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Posts posted by BIllyD

  1. Just now, TexasRam said:

    Agree with the better safe than sorry approach. Don’t agree with the mutations theory or the country being overrun again it’s never been overrun , think its just more MSM brainwashing scaremongering. 

    It's a possibility, but a very remote one from what I have read. The ICU beds have been overrun, which is what I meant, from a younger generation I can understand the view point of disagreement with lockdown based on risk.

    For me, today marked the reopening of the country with grassroots football, I don't want to risk that being closed again, so a safe approach is something I'm not adverse to, hopefully to get rid of the thing once and for all. (Yup, I know it will never go completely)

  2. 28 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

    60% of adults in the UK have now been vaccinated against Coronavirus - these groups (1-9) account for 99% of Covid deaths.  I’d have a passport if needed (when I ever get my turn for the jab that is) but given the stats above, I don’t see the need for them as those who need to be protected against Covid now are, or am I missing something? 

    40 million possible hosts, only 3k ICU beds is one risk, the other is the country being overrun again with cases and the virus mutates, vaccine becomes ineffective etc.

    My own opinion is that it even without the passports we would be fine, but it seems a "better safe than sorry" approach is being taken.

  3. 55 minutes ago, Mucker1884 said:


    But surely when that is backed up with a "Forgive me if I’m wrong..." or "Happy to be corrected" type post, it's ok isn't it?

    Surely that's worthy of a nice polite "Actually, the facts are..." type riposte?  Perhaps capped off with an all-educating factual link? Particularly as this specific topic still remains relatively new and complex the world over?

    Otherwise, shall we just lock this thread, as I doubt there's a 100% know-all expert out there, never mind on this forum!

    So I caveat every post with I may be wrong to back up an opinion on something that would take 30 seconds to google. It's not about being an expert, had the post being not being necessary because of risk or something like that fair enough, but It wasn't, it was based on something that just isn't true.

    Im sure the poster would admit, if I put something about Derby's owner for example that wasn't correct they'd be very quick to point out the mistake, caveated or not. 

    Just my opinion, battling a virus that kills  and with the way "false news" can spread and the way people take it on board.

    Anyway a link for you if you really wanted it ?




  4. 6 hours ago, David said:

    If you have recently passed a negative test or antibody test you can still go.

    How recent? Unknown right now, it’s clear though the intention is to force people into vaccinations and I don’t like that at all.

    Forgive me if I’m wrong, as I don’t follow the news too closely anymore, but I’m led to believe having the vaccination doesn’t prevent transmission, just prevents serious illness which would hospitalise you?

    Looking at the numbers of people already vaccinated, would the strain on the NHS already been lifted to cope with the number of those that choose to risk going without?

    Happy to admit I’m wrong on the above, as I say I largely try to avoid the news now.

    The vaccine does prevent transmission. Both the moderna and Pfizer vaccines are 90% effective at preventing transmission after 2nd dose and 80% after 1st dose, AZ slightly less I believe.

    Not just your post, but people are too happy to give their opinion on what should or shouldn't be done without even knowing what they are talking  about. 

    I'm not sure if the list is correct or not, but the biggest risk to the country is the people who aren't vaccinated, there is no doubt about that. The argument about the under 50s being at little risk is true, but once again it's around the ones that have underlying health issues that do not know and limiting the number of hosts to stop the virus evolving.

    Anyone been to Brighton, ID is needed to go into any pub and this is recorded, they then have a record of you in case any trouble happens, really can't see the issue of producing an app showing that you don't have the virus or not in the short term to stop transmission ?‍♂️.

  5. France to enter a third lockdown, critics citing that they were warned a few months ago to introduce stricter measures to curb the new variant that could seek the country...guess what happened.

    Will be interesting to see what happens in these shores, bank holiday approaching, restrictions starting to lift, numbers of cases plateauing and hospital numbers continuing to drop, but we have seen how easy it is to spiral out of control...

  6. 32 minutes ago, Coconut said:

    That's a bit like laughing at the idea that Rooney rested players against Cardiff with our next game in mind.

    I'm not saying I'm right or wrong, just that managers make all sorts of different decisions based on all sorts of circumstances

    Has Milik.not done enough because  he because he didn't start in place of Lewandowski?

    Poland have got another game in a few days ? 

    The manager I would guess put Milik on the bench because he rated other players above him...I'm not saying Joziwak isn't a good player, I think he has a more difficult job playing for Derby than Poland. He is someone who can create something and without players around him it's very easy to double up as he can often be our only threat.

    What I was laughing at, was any suggestion he was left on the bench because we have a game Friday, that was just a ludicrous suggestion ?

  7. 5 minutes ago, Coconut said:

    He's possibly decided that the England game isn't particularly important given they're in such an easy group and feels comfortable not putting our their full strength team from the start.

    Joz on after 54 mins

    Yes, that would be it ??

  8. 19 minutes ago, Rambalin said:

    The Foden love in on ITV is getting tiresome.... Mount is pulling the strings in the last third his passing and vision is creating the opportunities. 

    Cant you appreciate them both ? They are on the same team ?

  9. 13 minutes ago, David said:

    Or the manager understands he has as an important game on Friday?

    He’s actually played well for Poland this international break.

    His manager has decided that Derby's game is more important than a World Cup qualifier for his country, dont tell me you being serious ?

    To be fair he has played well according the the stats, haven't seen the games myself so can't comment, but I'm sure for the first qualifier he was on the bench as well. But let's be honest, he is in the bench because he isn't first choice yet.

  10. 3 minutes ago, Andicis said:

    Except, it won't be soon will it? I won't be getting offered a vaccine until at earliest June, should I sit inside with my minimal risk whilst others are allowed to go outside, even though the only reason I'm doing any of this is for their benefit? Total poo.

    It's also not just you, is it ? If they bring in any passport, which they won't, but if they did, this is still only a few that have the required 2 shots along with the required timeframe for them to be fully covered. 

    Another story that has been twisted for me, going from if pubs wanted to do it, to being mandatory and the government have got it in for the young and they will have to sit inside whilst the oldies party like it's 1999 ?

  11. 1 hour ago, ketteringram said:

    A couple of weeks ago , I was quite optimistic (unusual for me) about the next few weeks and months. The vaccine roll out. Cases falling. So called lockdown easing etc. Plus the more Normal looking forward to spring and summer anyway.

    No I'm not. I think cases will increase. They already are around where I live. Vaccine issues with production , distribution etc. I can only see all those dates of easing restrictions, getting pushed further back . In some cases, much further back.

    Unlikely, the case numbers would have to jump quite a lot, hospital numbers are falling including ICU which is one of the main benchmarks in our roadmap. 

    As it stands, their could be a strong argument that we are still being over cautious in our dates.

  12. 1 hour ago, Andicis said:

    No, but that's the same for everyone. Since the young aren't able to have been vaccinated it would be pretty discriminatory to force them to take extra steps every time they go anywhere wouldn't it? 

    Not really, once they are vaccinated, which will be very soon, then they will also get the "free to socialise pass". The alternative being that we keep restrictions/ lockdowns until the whole country is done. 

  13. 11 hours ago, Gritstone Ram said:

    I think it’s just the media trying to whip up a poo storm. I doubt even the EU could be that stupid.

    It's being over egged by the press but the threat is definitely there. The EU aren't happy with AZ mainly and their failure to produce vaccines from 3 of the 4 plants they signed up to. 

    Is it threats to enforce their position, time will tell...

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