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I want a shaver


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I like to have a bit of stubble, can't be doing with the clean shaven ****** as I come out in a Alan Sugar rash. I've lost count of how many if these adjustable length designer crappy things in the last couple years that give a patchy shave and the recharable battery dies.

Hit me with your shaver reccomendations and I'm not growing beard either, bits of fish finger stuck in it isn't a turn on for the ladies I'm told.

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I like to have a bit of stubble, can't be doing with the clean shaven ****** as I come out in a Alan Sugar rash. I've lost count of how many if these adjustable length designer crappy things in the last couple years that give a patchy shave and the recharable battery dies.

Hit me with your shaver reccomendations and I'm not growing beard either, bits of fish finger stuck in it isn't a turn on for the ladies I'm told.


no wonder you come out in a rash using them things on yer ******

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Proper bloody razor blades, none of this fancy elastic trickery nonsense. Get some lather round your fizzog - nice badger-hair brush and then scrape it off.


The razor blades are useful when we lose or sell our best players too and your thoughts turn to BCO.

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Dav's great as he is but he knows I like him unshaved, he suits it.


Like a proud young sapling struggling for sunlight, trying to make it above the undergrowth.

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