Because its easy access.

They haven't got a clue about how we've conceded or scored in games they haven't seen.

How can you take opinions seriously of casual fans who only pay Derby attention (in this case) on a Saturday at Pride Park. We play away half the time. They don't know anything about Reading because Gary Neville hasn't mentioned them this year.

But they boo and want Clough out.

When mostyn says 'Clough Out' its different. He actually has some substance to his reasoning.

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