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My Feet - Any Internet Doctors?


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Right foot, toe next to me little one first swelled up around 2 months ago, big red, shiny and bloody painful it was, after a month it started to go down and developed a blister on the top which took about a week to clear.

Thought that was it then a couple of days later overnight it went supersize again along with the one next to it.

Couple of nights ago both my feet were red hot (literally red) with a throbbing tingling feeling, kept me up all night it did.

Anyhow today the swelling is down but I've got what looks like a blister on it but its hard, not painful to touch or anything.

I've gone without wearing socks or pants now for a couple months, soaked them every night.

All I want to know is, what is it and will I lose my feet?

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If it's one toe, is it an ingrowing toe-nail? I'm not one to put faith in the internet but that was on one of the American style 'ask a doctor' sites as the exact symptoms of one after a quick google search.


Just go to the docs with it, I hadn't seen my own doc in about 7 years but had to go after I cut my hand up and needed antibiotics, you might just have an infection that needs treating for a week with some broad spectrum pills.

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Right foot, toe next to me little one first swelled up around 2 months ago, big red, shiny and bloody painful it was, after a month it started to go down and developed a blister on the top which took about a week to clear.

Thought that was it then a couple of days later overnight it went supersize again along with the one next to it.

Couple of nights ago both my feet were red hot (literally red) with a throbbing tingling feeling, kept me up all night it did.

Anyhow today the swelling is down but I've got what looks like a blister on it but its hard, not painful to touch or anything.

I've gone without wearing socks or pants now for a couple months, soaked them every night.

All I want to know is, what is it and will I lose my feet?


PM me a photo

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