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Box sets!!!

Mary Hindge

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Not see the Sopranos. Looks good though.

I remember watching The Shield a few years ago. Not a lot but probably seen nearly 10 episodes

That was really good. Dunno why it's not more high profile. No idea how many seasons or if it stays good. But from what I've seen it worth a watch. Not heavy either, easy to follow.

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Just started watch The Shield. Quite enjoying it so far.

Only seen the first series of The Wire but it was class.

Let me know if The Shield stays good matey!

I've seen probably 8 of the first ones.

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Just watched first three episodes of breaking bad, really good so far and really got into it! Not as good as walking dead or game of thrones yet.

Shield was ruined for me when I had to study it during media studies in school, same with blade runner.

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I thought the shield were wrestlers on WWE?

They are. The gobby one reminds me of Wild Bill from The Green Mile.

Anyway. Box sets.

The Godfather Trilogy

Being Human

Doctor Who

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As already mentioned, The Wire and Breaking Bad are incredible. Season 4 of The Wire is unreal  and i'm hoping season 6 of Breaking Bad can better it, it certainly has the potential.

Band of Brothers is better than the Pacific in my opinion, nothing wrong with the Pacific but i found myself becoming very attached to the characters in Band of Brothers whereas there was little of that emotion in the Pacific.

The US Office is fantastic, nearly cried during last weeks finale. Seasons 2-6 are by far the most consistently funny episodes of TV i have ever watched. I'd also recommend Seasons 1-9/10 of the Simpsons and South Park if your looking for something a bit more lighthearted. 


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We watched season one of breaking bad over the weekend, very very good can't wait to watch more, couple of friends have said they stopped watching it as it should of ended sooner, guess it has something to do with his illness, will keep watching it and make me own mind up.

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We watched season one of breaking bad over the weekend, very very good can't wait to watch more, couple of friends have said they stopped watching it as it should of ended sooner, guess it has something to do with his illness, will keep watching it and make me own mind up.

Once you blast through the next few seasons over the coming days you will be able to tell your friends what a massive mistake they made, unreal show. 

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