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Worst beer you ever drank ?


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Mine is Corona. No taste what so ever.

That's why they like to put lime in the bottle. Sol is similar. These are beers designed for hot sunny conditions and which you can drink over a long period without feeling poorly. We British like beers which are tasty and make us forget the s%*t weather, the double dip recession and Simon Cowell.

I hate beers which come in cans which are just malt and froth like Boddingtons and Tetley. Anything which needs a widget isn't worth bothering with. The best beers only come in bottles.

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I have the odd Coors Light in the pub from time-to-time, bought a couple of crates of them on a 2 for 14 pound (usually have Stella) on Fri night, tastes like piss water in a bottle, could only get through 5 from Fri-Sat-Sun, probably a good thing for my diet mind.

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Any of those 'big brewery' 20% rice lagers are just tasteless pap. You would be as well off taking a 10% solution of vodka in water, shoving it in a soda stream, carbonating it, colouring it with a spoonful of cold tea - hey presto, Corona / Miller / Budweiser / Carling etc.

There are some wonderful lagers around though. It's only the big companies that brew such garbage for 'consistency'.

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Had a peach blossom beer. Bloody horrible stuff.

And Rauchbier. German smoked ale.

I adore aecht schlenkerla rauchbier - it just goes to prove that one man's meat is another man's poison. Same with some of the Belgian 'sour' beers like Boon Gueuze Mariage Parfait. I think it's utterly wonderful and has many of the characteristics of a great Champagne - my wife (who herself loves other Belgian beers, especially the Trappist and Abbey styles) reckons that Gueuze is rancid piss.

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I am currently drinking the worst beer that I have tasted in a long time. Well, when I say 'drinking', I have had one sip and I'm not sure when I am going to pluck up the courage to have a second.

Some of the worst things imaginable from a drinking perspective are the 'makeweights' that people put into Christmas hampers. I just hope and pray that the person who bought it for me, a fellow Rams fan and my brother-in-law, does not read this. If he does - well, perhaps it's an acquired taste and the next sip will be awesome.

The beer is called 'Amigos' and it goes by the generic description of 'Tequila-flavoured beer'. I love tequila, I love beer, so I can see why the thought processes would have come up with the conclusion "Eddie will love that".

It's the thought that counts, I suppose.

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