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High Street Shopping


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Isn't it lovely that non tax paying Amazon have killed off a company that paid tax for the last 100 years. I wonder why they are cheaper.

Dont compaines like BP do the same and pay there taxes here and not to other places? Im sure I heard that, its just common practice

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HMV set their stall out completely wrong. In the store we have in Kettering there were always promotional posters from the latest abums and singes from Ollie Murs, Jessie J, One Direction etc, and this sort of chart music was at the front of the shop.

The idea that 12 year old girls buy an album, sit down and listen to it and appreciate the album artwork of JLS is a ludicrous one, so I never got why HMV were tryin to flog those abums so much. Even worse with CD singles.

HMV were better served being a more specialist place whereby to grab an album from an alternative artist or classical musician, you simply had to go there.

Many a time I walked into HMV with a certain album in mind that I wanted to buy because I wanted the actual CD and to have the booklet that comes with it. I had money in my pocket but couldn't find Modern Life is Rubbish by Blur, Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd or even the White Album by the Beatles, and ended up downloading them from iTunes instead. Sums it up.

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HMV set their stall out completely wrong. In the store we have in Kettering there were always promotional posters from the latest abums and singes from Ollie Murs, Jessie J, One Direction etc, and this sort of chart music was at the front of the shop.

The idea that 12 year old girls buy an album, sit down and listen to it and appreciate the album artwork of JLS is a ludicrous one, so I never got why HMV were tryin to flog those abums so much. Even worse with CD singles.

HMV were better served being a more specialist place whereby to grab an album from an alternative artist or classical musician, you simply had to go there.

Many a time I walked into HMV with a certain album in mind that I wanted to buy because I wanted the actual CD and to have the booklet that comes with it. I had money in my pocket but couldn't find Modern Life is Rubbish by Blur, Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd or even the White Album by the Beatles, and ended up downloading them from iTunes instead. Sums it up.

whilst I agree thats what they shoulddo the only reason they will survive is the exact opposite in that all the music labels need somewhere other than asda on the highstreet for jls /one direction (insert other generic most popular boy band to sign albums and promote records

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@SkyNewsBreak: Sky Sources: Blockbuster UK to appoint administrators with potential 4,000 job losses

Think Blockbuster got major competition with Lovefilm and Netflix? It's survival of the fittest with these retailers.

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In USA figures for music sales in 2012 had downloads and streaming now level with physical sales. In Sweden and numerous other countries the downloads and streaming had passed physical sales by 2010.

Given that 95% of downloads globally are still illegal the future for bands and artists wanting to earn a living from the music industry looks bleak.

Some point the finger at iTunes or downloads/ streaming services such as Pandora and Spotify. I think that blame is mixed given that even today record labels are STILL trying to charge up to 16 pounds for a new cd!!!!

At the time Napster appeared the record labels burried their heads in the sand and just plainly didnt know what to do. It took Steve Jobs and Apple to solve to a degree the issues of the time.

Modernise or specialise is my advice for large corporatipns on the high street.

Primark is a great example of business development and growth. They know who their customer base is.. What they want to buy and how much they are prepared to pay for it. Its not rocket science but amazing that time and again these simple rules to running a successful retail business are forgotten.

HMV sadly saw the future as not being specialist. Its what their reputation grew up on and they bottled it.

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My company provides market intelligence reports for the retail market , the way the markets are moving in central europe is more to ecommerce for electrical, entertainment and clothing and footwear, alot of uk based companies are leaving the high street in the uk and are entering the shopping center retail stores in central europe , c&a have already left the uk, tesco are expanding all around ce, plus with big supermarket chains like auchan and the metro group and tesco selling everything from shoes to foods to cosmetics the consumer has everything all in one place, plus the free delivery companies are offering on websites people save money and get to stay at home

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Primark is a great example of business development and growth. They know who their customer base is.. What they want to buy and how much they are prepared to pay for it. Its not rocket science but amazing that time and again these simple rules to running a successful retail business are forgotten.

Primark is a great example of offering unbelievable value to UK based consumers by offering no value to its supply chain, leaving aside accusations of exploitation of foreign labour.

Doesn't stop my missus buying me things from there though 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' /> £3 pumps 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/ohmy' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':o' />

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Primark sells nothing but tat. No wonder it's cheap. It's by far the worst shop I've ever had the misfortune to visit.

Don't get me wrong, i can only be glad it's still on the high street as it's got it's place but it's not for me. Plastic shoes? Horrible.

But i'm gutted that Ilkeston, derby and a couple of other Co-ops have gone now, the fashion bits and the homeware depts. Guess they just got priced out but the quality was better.

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Got some hmv vouchers from my colleagues for my birthday, luckily from Tesco, so fingers crossed I can get a refund....

HMV are accepting them from today and their debt has been bought, I hope this means they can keep trading. Can't do without His Master's Voice, it's me mecca.

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HMV are accepting them from today and their debt has been bought, I hope this means they can keep trading. Can't do without His Master's Voice, it's me mecca.

One of the only things that makes shopping in Burton bearable, a good browse round HMV..

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High Streets are dead Joe.

Out of town free car parks, Tesco, Pets at Home, B&M's, B&Q, Carpetright, Brantano's that's just in a little town like Utch. All owned by one bloke who happens to be on East Staffs Council's planning committee!

He's obviously a very nice man and totally above any possibility of corruption whatsoever.

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