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Ruddy Cyclist!!!!

Hucknall Ram

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Has anyone noticed the increased amount of cyclist that have no lights, no reflective equipment or clothing and cycle in the dark. Not sure how the law stands with this but am sure it could be my fault if I hit them with my car, plus it would be on my conscience if I have hurt them or even killed them


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I can remember watching an episode of Police Camera or whatever version of it was and a bird in her 20's had hit, what she thought was a fox or something on a dual carriageway at night. Turns out it was a cyclist. You immediately assumed she was at fault but it turned out the guy was some dole scrounging busker who'd spent his days earnings on beer, got drunk and decided to bike home via an unlit dual carriageway with no reflectors, hi vis or lights. The girl got off other than a slap on the wrist for failing to stop at the scene of an accident but she's now got to live with his stupidity for the rest of her life...

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Yes, I have noticed these cyclists, they're on a death wish. Getting increasingly frustrated on the roads these days, barely get a journey without seeing something dangerous. Twice in the last week I've been at junctions/roundabouts where I've not had right of way and been beckoned on by the other driver, I appreciate the sentiment but its those brief moments of "does he want me to go?" which IMO are dangerous and we should all just drive where possible to the highway code.

The country roads I travel every day are a right nightmare. A lot are 60 and are barely wide enough for a lorry one way let alone 2 lanes of traffic yet people are right up your arse if you ain't doing min 60. Its worse at night when you have the car behind following your trail while you're driving in the darkness around sharp bends on dipped because of oncoming traffic. F**ks me off knowing if I had to brake sharply they'd be in my boot, what is the point of tailgating bumper-to-bumper?

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I saws that she was driving a new shape mini the car was wrecked in all fairness she must have know she had hit something bigger than a fox but she was properly distraught when she found out what she had done

When it showed the police going to her house she was wearing the kind of attire associated with those who watch TOWIE (ugg boots, stupid patterned leg ins, ridicuously baggy jumper) so she was probably as thick as two short planks. Not nice to have to live with the fact that she killed another human being even if the dude on the bike was even thicker than she was...

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Can't defend 'idiot' cyclists....when I go out on my bike I'm lit up like a Christmas tree day or night 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />

Same here, I don't go as far as lycra though...

I hate the f**kers who ride side by side and take up most of the lane. Yes it's your legal right to do so but one of you can drop back and let a half mile tail back by. C**TS!!!

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We should just run them over. And old people who cross the road slowly. And kids who play in the street. We'd get to Asda much quicker if it wanna for idiots like this clogging the roads up.... 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/rolleyes' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':rolleyes:' />


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